similar to: About scales in graphics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "About scales in graphics"

2010 Feb 05
About graphics
Hi, I'm building a graph (barplot) in which the X axis label disappears. I tried to use the option mgp of par() and I could not get the desired result. Note that want the axis labels horizontally. caes = c(37,20,19,16,75,103) names(caes) = c("Pinscher", "Pastor \n Alem?o", "Poodle", "Rottweiller", "SRD", "Outros") caess =
2011 May 19
Pie chart
I made a pie chart and the names of the levels are outside the circle. How do I put the names of the levels within each sector? names(tab13) = paste(c('Regular', 'Bom', 'Excelente'), round(100*prop.table(tab13), dig=1), "%") pie(tab13, col=c("LightYellow", "lightgreen", 'lightblue', 'white'), clockwise=F, radius=.7)
2009 Mar 10
North Arrow (.png file) on a Map
Hi list. I would like to know how do I insert a North arrow, stored as a png file in my computer, in a map? I found lots of post asking similar things, one of them mentioned the pixmap package. The map was done using map() and shapefiles (the code is below). I’m using the pixmap () and addlogo() functions. Well I can import the png with pixmap() function (I guess, once there’s no error message),
2007 Sep 04
[LLVMdev] [PATCH]: Add SparseBitmap implementation
On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 08:10:33PM -0400, Daniel Berlin wrote: > Suggestions, criticisms, etc, are welcome. I haven't studied the implementation, but I have a few comments on the interface, and some style comments, below. > Index: include/llvm/ADT/SparseBitmap.h > =================================================================== > --- include/llvm/ADT/SparseBitmap.h (revision
2003 Apr 08
Can't do Landscape with ManualFeed
Hi: I am haviong problems with Landscape mode on our HP printers (many models). I am running 2.2.7a on two different servers. One is using the "old style" printing (using "printer driver file" parameter). The other is using the newer printing system. It is the same code on both. Both are Solaris systems. For the old one, the drivers are installed on the client, for the
2004 Oct 26
Secondary y axis
Hi I had a look at the help and previous discussions but I am still unable to solve these issues: 1 I have a set of air pressure data. I would like to plot a and b (both about 980-1000 millibar) and c, the difference (around 0-8 millibar). I use axis (4) to create a new axis (to the right) but I do not know how to assign c to the new axis which currently features the same values as the first
2013 Apr 24
[LLVMdev] use of ARM GPRPair register class
Hi, I am experimenting with creating instructions that write into virtual registers that use the ARM GPRPair register class in Pre-RA phase. During register allocation, I hit an assertion because the code is not in SSA form: lib/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.cpp:271: llvm::MachineInstr* llvm::MachineRegisterInfo::getVRegDef(unsigned int) const: Assertion `(I.atEnd() || llvm::next(I) ==
2005 Nov 09
help with legacy R code
Hi there, Could somebody help me disect this legacy R script I inherited at work, I have two questions: 1. I've tried to upgrade our R version from 1.6.2 (yeah, I know), to R 2.0, but some of the lines in this script are not compatible with R 2.0, could someone help me figure out where the problem is? 2. the jpeg generated (attached) seems to be off on some of the data, is there a better way
2013 Apr 29
rbinding some elements from a list and obtain another list
Hi everybody, I have a list, where every element of this list is a data frame. An example: Mylist<-list(A=data.frame, B=data.frame, C=data.frame, D=data.frame) I want to rbind some elements of this list. As an example: Output<-list(AB=data.frame, CD=data.frame) Where AB=rbind(A,B) CD=rbind(C,D) I’ve tried: f<-function(x){ for (i in
2006 Oct 31
+Ura +md3200 nao encaminha ligacao
Salve Salve Galera. Tenho a seguinte situacao: Uma placa MD3200 ligada em uma linha telefonica comum(PTSN) e funcionando "belezinha"... Tenho configurado um URA, onde ele atende a ligacao que chegou no canal e solicita o numero do ramal de destino da liga??o: Acontece que ao discar o ramal de destino, ele nao encaminha a ligacao, ficando mudo e posteriormente caindo a liga?ao. Fiz
2007 Sep 01
[LLVMdev] [PATCH]: Add SparseBitmap implementation
The attached patch adds a SparseBitmap implementation, which more or less works the same way as GCC's sparse bitmap. That is, we only store non-zero bits (broken up into elements of some bit size), and store the elements in a linked list. We keep track of the last accessed part of the linked list, so in-order tests/sets/resets are all constant time, rather than linear time. Set operations
2023 Dec 04
Transformar una base de datos a matriz
Buenos d?as. Tengo una duda: Trabajo con comundiades de especies, y mis datos se ordenan de tal forma que, cada especie corresponde a una fila de la base de datos, por lo que cada muestra tiene un n?mero de filas correspondiente al n?mero de especies. Mi objetivo es transformar esa base de datos a un formato de matriz donde, cada muestra sea una fila ?nica y las especies sean las columnas, con
2017 Feb 21
Error at Pre-regalloc Machine LICM: "getVRegDef assumes a single definition or no definition"' failed.
