similar to: SEM error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "SEM error"

2009 May 22
Confirmatory factor analysis problems using sem package (works in Amos)
Hello all, I'm trying to replicate a confirmatory factor analysis done in Amos. The idea is to compare a one-factor and a two-factor model. I get the following warning message when I run either model: "Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian. Optimization probably did not converge." I have no idea what to do here. I believe posters reported the same problem. It seems
2008 Sep 18
Difficulty understanding sem errors / failed confirmatory factor analysis
Hello, I'm trying to fit a pretty simple confirmatory factor analysis using the sem package. There's a CFA example in the examples, which is helpful, but the output for my (failing) model is hard to understand. I'd be interested in any other ways to do a CFA in R, if this proves troublesome. The CFA is replicating a 5 uncorrelated-factor structure (for those interested, it is a
2004 Jan 29
Confirmatory Factor Analysis in R? SEM?
Hi Has anyone used R to conduct confirmatory factor analysis? This email pertains to use of SEM. For context consider an example: the basic idea is that there are a bunch of observables variables (say study habbits, amount of time reading in the bus, doing homework, helping other do homework, doing follow-up on errors etc.) and one believes that all these variables maybe measured by two or
2011 Mar 27
Structural equation modeling in R(lavaan,sem)
I am a new user of the function sem in package sem and lavaan for structural equation modeling 1. I don?t know what is the difference between this function and CFA function, I know that cfa for confirmatory analysis but I don?t know what is the difference between confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling in the package lavaan. 2. I have data that I want to analyse but I have some
2009 May 01
computationally singular and lack of variance parameters in SEM
Hi all, I am trying to set up a simple path analysis in the SEM package, but I am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error message or something similar with my model, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong: Error in solve.default(C) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.2449e-20 In addition: Warning message: In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S,
2007 Apr 09
sem vs. LISREL: sem fails
I am new to R. I just tried to recreate in R (using sem package and the identical input data) a solution for a simple measurment model I have found before in LISREL. LISREL had no problems and converged in just 3 iterations. In sem, I got no solution, just the warning message: "Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian. Optimization probably did not converge. in: sem.default(ram =
2012 Oct 23
SEM multigroup modeling
Hello, I am using the SEM package in R to fit a multigroup latent variable model and ran into some difficulties. I have 2 questions: 1. First, I am getting the following error message and wondering what to do to fix it: Error in solve.default((N[g] - 1) * robustVcov(mod.g, adj.obj = adj.objects[[g]])) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 4.52055e-23
2007 Jul 26
zeroinfl() or zicounts() error
I'm trying to fit a zero-inflated poisson model using zeroinfl() from the pscl library. It works fine for most models I try, but when I include either of 2 covariates, I get an error. When I include "PopulationDensity", I get this error: Error in solve.default (as.matrix(fit$hessian)) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.91306e-34 When I
2011 Feb 14
sem problem - did not converge
Someone can help me? I tried several things and always don't converge # Model library(sem) dados40.cov <- cov(dados40,method="spearman") model.dados40 <- specify.model() F1 -> Item11, lam11, NA F1 -> Item31, lam31, NA F1 -> Item36, lam36, NA F1 -> Item54, lam54, NA F1 -> Item63, lam63, NA F1 -> Item65, lam55, NA F1 -> Item67, lam67, NA F1 ->
2009 May 20
sem with categorical data
I am trying to run a confirmatory factor analysis using the SEM package. My data are ordinal. I have read When I apply the hetcor function, I receive the following error: Error in checkmvArgs(lower = lower, upper = upper, mean = mean, corr = corr, : at least one element of 'lower' is larger than 'upper' Example:
2010 Jun 04
sem R: singular and Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian
Can somebody help me with the following issue (SEM in R), please:   When I run the model (includes second order models) in R, it gives me the following:   1)       In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S, N = N, param.names = pars, var.names = vars,  :   Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian. Optimization probably did not converge.   2)       I have aliased parameters and NaNS   or sometimes when
2010 Jan 03
Questions regarding sem using hetcor() function from polycor and diagrams
Hello R Users, While I have attempted to dig into the R help files and I have not identified the answer to these questions, I apologize in advance if my questions were answered in the past. I also recognize that one of my questions unfortunately verges on statistical rather than code territory. I have two rather unrelated questions about using the sem and polycor packages for a relatively
2007 Jun 27
SEM model fit
I wonder if someone could explain why, when I perform confirmatory factor-analysis model using polychoric correlations why I do not get an estimated confidence interval for the RMSEA. My experience with these type models is that I would obtain a confidence interval estimate. I did not get any warning messages with the output. RESULTS: Model Chisquare = 1374 Df = 185 Pr(>Chisq) = 0
2004 Dec 09
System is computationally singular?
Hi all, I was using the Newton-Raphson method to estimate paremeters in the model developed by my supervisor. However, when I interatively computed theta(t+1)=theta(t) - solve(H)*s (where the Hessian matrix and score vector were explicitely derived), I got the error message: Error in solve.default(H) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.70568e-032. Assume my score
2008 Sep 12
Error in solve.default(Hessian) : system is computationally singular
Hello everyone, I'm trying to estimate the parameters of the returns series attached using the GARCH code below, but I get the following error message: Error in solve.default(Hessian) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0 Error in diag(solve(Hessian)) : error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'diag' Can
2009 Nov 25
Structural Equation Models(SEM)
Hi R-colleagues. In the sem-package i have a problem to introduce hidden variables. As a simple example I take an ordinary factor analysis. The program: cmat=c(0.14855886, 0.05774635, 0.08003300, 0.04900990, 0.05774635, 0.18042029, 0.11213013, 0.03752475, 0.08003300, 0.11213013, 0.24646337, 0.03609901, 0.04900990, 0.03752475, 0.03609901, 0.31702970)
2011 Sep 02
Hessian Matrix Issue
Dear All, I am running a simulation to obtain coverage probability of Wald type confidence intervals for my parameter d in a function of two parameters (mu,d). I am optimizing it using "optim" method "L-BFGS-B" to obtain MLE. As, I want to invert the Hessian matrix to get Standard errors of the two parameter estimates. However, my Hessian matrix at times becomes
2004 Jul 13
Help with factanal and missing values
Hi list, I'm performing a series of confirmatory factor analysis on different groupings of items from data collected with questionnaires. There are some missing values. For those sets with no missing values I call factanal(datamatrix,factors=n) where datamatrix is a table of all observations for the items under investigation. This call fails when there are missing values. help(factanal)
2011 Mar 18
confirmatory factor analysis program in R
Does someone have confirmatory factor analysis program in R,which includes factor loading and some tests?thank you! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Mar 11
confirmatory factor analysis in R
In R software,does it have packages about confirmatory factor analysis in R software? 3Q -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at