Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Plot fitted vs observed values"
2003 May 22
Plot observed vs. fitted values (weighted nls)
Dear WizaRds,
Given the experimental data,
weighted nls is applied,
wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2)
pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time)
(resp - pred) / sqrt(pred)
cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2), data=csdata,
2009 Dec 03
data manipulation
Dear Wiza[R]ds,
I have a data.frame header that looks like this:
v2FfaPre15 v2FfaPre10 v2FfaPre5 v2Ffa2 v2Ffa3 v2Ffa4
I need it to look like this,
15 10 5 2 3 4
i.e., with v2FfaPre and v2Ffa stripped off
Any suggestions,
Thanks in advance!
Oscar A. Linares, MD
Translational Medicine Unit
LaPlaisance Bay, Bolles Harbor
Monroe, Michigan 48161
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. fitted values
Dear Wiza[R]ds,
I am very grateful to Duncan Murdoch for his assistance with this problem.
His help was invaluable. However, the problem has become a little more
complicated for me. Now, in each plot, I need to plot the observed and
fitted values of a supine and upright posture experiment. Here is what I
have and how far I got.
# tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma
2009 Dec 07
Dear Wiza[R]ds,
I have the following data in a data.frame. I need to do an anova with
multiple comparison but I don't know how to factor the groups for analysis.
There are 3 groups, 1,2 and 3 labelled in column 1. Help appreciated with
thanks in advance.
Group SI Sif SG Io I2 lol2
1 9.08e-05 9.08e+00 0.060842287 1.798556446 32.574500
2010 Jan 06
boxplot help
Dear Rexperts,
I am trying to add a '+' identifying the mean in a boxplot using the
sizelist <- split(size, grp)
centers <- boxplot(sizelist, style.bxp = "att", medpch = "o",
ylab = "Prostate Volume (cm3)")
points(centers, unlist(lapply(sizelist, mean)), pch = "+")
But, I get error
Error in xy.coords(x, y) :
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. Predicted values, change of symbols
Dear Wiz[R]ds,
I am deeply grateful for the help from Duncan Murdoch, Gray Calhoun, and
others. We are almost there. For whatever reason, I can't change the symbol
from a circle to a triangle in the upright posture plots. Any ideas? I have
included the problem in full.
# tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma
# concentrations supine and upright
# supine
datasu <-
2009 Nov 18
Switch Help
Dear Rexperts,
aar <-function(command) {
{scrn = cat("scrn :Screening","\n")}
{dx = cat("dx :Diagnosis","\n")}
{df = cat("df :Don't Forget","\n")}
I want to be able to do:
aar("dx") # function does cat("dx :Diagnosis","\n")
2010 Jul 02
conditional dataframe search and find
After some processing...
ct.df <- data.frame(time,conc)
time conc
1 0 164.495456
2 1 133.671185
3 2 108.622975
4 3 88.268468
5 4 71.728126
6 5 58.287225
7 6 47.364971
8 7 38.489403
9 8 31.276998
10 9 25.416103
11 10 20.653462
12 11 16.783276
13 12 13.638313
2010 May 02
Calculation error
Dear Rxperts,
Running the following code:
twlo=10; twhi=20; wt=154; vd=0.5; cl=0.046; tau=6; t=3; F=1;
wtkg <- wt/2.2 # convert lbs to kg
vd.pt <- wtkg * vd # compute weight-based vd (L)
cl.pt <- wtkg * cl # compute CL (L/hr)
k <- cl.pt/vd.pt # compute k (hr^-1)
cave <-
2010 Apr 26
finite difference scheme for 2D differential equations
Hello everyone,
I am trying to solve 2D differential equations using finite difference
scheme in R. I have been able to work with the equations with only one
spatial dimensions but I want to extend it to the two dimensional problem.
For example i can simulate one dimensional diffusion using a code like the
following. But I want to write a similar code for,say, a two dimensional
2003 May 21
Access Object's Objects HELP
Dear WizaRds,
A run of nls produces the following concise summary:
> summary(cs.wt)
Formula: 0 ~ wt.MM(conc, time, A1, a1, A2, a2)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
A1 4.814e+02 2.240e+01 21.495 0.0296 *
a1 7.401e-01 7.435e-02 9.956 0.0637 .
A2 1.613e+02 1.738e+01 9.280 0.0683 .
a2 1.770e-02 7.324e-03 2.417 0.2497
2005 Oct 13
problems with loop and plot function
Hi all R users,
I have problems with my second loop for drawing the three curves in the
same graphic. I need help please
Thank you in advance
simulation <- function(k, n){
conc <- seq(0,100,by=0.5)
#choixg <- seq(1, length(conc))
choixg <- rep(0,length(conc))
for (i in 1:length(conc)){
choixg[i] <- (k
2005 Oct 11
Problems with plot function
Hello all R users,
My simulation function works correctly, but I have problems with plot
function. You will find the following code using it.
Thank you for your help
simulation <- function(k, n){
conc <- seq(0,10,by=0.5)
#choixg <- seq(1, length(conc))
choixg <- rep(0,length(conc))
for (i in 1:length(conc)){
2023 Oct 24
How to Calculate the Mean by Multiple Groups in R
I think you're misunderstanding which set of variables go on either
side of the formula.
Is this what you're looking for?
> aggregate(OD ~ Time + Target + Conc, data = df, FUN = "mean")
Time Target Conc OD
1 1 BACT 1 765.3333
2 1 BACT 2 745.3333
3 1 BACT 3 675.0000
> aggregate(ODnorm ~ Time + Target + Conc, data = df, FUN =
2008 Nov 11
strsplit (regex)
#how do I break these up into first two letters (RM), number, and then
the last part
#is there an easily accessible regex tutorial on the internet?
v = (structure(1:122, .Label = c("RM215Temp", "RM215SpCond", "RM215DO.Conc",
"RM215Depth", "RM215pH", "RM215ORP", "RM215Turbidity.", "RM215Battery",
2005 Apr 19
Help with predict.lm
I have measured the UV absorbance (abs) of 10 solutions of a substance at
known concentrations (conc) and have used a linear model to plot a
calibration graph with confidence limits. I now want to predict the
concentration of solutions with UV absorbance results given in the new.abs
data.frame, however predict.lm only appears to work for new "conc" variables
not new "abs"
2012 Aug 07
Passing arguments to a function within a function ...
Hallo Everybody
How do you specify arguments for a function used within another function?
Here is my problem:
I am reconstructing a calculator for the burden of disease due to air
pollution from publications and tools published by the WHO. The
calculations make use of published dose-response relationships for
particular health end-points. This is then applied to populations with
known or
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2023 Oct 24
How to Calculate the Mean by Multiple Groups in R
> aggregate(cbind(OD, ODnorm) ~ Time + Target + Conc, data = df, FUN = "mean")
Time Target Conc OD ODnorm
1 1 BACT 1 765.3333 108.33333
2 1 BACT 2 745.3333 88.33333
3 1 BACT 3 675.0000 18.00000
(You might wish for "cbind(OD,ODnorm) ~ . - Well", but aggregate.formula is not smart enough for that.)
> On 24 Oct 2023, at
2005 Sep 14
Long lines with Sweave
I have used Sweave a lot the latest year, but never really used any long
function calls.
If I have code which look like this
gof <- benthic.flux(ID="Gulf of Finland",