Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw"
2011 Apr 28
Nomograms from rms' fastbw output objects
There is both a technical and a theoretical element to my question...
Should I be able to use the outputs which arise from the fastbw function
as inputs to nomogram(). I seem to be failing at this, -- I obtain a
subscript out of range error.
That I can't do this may speak to technical failings, but I suspect it
is because Prof Harrell thinks/knows it injudicious. However, I can't
2008 Oct 11
step() and stepAIC()
The birth weight example from ?stepAIC in package MASS runs well as
indeed it should.
However when I change stepAIC() calls to step() calls I get warning
messages that I don't understand, although the output is similar.
Warning messages:
1: In model.response(m, "numeric") :
using type="numeric" with a factor response will be ignored
(and three more the same.)
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac
will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex
methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of
variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or
validation by resampling).
Recent updates:
* In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac
will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex
methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of
variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or
validation by resampling).
Recent updates:
* In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2005 Mar 30
fastbw question
I am running R 2.0.1 on Windows, I am attempting to use Frank Harrell's
'fastbw' function (from the Design library), but I get an error that the
fit was not created with a Design library fitting function; yet when I
go to the help for fastbw (and also look in Frank's book Regression
Modeling Strategies) it appears that fastbw should work with a model
created with lm.....
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called
directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages.
For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a
latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and
latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2011 Aug 19
rms:fastbw variable selection differences with AIC .vs. p value methods
I want to employ a parsimonious model to draw nomograms, as the full
model is too complex to draw nomograms readily (several interactions of
continuous variables). However, one interesting variable stays or
leaves based on whether I choose "p value" or "AIC" options to
fastbw(). My question boils down to this: Is there a theoretical reason
to prefer one over another?
2010 Oct 12
Help with function writing
Hello all
I have what seems like a simple question but have not been able to find an
answer on the forum. I'm trying to define a function which involves
regression models and a large number of covariates.
I would like the function to accept any number of covariates and, ideally, I
would like to be able to enter the covariates in a group (e.g. as a list)
rather than individually. Is there any
2005 Mar 10
Logistic regression goodness of fit tests
I was unsure of what suitable goodness-of-fit tests existed in R for logistic regression. After searching the R-help archive I found that using the Design models and resid, could be used to calculate this as follows:
d <- datadist(mydataframe)
options(datadist = 'd')
fit <- lrm(response ~ predictor1 + predictor2..., data=mydataframe, x =T, y=T)
resid(fit, 'gof').
I set up a
2008 Feb 20
fastbw() in Design works for continuous variable?
Hi, it seems that the fastbw() in the Design package
only works with variable of class "factor" according
to the help page if I understand correctly. Is there
any R function/package that do stepwise variable
selection for a Cox model with continuous independent
Thank you
2013 Sep 12
Getting "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors" out from fastbw()
I am using relatively simple linear model. By applying fastbw() on ols() results from rms package I would like to get subtable "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors". However, it seems this is not possible. Am I right? I can only get coefficients for variables kept in the model (for example: x$coefficients), but not S.E., Wald's Z and P?
Is there any easy way to
2009 Oct 27
output (p-values) of "fastbw" in Design package
I am using the validate option in the Design package with the Cox survival model.
I am using the bw=T option which, like the fastbw function, performs a backward elimination variable selection
The output includes a series of columns (below) giving information on eliminated variables.
My question is that I am unsure of the difference between the 2 p-values given (the one after Chi-Sq and the one
2009 Feb 06
Using subset in validate() in Design, what is the correct syntax?
I am trying to understand how to get the validate() function in Design
to work with the subset option. I tried this:
ovarian.cph=cph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age+factor(ecog.ps)+strat(rx),
time.inc=1000, x=T, y=T, data=ovarian)
#fine when no subset is used, but the following two don't work:
> validate(ovarian.cph, subset=ovarian$ecog.ps==2)
Error in
2013 Apr 30
Fastbw() function: grouping of variables
Dear R users,
For the purpose of validating a prediction model using validate() from the rms package, I am running into some trouble with using the fastbw() function breaking up natural groups of variables.
Is there any way I can specify to keep certain variable together? In particular, if interactions are included I would also like to keep the main effects in the model.
Another example is a
2008 Mar 18
glm poisson, method='ML' (PR#10985)
Full_Name: saraux
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Windows vista
Submission from: (NULL) (
I would like to compute a glm with a distribution of poisson, using a maximum of
likelihood method. But it seems not to work with a distribution of poisson. The
same code with another distrubution (binomial for example) works.
Here is the command I typed:
2013 Feb 15
Making the plot window wider and using the predict function
I am new to R and have a couple of questions. My data set contains the variables "Bwt" and "Hwt", which are bodyweight and heartweight, respectively, of a group of cats.
With the following code, I am making two plots, both to be viewed in the same plot window in R:
maleData <- subset(cats, Sex == "M")
linreg0 <- lm(maleData$Hwt ~
2011 Jun 16
Hash: SHA1
On 06/16/2011 01:47 PM, Rob James wrote:
> Ben,
> Thanks for this. Very helpful and clearly others have tripped over the
> same problem
> I would have supposed that the solution was to ask lrm (or glm) to use
> LR rather than Wald, but I don't see syntax to achieve this.
Typically drop1 or dropterm (MASS package) will drop
2010 Sep 07
how to combine several subsets?
I simply put,
> NEVER=subset(infants$bwt,ISNO1)
> UNTILPREGNANT=subset(infants$bwt, ISNO2)
> ONCENOTNOW=subset(infants$bwt, ISNO3)
and I wanna combine those three.
I do it like
and R tells me
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2010 Nov 07
An example for predab.resample in r
I want to use bootstrap .632 with predab.resample, but the description is
not clear for me. Can any body give me an example please.
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2013 Jul 11
[R-pkgs] Major Update to rms package
The rms ("Regression Modeling Strategies") package has undergone a
massive update. The entire list of updates is at the bottom of this
note. CRAN has the update for linux and will soon have it for Windows
and Mac - check http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rms/ for
availability. This rms update relies on a major update of the Hmisc
The most user-visible changes are: