Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Package or function for selecting matched pairs?"
2011 Jun 26
how to extract data from a function printout - example provided
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to extract data from a function that prints out two or more summaries? In the function below (the whole code is provided) we get 5 different tables of data. I would like to split each of these tables in a separate file (while the function itself shouldn't be changed), so that further analysis on each data set could be carried out. Your help is deeply
2012 Jun 19
matchit - can I weight the parameters?
This may be a really obvious question but I just can't figure out how to do it.
I have a small dataset that I am trying to compare to some controls. It is essential that the controls are matched on Cancer Stage (a numerical factor between 1 and 4), and then ideally on Age (integer), Gender (factor), Performance Status(factor).
I'm using matchit to try and do this, but it seems to give
2005 Jun 15
cannot coerce class "matchit" into a data.frame"
Greetings fellow humans,
I am attempting to export a text file after using the MatchIt package to match control with treatment subjects. I attempted to write.table and used the following syntax:
"write.table(social,"shaka.txt",sep=" ",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names= FALSE)"
But received the following error message:
"Error in
2013 May 20
help with 'cem' for r 2.14.2
I am trying to use R for propensity score matching in SPSS.? I have version 21 of SPSS and I downloaded R 2.14.2 as directed as well as the R Essentials plug-in.? I have run a test for R and it appears to be running correctly.? I then downloaded psmatching3 and have tried to use the PS matching dialog in SPSS.? However, I continue to run into problems as SPSS reports that there is no
2012 Dec 08
imputation in mice
Hello! If I understand this listserve correctly, I can email this address
to get help when I am struggling with code. If this is inaccurate, please
let me know, and I will unsubscribe.
I have been struggling with the same error message for a while, and I can't
seem to get past it.
Here is the issue:
I am using a data set that uses -1:-9 to indicate various kinds of missing
data. I changed
2007 Jul 03
MatchIt package on Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
I tried to install the MatchIt package on Ubuntu 7.04. When loading required dependencies I got the following error message:
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/optmatch/libs/optmatch.so':
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/optmatch/libs/optmatch.so: cannot map zero-fill pages: Cannot
2011 Jul 16
MatchIt Package
Hi there dear R users!
Anyone knows why does matchit function returns error whenever the "hull" option is used (either "hull.both", "hull.control" or "hull.treat"). Things work well with all the rest of discard options.
This is the error msg.
>m.out.base <- matchit(formula=f, data=d, method=m, discard="hull.control")
2010 Apr 11
Peculiar behaviour with MatchIt and a function
I have a strange situation where:
f <- function(d) {
m <- matchit(treatment ~ lsales + major.industry,
data=d, method="nearest", discard="hull.treat")
treatmentfirms <- match.data(m, group="treat")
list(m=m, treatmentfirms=treatmentfirms)
res <- f(ex)
does not work at the match.data() call,
2006 Apr 25
Daily package check and --install=no
There has been some confusion on the MatchIt package mailing list on
the meaning of [--install=no] in the comment column of CRAN's
automated package check.
It's my understanding that, at the very least, a package marked like
this will not have its test cases run each night. Are there other
checks that are omitted?
How, if at all, are such install flags related to the
2018 Oct 21
Instalar paquetes antiguos en Windows 10
Hola a todos! Espero que alguien me pueda echar algo de luz al problema que tengo.
Estoy intentando instalar algunos paquetes antiguos en R (3.3.0), como ?devtools? en su penúltima versión, y me está resultando imposible. Instalé Rtools y R me dice que funciona, pero no consigo hacer que se instale el paquete. He probado bajando el paquete en formato .tar.gz y luego con las instrucciones:
2006 Jun 18
Method for selection bias with multinomial treatment
I have to the treatment effect base on the observational data.And the
treatment variable is multinomial rather than binary.Because the
treatment assignment is not random,so the selection-bias exists.Under
this condition,what's the best way to estimate the treatment effect?
I know that if the treatment is binary,I can use propensity score
matching using MatchIt package.But what about
2005 Jan 11
New package: MatchIt
We would like to announce the release of our software MatchIt, now
available on CRAN. MatchIt implements a variety of matching methods for
causal inference.
MatchIt implements the suggestions of Ho, Imai, King, and Stuart (2004)
for improving parametric statistical models by preprocessing data with
nonparametric matching methods. MatchIt implements a wide range of
2005 Jan 11
New package: MatchIt
We would like to announce the release of our software MatchIt, now
available on CRAN. MatchIt implements a variety of matching methods for
causal inference.
MatchIt implements the suggestions of Ho, Imai, King, and Stuart (2004)
for improving parametric statistical models by preprocessing data with
nonparametric matching methods. MatchIt implements a wide range of
2013 May 16
vim-puppet syntax highlight
I am trying to install vim-puppet for syntax highlight of puppet manifest
file. I first installed vim-puppet and then vim. Then I ran
"vim-addon-manager -w install puppet" I am still unable to see the colours
on site.pp
bala@WheezyMaster:~$ vim-addon-manager
# Name User Status System Status
editexisting removed removed
2005 Dec 01
guidelines on "depends" versus "suggests" and R versions
On the topic of when to use "suggests" and "depends" and on R version requirements.
I have cc'd this message to R-devel because I am curious about what
senior developpers think about these issues. The problem arises
because we are using some functions from the package "matchit" in a
new version of our package "portfolio". We are listing the matchit in
2010 Dec 21
"variable lengths differ (found for '(weights)')" error in Zelig library
Dear R users,
I am trying to estimate to estimate the average treatmen effect on the
treated (ATT) using first the MatchIt software to weight the data set and,
after this, the Zelig software as shown in Ho et al. (2007). See here for an
explanation of how to apply this technique in R:
I encounter a slight problem when I apply the weights that
2011 Jul 14
I am fairly new at using R/programming in general so I apologize if I am
leaving crucial parts of the puzzle out, but here goes.
First and foremost this is the error I am receiving:
Error in muPriors[priors[, 1:2]] <- priors[, 3] :
NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
This occurs only when I am using observational priors and some number of
nominal variables, it does not
2009 Dec 02
Finding cases in one subset that are closet to another subset
Good afternoon
Running R2.10.0 on Windows
I have a data frame that includes (among much else) a factor (In_2006) and a continuous variable (math_3_4). I would like to find the 2 cases for In_2006 = 0 that are closest to each case where In_2006 = 1.
My data looks like
In_2006 math_3_4
0 55.1
1 51.6
1 18.1
1 26.6
1 14.1
2008 Dec 09
Need help optimizing/vectorizing nested loops
I'm analyzing a large number of large simulation datasets, and I've
isolated one of the bottlenecks. Any help in speeding it up would be
`dat` is a dataframe of samples from a regular grid. The first two
columns are the spatial coordinates of the samples, the remaining 20
columns are the abundances of species in each cell. I need to calculate
the species richness in
2005 Aug 13
Compilation failures: mgcv, spatstat, Matrix, cluster
Please cc me when replying to the list.
With Version 2.1.1 (2005-06-20) on Power Mac G5 running Mac OS X
10.4.2 (8C46):
Some compilations work (e.g., MatchIt, RGraphics, Zelig), and some
don't, e.g., mgcv, spatstat, and the following (Matrix, cluster):
trying URL 'http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/languages/R/CRAN/src/contrib/
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