similar to: penalized package for ridge regression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "penalized package for ridge regression"

2009 Aug 01
Cox ridge regression
Hello, I have questions regarding penalized Cox regression using survival package (functions coxph() and ridge()). I am using R 2.8.0 on Ubuntu Linux and survival package version 2.35-4. Question 1. Consider the following example from help(ridge): > fit1 <- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ rx + ridge(age,, theta=1), ovarian) As I understand, this builds a model in which `rx' is
2010 Dec 09
survival: ridge log-likelihood workaround
Dear all, I need to calculate likelihood ratio test for ridge regression. In February I have reported a bug where coxph returns unpenalized log-likelihood for final beta estimates for ridge coxph regression. In high-dimensional settings ridge regression models usually fail for lower values of lambda. As the result of it, in such settings the ridge regressions have higher values of lambda (e.g.
2010 Feb 16
survival - ratio likelihood for ridge coxph()
It seems to me that R returns the unpenalized log-likelihood for the ratio likelihood test when ridge regression Cox proportional model is implemented. Is this as expected? In the example below, if I am not mistaken, fit$loglik[2] is unpenalized log-likelihood for the final estimates of coefficients. I would expect to get the penalized log-likelihood. I would like to check if this is as expected.
2009 Sep 26
Design Package - Penalized Logistic Reg. - Query
Dear R experts, The lrm function in the Design package can perform penalized (Ridge) logistic regression. It is my understanding that the ridge solutions are not equivalent under scaling of the inputs, so one normally standardizes the inputs. Do you know if input standardization is done internally in lrm or I would have to do it prior to applying this function. Also, as I'm new in R (coming
2010 Oct 04
Ridge regression and mixed models
Dear R users, An equivalence between linear mixed model formulation and penalized regression models (including the ridge regression and penalized regression splines) has proven to be very useful in many aspects. Examples include the use of the lme() function in the library(nlme) to fit smooth models including the estimation of a smoothing parameter using REML. My question concerns the use of
2009 Sep 25
Penalized Logistic Regression - Query
Dear R users, Is there any package that I could use to perform Penalized Logistic Regression (i.e. Ridge/Lasso regularization) including also an offset term in the model (i.e. a variable with a known coefficient of 1 rather than an estimated coefficient)? I couldn't find any package that would allow using offset terms. Any guidance will help. Many thanks! Axel. [[alternative HTML version
2010 Aug 03
Penalized Gamma GLM
Hi, I couldn't find a package to fit a penalized (lasso/ridge) Gamma regression model. Does anybody know any? Thanks in advance, Lars. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jun 05
ridge regression
Hello R-user I want to compute a multiple regression but I would to include a check for collinearity of the variables. Therefore I would like to use a ridge regression. I tried lm.ridge() but I don't know yet how to get p-values (single Pr() and p of the whole model) out of this model. Can anybody tell me how to get a similar output like the summary(lm(...)) output? Or if there is
2012 Jul 06
Poisson Ridge Regression
Dear everyone I'm dealing with a problem related to Poisson Ridge Regression. If anyone can help me in this regard by telling if any changes in the source code of "" may help -- Regards Umesh Khatri
2003 Sep 14
Re: Logistic Regression
Christoph Lehman had problems with seperated data in two-class logistic regression. One useful little trick is to penalize the logistic regression using a quadratic penalty on the coefficients. I am sure there are functions in the R contributed libraries to do this; otherwise it is easy to achieve via IRLS using ridge regressions. Then even though the data are separated, the penalized
2011 May 25
stepwise selection cox model
Sorry, I have wrote a wrong subject in the first email! Regards, Linda ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: linda Porz <> Date: 2011/5/25 Subject: combined odds ratio To: Cc: Dear all, I am looking for an R function which does stepwise selection cox model in r (delta chisq likelihood ratio test) similar
2011 Nov 24
How to deal with package conflicts
In my genridge package, I define a function ridge() for ridge regression, creating objects of class 'ridge' that I intend to enhance. In a documentation example, I want to use some functions from the car package. However, that package requires survival, which also includes a ridge() function, for coxph models. So, once I require(car) my ridge() function is masked, which means I have to
2011 May 01
Different results of coefficients by packages penalized and glmnet
Dear R users: Recently, I learn to use penalized logistic regression. Two packages (penalized and glmnet) have the function of lasso. So I write these code. However, I got different results of coef. Can someone kindly explain. # lasso using penalized library(penalized) pena.fit2<-penalized(HRLNM,penalized=~CN+NoSus,lambda1=1,model="logistic",standardize=TRUE) pena.fit2
2011 Apr 27
treatment of factors and errors in ridge() function with coxph
I am trying to fit a large Cox model with many predictors. Because there are many predictors, I would like to use the ridge() function to get penalized ml estimates for all coefficients. The problems are that: 1. When I include a factor (like race) in the ridge() function, dummy variables are not created. The resulting model has a single coefficient for the race variable, and I have
2009 Mar 17
Likelihood of a ridge regression (lm.ridge)?
Dear all, I want to get the likelihood (or AIC or BIC) of a ridge regression model using lm.ridge from the MASS library. Yet, I can't really find it. As lm.ridge does not return a standard fit object, it doesn't work with functions like e.g. BIC (nlme package). Is there a way around it? I would calculate it myself, but I'm not sure how to do that for a ridge regression. Thank you in
2009 Oct 14
different L2 regularization behavior between lrm, glmnet, and penalized?
The following R code using different packages gives the same results for a simple logistic regression without regularization, but different results with regularization. This may just be a matter of different scaling of the regularization parameters, but if anyone familiar with these packages has insight into why the results differ, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'm new to
2005 Aug 24
Hello, I have posted this mail a few days ago but I did it wrong, I hope is right now: I have the following doubts related with lm.ridge, from MASS package. To show the problem using the Longley example, I have the following doubts: First: I think coefficients from lm(Employed~.,data=longley) should be equal coefficients from lm.ridge(Employed~.,data=longley, lambda=0) why it does not happen?
2011 May 20
Contrasts in Penalized Package
Hi, The "penalized" documentation says that "Unordered factors are turned into as many dummy variables as the factor has levels". This is done by a function in the package called contr.none. I'm trying to figure out how exactly is a model matrix created with this contrast option when the user calls the function with a formula. I typed "library(penalized) ;
2007 Apr 12
Question on ridge regression with R
Hi, I am working on a project about hospital efficiency. Due to the high multicolinearlity of the data, I want to fit the model using ridge regression. However, I believe that the data from large hospital(indicated by the number of patients they treat a year) is more accurate than from small hosptials, and I want to put more weight on them. How do I do this with lm.ridge? I know I just need
2012 May 02
error fitting coxph model
Hi, I am using coxph from the survival package to fit a large model (100,000 observations, ~35 covariates) using both ridge regression (on binary covariates) and penalized splines (for continuous covariates). In fitting, I get a strange error: Error in if (abs((y[nx] - target)/(y[nx - 1] - target)) > 0.6) doing.well <- FALSE else doing.well <- TRUE : missing value where