Hello. Does anybody have an idea why I'm getting the error below when using llc with arguments -O1 -disable-cgp? Note that this error is not given when using llc -O0. (I'd like to mention also I'm using custom Instruction selection for BUILD_VECTOR, which gets converted in my back end's machine instrution VLOAD_D, although the custom code seems to always select
2016 Nov 25
Etiquetas en mapas geográficos con ggplot2 en R
Hola, No he logrado encontrar si se pueden poner etiquetas a los mapas que se hacen con ggplot2. Es decir, me gustaría poner el nombre de los estados de un país así como un número de referencia de la información que se está reflejando en el mapa. Alguien podría asesorarme por favor? Se los agradecería mucho. Nayla [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Sep 10
How to avoid multiple registers definitions in customInserter.
Hi, I'm lowering some of the logical operators (by example the | operator) on integer32. Sadly my target only provide native instruction on high and low parts of 32 bits registers. So, I have to generate a sequence of two native instructions (LOR followed by HOR). I've introduced an Pseudo instruction with a custom inserter. def OR_A_oo : CLPPseudoInst<(ins
2010 Nov 12
[LLVMdev] ScheduleDAG Question
I am tracking down a tricky bug involving select/CMOV and scheduling. In my test, I have a float select that has to be implemented with a diamond CFG by the scheduler. The high level ScheduleDAGSDNodes::EmitSchedule does this: for (unsigned i = 0, e = Sequence.size(); i != e; i++) { [...] Emitter.EmitNode(SU->getNode(), SU->OrigNode != SU, SU->isCloned,
2015 Jan 04
A lot of messages in full_audit log
Hi, I'm using full_audit vfs module and I'm seeing a lot of duplicated messages in log file. Why does it happens ? How can I configure de smb.conf not to log duplicated information ? Duplicated log: Jan 4 13:27:50 server smbd_audit: [2015/01/04 13:27:50|semirames|samba-admin||setores]|pread|ok|Atendimento/James.txt Jan 4 13:27:50 server smbd_audit: [2015/01/04
2016 Jan 07
Instrucciones uso rvest
Hola buenos días: Perdonar por no contestar antes, pero estaba aislado jeje. En principio la ideas que apuntas la conozco pero es aún más sencillo en este caso ya que dichos datos te los puedes descargar de un excel que publica el INE. La cuestión que planteo es para interactuar directamente con la web. He tomado esta página como ejemplo, porque si consigo ejecutar lo que pregunto aquí, entonces
2009 Mar 14
Problem with figure size when embedding fonts
Dear Colleagues: I need to make a graphic that uses the Nimbus rather than Helvetica font family so that the font can be embedded in the encapsulated postscript file. This is to satisfy a requirement from a journal for electronic submission of figures. I do the following: postscript('lowess.eps', onefile=FALSE, pointsize=18, horizontal=FALSE, family='NimbusSan')
2011 Apr 03
another question on shapefiles and geom_point in ggplot2
Manuel: I changed your variable names from x to 'long' and y to 'lat' on the riqueza_out.csv file. The code below should do what you want. Also, since the legend title is kind of long, I broke it down into three lines so you can see more plot area. I am cc'ing the other groups so more people use it if needed. library(rgdal) library(ggplot2) library(sp) library(maptools)