similar to: multivariate group means

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "multivariate group means"

2010 Apr 23
how to rotate elements in a vector and points in a plane
Dear R-helpers, I need two simple functions, I guess they exist in R, but I am unable to find them. The first function should cyclically rotate elements in a vector. ("guyrot" in the package "wavethresh" should do it, but there's some problem with its loading) The second function should rotate points in 2D by a given angle (about the defined point). Thanks for any advice
2012 May 02
interactive loop
Dear R-helpers, I have a number of point configurations representing skull shapes, but some of them contain superfluous points. I want to write a loop in which each configuration is plotted and I am asked to write the numbers of points that are superfluous. However, I don't know how to introduce this interactive element. Would you give me an advice? Best regards Ond?ej Mikula -- Ond?ej
2010 Sep 22
eigen and svd
Dear R-helpers, could anybody explain me briefly what is the difference between eigenvectors returned by 'eigen' and 'svd' functions and how they are related? Thanks in advance Ondrej Mikula
2011 May 04
natural cubic splines
Dear R-helpers, I need to fit natural cubic spline with specified number of knots. I expected 'splines' package will be helpful, but I am confused by its help. Is more detailed documentation available for it or could you recommend another R function? Best regards Ondrej Mikula
2012 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] 32-bit in-tree Polly build with CMake
Hi, I was having troubles building LLVM with Polly in-tree using CMake with LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS on. Turns out CMake considers LLVMPolly a module, not a shared library, and LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS only makes provisions for the EXE and SHARED linker flags. Possible fixes (pick one): 1. Change cmake/modules/HandleLLVMOptions.cmake to append -m32 to CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS as well if LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS
2013 Jul 08
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Fix leading and trailing spaces
Hi, I am writing tool to simplify automated refactorings. One of prerequisites is have clean codebase, so a refactorer can be simple and created formatting inconsistencies can be eliminated by formatter. My plan to keep codebase clean is first run a cleanup systemwide, then keep it by hook/ periodicaly rerunning cleanup. I put it for now here. I ran a scripts
2012 Jan 27
package does not have a NAMESPACE
Dear r-helpers, I have a trouble with a package downloaded from (namely the package 'kopls'). I installed it from the local zip file with the expected result > utils:::menuInstallLocal() package ?kopls? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked but when I tried to load it I obtained the following error message > require(kopls) Loading required package: kopls Failed
2010 Jan 14
Barchart bar lengths not proportionate
When I use barchart (with default formatting options), I get bars whose lengths/heights are not proportional to their value. For example: Many of the values in this chart are 1; however, because the blue bars extend to the left of the "0" tick mark, those bars appear to represent higher numeric values. Is there a way to make the length of the
2006 Jul 12
DTW - dynamic time warping - and time series in R
Hello, can anybody tell me if there exists functions for DTW in R? I didn't find anything at CRAN's search page... Also any information about packages for time series preprocessing (for pattern matching) would be useful... Thanks a lot, ondra
2012 Jul 05
colored nodes in dendrogram
Dear list, is there a way how to add information to internal nodes (branching points) in dendrogram created via plot.agnes function (package cluster)? I wish to place colored circles on the nodes, but I don't know how to proceed... I'll be grateful for any suggestion Ond?ej -- Ond?ej Mikula Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Veveri 97,
2002 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] getAnalysis()
I'm having trouble with using getAnalysis() to access the results of one pass from within another. I require the pass to be previously executed as follows: void MyPass::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &Info) const { Info.addRequired<TDDataStructures>(); } Then I try to use it as follows: bool MyPass::doInitialization(Module &M) { TDDataStructures &dsgraph =
2010 Mar 01
help with lattice boxplots...
Hi All, I need a small help with following code: I'm trying to convert "dashed lines" to regular ones; and changing default "blue" border color to say "black"... but I'm doing it wrong and its not working. Can anyone help please. Thanks, Code: require(lattice) ex <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=rep(c("A","B"), 5)) bwplot(y~x, data=ex,
2011 Oct 18
contrasts in MANOVA
Dear r-helpers, I have a query regarding use of contrasts in MANOVA. summary(manova(model)) gives me only result of test for overall difference. Would you be so kind and give me a hint how to get the same test statistics (e.g.Pillai's) and P values for the predefined contrasts? Best regards Ondrej Mikula -- Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech
2011 Jul 12
Greetings, I've been using LLVM and Clang for a while now, primarily targeting x86 and ARM. Recently, I read the list of open LLVM projects, one of them being "Add JIT support to the SPARC port." Looking further, I saw a May 2010 post from Chris Lattner [2], which basically stated that a future-proof implementation should use LLVM-MC. Is anybody currently working on this project?
2012 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] 32-bit in-tree Polly build with CMake
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Tobias Grosser <tobias at> wrote: > First of all, is this problem platform specific? > We have a 32bit buildbot [1] and it does not report any problems. Do you > understand why. I think so. This is an i?86 build on a x86_64 machine, i.e. with -m32. (gcc specifically, but I am sure that clang would raise the same issue, since this is about
2012 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] 32-bit in-tree Polly build with CMake
On 06/07/2012 02:41 PM, Ondřej Hošek wrote: > Hi, > > I was having troubles building LLVM with Polly in-tree using CMake > with LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS on. Turns out CMake considers LLVMPolly a > module, not a shared library, and LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS only makes > provisions for the EXE and SHARED linker flags. Hi, thanks for reporting. == Some bug reporting advice == In this case,
2010 Jan 16
Hierarchical Linear Model using lme4's lmer
Hi, I was wondering: I've got a dataset where I've got student 'project's nested within 'school's, and 'division' (elementary, junior, or senior) at the student project level. (Division is at the student level and not nested within schools because some students are registered as juniors & others as seniors within the same school.) So schools are random,
2010 Jan 22
confidence intervals for mean (GLM)
Dear useRs, How could I obtain the confidence intervals for the means of my treatments, when my data was fitted to a GLM? I need the CI's for the Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions. Here's what I have: mydata1 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4,20), 'value'=rpois(80, 1)) model1 <- glm(value ~ treatments, data=mydata1, family=poisson) means1 <-
2010 Jan 23
About LU decomposition in R
Hi, How can I find and download a function in R to do the LU decompostion for finding the upper and lower triangular matrix.  Thank you so much. Joe ___________________________________________________ 您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Feb 16
HELP on Non-Linera Mixed-Effect model
Hi, I'm trying to fit nonlinear mixed effects model using nlme function but getting an error message. Here is what I have: fitted_model = nlme(scores~spline(b1,b2,b3,kt,time), fixed = list(b1~1, b2~1, b3~1, kt~1), random = b1+b2+b3~1, groups= ~id, data = sdat, start = c(b1=3.5,b2=2,b3=.60,kt=3.5),verbose=T) Error: Error in