Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Is SEM package of R suitable for sem analysis"
2012 Mar 24
How to compute within-group mean and sd?
Hi, I want to run something like
SELECT firm_id, count(*), mean(value), sd(value)
FROM table
GROUP BY firm_id;
But I have to write a for loop like
for ( id in unique(table$firm_id ) {
print(paste( id, mean(table[firm_id == id, "value"]) ))
Is there any way to do it easier? Thanks :)
Reeyarn Lee
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2011 Feb 08
SEM: question regarding how standard errors are calculated
Sorry if this question has been asked previously, I searched but found
little. There also doesn't seem to be a dedicated SEM list-serv so hopefully
this will find its way to the appropriate audience.
In discussing SEM with a colleague I mentioned that a model they were
fitting in AMOS was equivalent to a linear regression and that the
coefficients would be the same. This of course was the
2009 Feb 02
sem package and AMOS
I am using R to build my initial models, but need to use AMOS to compare
the models of two groups (adults vs. kids). The problem is I am getting
different results with R and AMOS for the initial models of the separate
groups (and the R results make more sense).
The parameter estimates (path coefficients and variances) from both
programs are nearly identical, but the model chi-squares
2009 May 22
Confirmatory factor analysis problems using sem package (works in Amos)
Hello all,
I'm trying to replicate a confirmatory factor analysis done in Amos. The
idea is to compare a one-factor and a two-factor model. I get the following
warning message when I run either model:
"Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.
Optimization probably did not converge."
I have no idea what to do here. I believe posters reported the same
problem. It seems
2008 Jul 15
sem & testing multiple hypotheses with BIC
I'm coming from the AMOS world and am wondering if there is a simple
way to do multiple hypothesis testing in the manner of BIC analyses in
AMOS using the sem package in R. I've read the documentation, but
don't see anything in there except for basic BIC scores. Perhaps
someone has devised a simple way to compare the relative likelihood of
all possible path-fittings within a
2002 Jul 18
sem: incorrect parameter estimates
I am getting results from sem that are not correct (that's assuming
that the results from my AMOS 4.0 software are correct). sem does not
vary some of the parameters substantially from their starting values,
and the final estimates of those parameters as well as the model
chisquare value are incorrect. I've attached some code that
replicates the problem. The parameters in
2009 Apr 09
CFA in R/sem package
I am not sure if R-help is the right forum for my question. If not,
please let me know.
I have to do some discriminant validity tests with some constructs. I
am using the method of doing a CFA constraining the correlation of a
pair of the constructs to 1 and comparing the chi-square of this
constrained model to the unconstrained model. If the chi-square
difference is not significant, then I
2009 Jan 06
R SEM package
Does anyone know if the sem package in R can implement a stacked model
comparison, for example as in LISREL or AMOS?
Anthony Steven Dick, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Human Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Neurology
The University of Chicago
5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC-2030
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773)-834-7770
Email: adick at uchicago.edu
2013 Mar 10
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
I'm trying to perform a hierachical, second order CFA.
That's the thing that I need to leave AMOS.
I found some sim.hierarchical and omega stuff, but nothing clear enough.
Can anyone help me?
I just need a simple and clear manual.
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2006 Feb 07
elements from 'sem' function
I would like to print elements from sem (structural equation modeling)
function (e.g., model-reproduced covariance matrix (C); estimated asymptotic
covariance matrix of parameter estimates (cov)).
How can I do this?
Andr?? Tavares Corr??a Dias
Laborat??rio de Ecologia Vegetal
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
CCS-IB-Departamento de Ecologia
Caixa Postal 68020
2009 Jul 20
Another SEM question
I use the function sem the following way
sem.mod <- sem(model, mod.cov, N=109) where the variables are modelled:
Z -> M
Z -> I
Z -> R
M <-> M
I <-> I
R <-> R
Z <-> Z
The output is
Normalized Residuals
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-7.3300 -0.2750 -0.2670 -0.1290 -0.0369 9.0300
Parameter Estimates
Estimate Std Error z value Pr(>|z|)
2006 Jun 28
Problem with package sem
Hi experts,
I just started to learn R today, and tried to work with an add-on
package sem. I have a version of 2.3.1 on MacOS X 10.4.6 with sem put
under /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/library
However when I typed
the following error showed up:
Error in library(sem) : 'sem' is not a valid package -- installed <
Why is this?
2008 Nov 27
Simultaneous Comparison of Factor Structures
Dear R Users,
I have a situation where I want to compare the factor structures of two
samples that were administered then same test.
AMOS as well as SAS provide the option of “simultaneous comparison of factor
structures” like it was proposed by Jöreskog (1971, Simultaneous factor
analysis in several populations).
Is there a way to do that in R? I am not sure if it is possible to model
2009 May 29
SEM/path question
Dear R People:
Could someone recommend a "baby book" on path analysis and SEM, please?
Or if someone has an example that they use in the classroom setting,
that would be very cool too.
Thanks in advance,
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
2007 Apr 09
sem vs. LISREL: sem fails
I am new to R.
I just tried to recreate in R (using sem package and the identical input data) a solution for a simple measurment model I have found before in LISREL. LISREL had no problems and converged in just 3 iterations.
In sem, I got no solution, just the warning message:
"Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.
Optimization probably did not converge.
in: sem.default(ram =
2006 Jun 28
R project question (SEM)
Hi there,
I just saw your question on the help list and tough you could help me with
some start-up info....
I just downloaded the R project software to try running SEM analysis and I
also downloaded the SEM package. But it just sits there on the desktop and R
does not know where it is...I can¹t figure out how to organize the
files...When I type ?sem in R it says object sem not found...I can¹t
2008 Apr 01
SEM with a categorical predictor variable
we are trying to do structural equation modelling on R. However, one of our
predictor variables is categorical (smoker/nonsmoker). Now, if we want to
run the sem() command (from the sem library), we need to specify a
covariance matrix (cov). However, Pearson's correlation does not work on the
dichotomous variable, so instead we produced a covariance matrix using the
Spearman's (or
2009 Feb 02
Fit indexes in SEM with categorical data + ML estimation
It has been found that SEM analysis using polychoric correlations + maximum
likelihood estimator produces incorrect test statistics and standard errors
(e.g., Flora, D. B., & Curran, P. J. (2004). An Empirical Evaluation of
Alternative Methods of Estimation for Con?rmatory Factor Analysis With
Ordinal Data. Psychological Methods, 9(4), 466-491).
Standard errors can be dealt with by
2012 Aug 03
SEM standardized path coefficients
I have conducted an SEM in which the resultant standardized path coefficients are much higher than would be expected from the raw correlation matrix. To explore further, I stripped the model down to a simple bivariate relationship between two variables (NDVI, and species richness), where it's my understanding that the SEM's standardized path coefficient should equal the correlation
2008 Jul 27
Link functions in SEM
Is it possible to fit a structural equation model with link functions in R? I
am trying to build a logistic-regression-like model in sem, because
incorporating the dichotomous variables linearly seems inappropriate. Mplus
can do something similar by specifying a 'link' parameter, but I would like
to be able to do it in R, ofcourse.
I have explored the 'sem' package from John Fox,