similar to: Problem with installing "genetics" package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Problem with installing "genetics" package"

2010 Jun 23
reg: R genetics problem
Dear Sir, We need to use genetics packages at our end. We have installed R packages. When i try to choose genetics package and install, it is giving an error. Please see the attachment for the error. How can i resolve it and make it work? Thanking you A Padmavathi Devi Technical Officer Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Ph.No:27192776 "The person addressed in the email is the sole
2010 Jun 05
Write.fwf works from Mac, throws different number of row error in Windows
Hello, I am having a problem with write.fwf in Windows. I wrote a code to ingest a number of text files with weather data in them, process them, and then output a text file with two parts: 1) a set of column names, 2) the processed data table. I wrote and tested the program on my Mac, and it worked fine. However, on the windows machine, where I intend the work to be done, when I run the
2018 Feb 17
RV: no puedo cargar el paquete "agricolae"
Cada vez que intento cargar el paquete "agricolae" me da el siguiente mensaje: Error: package or namespace load failed for 'agricolae' in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): there is no package called 'spData' He intentado todo actualizar los paquetes, volverlos a instalar pero no hay forma. Si sabeis la soluciĆ³n ?? Un saludo. Juan
2009 Sep 03
trouble installing gtools package in local directory
Hello, I've recently transitioned to using R in Linux. My OS/installation versions are: $ Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6) $ Linux lx-chgmqsd05 2.6.9-67.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Nov 30 11:57:43 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am trying to create a repository of packages under ~/R/library which I've created since I do not have admin access on my system. From my
2009 Sep 03
trouble installing gtools package in local directory
Hello, I've recently transitioned to using R in Linux. My OS/installation versions are: $ Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6) $ Linux lx-chgmqsd05 2.6.9-67.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Nov 30 11:57:43 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am trying to create a repository of packages under ~/R/library which I've created since I do not have admin access on my system. From my
2010 Mar 19
lattice grob
Dear list, I'm trying to arrange various grid objects on a page using a frameGrob. It works fine with basic grobs (textGrob, gTree, etc.), and also with ggplot2 objects using the ggplotGrob() function. I am however stuck with lattice. As far as I understand, lattice produces a list of class trellis, which is eventually displayed using the plot.trellis method. I am not sure if/how one can
2009 Oct 20
Problems importing Unix SAS .ssd04 file to R (Win)
Hello, I'm trying to import a SAS file made using SAS on Unix. Currently I'm using SAS on Windows and I'm trying to import that .ssd04 file to R. The file name of the file is testfile.ssd04 and it is located in 'M:\sasuser'. I'm using Windows XP and R 2.91. Basically what I'm doing is ############ r code ############## > library(foreign) > sashome <-
2009 Nov 03
lmer and estimable
Hi everyone, I'm using lmer and estimable (from packages lme4 and gmodels respectively) and have the disconcerting happening that when I run exactly the same code, I get different results! In checking this out by running the code 50x, it seems to be that answers may be randomly deviating around those which I get from another stats package (GenStat, using the linear mixed models functionality
2010 Feb 16
error message when downloading packages using the OS X shell
Hi Fellow R Users, I recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.5 (Snow Leopard) and had some issues downloading and running R 2.10.1. I fixed the tcl/tk problem I was originally having but it was replaced with another. I run R out of the shell (terminal) and when I ask it to download.packages() it gives me the following message: *Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done* *Error in : argument
2010 Apr 22
packages gdata / gtools - installation in R 2.11.0
Dear R-list members, I have just downloaded R version 2.11.0. Then I installed package gdata. At the end of the installation, a warning message said that package gtools could not be found. Package gdata was, after the installation, included in the "Package Index" in the help files. Messages during installation (which was made through the menu Packages / Instal package(s), choosing the
2005 Jun 08
CRAN task view for genetics
Hello to everyone! I have built CRAN task view for genetics. For now I have not submit it to CRAN yet and it can be accessible from: I have not submitted it to CRAN, since I would like first some opinion about it. Genetics is really so broad field that I belive one person
2009 Dec 20
basic proto question
Dear list, I made the following example of a proto object that contains some data and a spline interpolation. I don't understand why test$predict() fails with this error message: Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? Best regards, baptiste test <- proto(source = data.frame(x=1:10, y=rnorm(10)), raw = function(.){
2012 Aug 17
install.packages umask configuration
Hello, I've been trying to setup a site library that allows the users to manage the R packages themselves, but am having an issue with permissions. As seen below, when installing a package using install.packages, the umask used is always 022. Instead, I would like it to be 002, allowing any user to update packages that were installed by another user. Can someone explain how to get
2009 Sep 17
Error message in Design library
This was working a few weeks ago, but perhaps the package has been updated since then. model.1 <- lrm(response ~ p_value, data=c_abl_oncogene_1_RTK) When I run the following command . . . . prediction.1 <- predict(model.1, type=c("fitted")) I get the following error message. . . . Error in predictDesign(object, ..., type = "lp", = FALSE) : could not find
2010 Jun 30
Why the variation when creating .pdf file output for my plots?
Esteemed R Users, Would some one be patient enough to explain the variation i see when creating .pdf file output for my plots? FYI- my goal is produce the highest quality .pdf output from the R 'command line' as opposed to using the menu of the acitve graphics window. Im using 32bit WinXP. Session info at the bottom. I have Ghostscript v8.71 installed and in the Path such that
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models. The library includes classes and methods for creating, representing, and manipulating genotypes
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models. The library includes classes and methods for creating, representing, and manipulating genotypes
2009 Oct 11
Error in family$family : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Dear List, I'm having problem with an exercise from The R book (M.J. Crawley) on page 567. Here is the entire code upto the point where I get an error. data(UCBAdmissions) x <- aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2, 1, 3)) names(dimnames(x)) <- c("Sex", "Admit?", "Department") ftable(x) fourfoldplot(x, margin = 2) dept<-gl(6,4) sex<-gl(2,1,24)
2009 Oct 29
change in default behavior of ?functionname in R 2.10?
Hi everyone, I just installed R 2.10 using the Windows binary. At some point in the past using the Windows binary installation, the default behavior of ?functionname changed from plain text to a nice html interface. Now with R 2.10, the default behavior has changed back to the plain text help. I assume this has some thing to do with these changes listed for R 2.10, but I don't quite
2009 Sep 25
summarize-plyr package
Hi,I am using the amazing package 'plyr". I have one problem. I would appreciate help to fix the following error: Thanks. ______________________________ > library(plyr) > data(baseball) > summarise(baseball, + duration = max(year) - min(year), + nteams = length(unique(team))) Error: could not find function "summarise" > ddply(baseball, "id", summarise, +