Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error message when using error.bars(x,add=TRUE)"
2008 Oct 08
Strange horns on notched box plots
Hi I'm getting a weird result when I try to switch from a normal box
plot to a notched one. The ends of the box fold down toward the
median giving a horned appearance. Is just the sample itself? It is
small, but the un-notched plot looks okay. Anyway to fix this?
boxplot(e7, plot=TRUE, notch=TRUE)
Thanks very much.
2018 Mar 21
Plotting Notched Box Plots Log Scale - Losing bottom portion of box plot
I'm using the code below to generate some notched box plots. The issue is
whenever I use log scale, the sides of the bottom part of the box plots
don't plot. I've tried it in RStudio Ver 1.1.419 and R version 3.4.3 and I
get the same result.
The code and link to my data is below.
Thank you for your time
MyData <-
2009 Sep 29
ggplot2 box plot notches
Dear List,
I just googled to find out if notched box plots are possible with
ggplot2, but couldn't find a answer to it.
boxplot() has the option: notch = TRUE, e.g.: boxplot(mpg$hwy, notch=TRUE)
My example code (taken from the net) is:
qplot(class, hwy, fill=factor(year), data=mpg, geom="boxplot",
Thank you for you help!
2011 Jan 26
adding error bars
Dear all,
I am trying to add error bars on a boxplot but have encountered an error as
indicated below. Is there a package I need to install or a library I have to
load before this goes please.
Thanks for any idea.
boxplot(x,notch=TRUE,main="Notched boxplot with error bars")
Error: could not find function "error.bars"
2004 Sep 16
date library and notched boxplots
I'm having problems using the date library with notched boxplots. I have separate month, day, and year columns and would like to plot the columns as a date against other variables. I have used the mdy.date(month,day,year) command before with plot(), but it doesn't seem to work with boxplot(). Instead of the dates along the x-axis, I get a list of numbers. Maybe I have the code wrong?
2006 Feb 26
How to produce notches in bwplot?
Dear r-helpers,
tst <- data.frame(as.numeric(x <- 1:20), f <- rep(c('hi','lo'), times
= 10))
with(tst, bwplot(f ~ x, panel = function(x, y){panel.bwplot(x, y, pch
= '|', stats = boxplot.stats, fill = 8, varwidth = T)}))
I can't figure out from the documentation how to tell stats that I
would like to see notches or (even bands).
Here is what I've
2006 Jan 23
too-large notches in boxplot (PR #7690)
PR #7690 points out that if the confidence intervals (+/-1.58
IQR/sqrt(n)) in a boxplot with notch=TRUE are larger than the
hinges -- which is most likely to happen for small n and asymmetric
distributions -- the resulting plot is ugly, e.g.:
npts <- 5
X <- rnorm(2*npts,rep(3:4,each=npts),sd=1)
f <- factor(rep(1:2,each=npts))
I can
2011 May 23
Analog of least significant difference error bars for proportions
Dear R-list,
In the R-book, p.464, Michael Crawley recommends that error
bars for bar plots of normally distributed continuous response
variables with categorical explanatory variables be given by
1/2 of the least significant difference, where the least significant
difference is defines as
The idea is that the above quantity
2004 Mar 01
boxplot notches
Dear list members,
Can anyone tell me how the notches in boxplot(Y~X,notch=T) are
calculated? What do these notches represent exactly? I?d suppose they
are Conficence Intervals for the median, but I?ve also been told they
might show Least Significant Difference (LSD) equivalents.
I would very much appreciate any help from you.
Best regards
2005 Apr 19
controlling the x axis of boxplots
v 2.0.1 (sooooh old!) on Win2k
I think I know the answer to this but I can hope ...
I have data for continuous variables (measures of residents) by a
categorical variable in range (1,22), the units in which they live.
I want to plot these data with a pair of boxplots one above another
with same x-axis (1,22) using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) and then plotting
first for the women then for the men.
2006 Oct 05
unexpected behavior of boxplot(x, notch=TRUE, log="y")
A function I've been using for a while returned a surprising [to me,
given the data] error recently:
Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
Logarithmic axis must have positive limits
After some digging I realized what was going on:
x <- c(10460.97, 10808.67, 29499.98, 1, 35818.62, 48535.59, 1, 1,
42512.1, 1627.39, 1, 7571.06, 21479.69, 25, 1, 16143.85, 12736.96,
2006 Oct 09
boxplot, notches, etc.
Sorry to repost this, but it looks like it's getting
buried in r-help (originally posted October 5: my experience
says that if it hasn't been answered by then it won't be).
I wouldn't bother, but I'm worried that r-devel might be
better, *and* a previous e-mail of mine on the subject in
January also seemed to get buried.
Synopsis: boxplot notches look weird when notches
2009 Mar 25
boxplot in subgroups
I have data that looks like this:
C M 9.0225
S S 2.4315
M C 3.4894
M S 4.5282
C M 1.3183
C S 1.3735
S C 1.0488
S M 7.948
M C 4.5827
I need to plot Boxplots for a given ASA1 (either C,S, or M) with
respect to C1_C2. However, instead of one boxplot I want to plot
2012 Feb 10
Formatting Y axis.
I've looked around and I just can't find anything that will work for my
needs. This is a bit of a 2 part question but pertaining to the same topic
so bare with me.
The first is with my qq plot. On the Y axis of my qq plot it'll have my
sample quantities but because my data is log-normal it'll show numbers
between 0 - 5 (depending on the data). I'd like to know how to get it,
2011 Dec 07
axis line width in boxplots
Dear R-helpers,
I've produced boxplots for a publication but I have a visual problem that I don't mamage to fix. For visual reasons, I reduced the line width with "lwd=0.5". It works nicely for all the lines (frame of the plot, boxes, notches and medians) exept for the axis line. Thus the two axes appear twice the width of the frame. How can I control only the width of the axis
2003 Oct 10
Grandstream wallmount??
Am I the only one that has noticed there is no way to wallmount a
Grandstream phone? There are screw notches on the back, but no hook to
hold the handset in.
Dave Weis "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment
djweis@sjdjweis.com of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent
encroachments of those in power than by violent
2009 Jun 22
SPARC SATA, please.
Is there a card for OpenSolaris 2009.06 SPARC that will do SATA correctly yet? Need it for a super cheapie, low expectations, SunBlade 100 filer, so I think it has to be notched for 5v PCI slot, iirc. I''m OK with slow -- main goals here are power saving (sleep all 4 disks) and 1TB+ space. Oh, and I hate to be an old head, but I don''t want a peecee. They still scare me :)
2008 Apr 21
Choice of notch size in R
Is there a way to modify the choice of notch size [1] in R's boxplot
routine from outlining a 5% significance region, to say 1% or lower?
[1] McGill, Tukey, and Larsen. "Variations of Box Plots", The American
Statistician, Vol. 32, No. 1, 12-16.
2011 May 25
Adding Mean to Notched Box Plots
Hello everyone,
I'm new to R and made my 1st notched box plots this weekend. I've read some
of the other post regarding adding means to box plots but I'm still having
I've looked at some of the other discussions and R News Volume 3/2, October
2003 which had info also but all these seem to address "groups" of data.
I have some rainfall pH data from
2002 Jul 21
boxplot(): formating median in another linethickness?
Dear guRus,
I want to do some boxplots, but the median sould appear in another
line-thickness and another color.
I do not know, what to do in order to realise my wishes.
Sorry for that question, but I am new to R.
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