similar to: my failing understanding ...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "my failing understanding ..."

2009 Nov 28
Plot-region not complete
Hello there, after I solved many problems in the last days with R I wanted to complete my plot. I used ylab=expression(paste("log(",mu,"/",cm^2,"/VS)")) to have greek symbols and to change cm^2 to cm?. Also cm^-3 I have in another plot, but it cuts my ^2 to _ in the y-axis. here is the code and I attach the plot: jpeg(file="Tabh2.jpg",quality=100)
2010 Jan 02
Help needed on applying a function across different data sets and aggregating the results into a single data set
Hi folks, Wish y'all a Happy New Year 2010! I need some help with the following: Say I have lots of data sets, on which I have to apply a certain function on the same set of columns in each of the data set. Let's take, for ex, the typical data set is: df1 <-,rnorm(10))) names(df1)[1] <- "A" names(df1)[2] <- "B" There are many
2010 Feb 04
plm issues: error for "within" or "random", but not for "pooling"
Dear all I am working on unbalanced panel data and I can readily fit a "pooling" model using plm(), but not a "within" or "random" model. Reproducing the examples in vignette("plm") and in the AER package I encountered no such issues. ##unfortunately I cannot disclose the data, and it is too big anyway > dim(ibes.kld.exp.p[x.subs , ]) [1] 13189 34
2010 Feb 25
error using pvcm() on unbalanced panel data
Dear all I am trying to fit Variable Coefficients Models on Unbalanced Panel Data. I managed to fit such models on balanced panel data (the example from the "plm" vignette), but I failed to do so on my real, unbalanced panel data. I can reproduce the error on a modified example from the vignette: > require(plm) > data("Hedonic") > Hed <- pvcm(mv ~ crim + zn + indus
2009 Jun 01
Sweave:Figures from plot (LME output) not getting generated (pdf or eps)
Hi, I seem to be facing a strange problem when I use Sweave for creating a LaTeX document of the R lme() output --- The EPS and PDF figure files get created, but are empty. I have attached a reproducible example below (taken from the R lme() help example). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article}
2008 Jun 30
Coda not providing summary on mcmc object
The object is a mcmc sample from lmer. I am using R v2.7.1. Please let me know what additional information I can provide, hopefully I am just making a simple mistake. Thanks in advance! > data(ratdrink, package = 'faraway') > <- lmer(wt ~ weeks*treat + (1 | subject), data = ratdrink) > <- mcmcsamp(, 10000) > library(coda) Loading required package:
2010 Apr 23
Deferred Default Marker
I've finally narrowed down a puzzling problem: here is the short test case. tmt34% R --vanilla R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 > temp <- matrix(runif(50), ncol=2) > t(temp) %*% temp [,1] [,2] [1,] 7.916016 6.049698 [2,] 6.049698 7.650694 > library(kinship) Loading required package:
2010 Jan 31
lmer, mcmcsamp, coda, HPDinterval
Hi, I've got a linear mixed model created using lmer: A6mlm <- lmer(Score ~ division + (1|school), data=Age6m) (To those of you to whom this model looks familiar, thanks for your patience with this & my other questions.) Anyway, I was trying this to look at the significance of my fixed effects: A6post <- mcmcsamp(A6mlm, 50000) library(coda) HPDinterval(A6post) ..but I got this
2009 Jul 09
plm Issues
Hi List I'm having difficulty understanding how plm should work with dynamic formulas. See the commands and output below on a standard data set. Notice that the first summary(plm(...)) call returns the same result as the second (it shouldn't if it actually uses the lagged variable requested). The third call results in error (trying to use diff'ed variable in regression) Other info:
2010 Feb 10
Help needed in fine tuning the sapply output
Hi All, Say I have a data set with the following structure: Lines <- "ID ref_rank R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 A 6 3 NA NA 7 8 2 B 7 4 NA NA 9 5 10 C 3 7 NA NA 8 10 8 D 4 2 NA NA 4 8 1 E 2 5 NA NA 4 7 7 F 8 5 NA NA 7 10 9 G 5 9 NA NA 8 10 2 H 1 6 NA NA 7 10
2011 Oct 01
error using ddply to generate means
Dear list, I encounter an error when I try to use ddply to generate means as follows: fun3<-structure(list(sector = structure(list(gics_sector_name = c("Financials", "Financials", "Materials", "Materials")), .Names = "gics_sector_name", row.names = structure(c("UBSN VX Equity", "LLOY LN Equity", "AI FP Equity",
2009 Dec 02
scatter3d with groups
Dear R users, I'm currently visualizing my data using scatter3d from the "Rcmdr" package. I have data points which can be separated in two classes. Data points from class 'A' should be colourised red and data points in class 'B' should be colourised 'blue'. No matter what I try, the data points are always blue. I attached a (very) minimal example to
2009 Nov 15
Error running lda example from Help File (MASS library )
Hello all, I'm trying to run lda() from the MASS library but the Help example generates the following error: #Code from example in lda Help file # Resulting Error >Error in if (targetlist[i] == stringname) { : argument is of length zero My Current R Installation: MacOSX: 10.5.8 R: 2.10.0 -- Gregory Riddick, PhD. CRTA Research Fellow National Institutes of Health National
2012 Jan 06
ggplot using scale_x_date gives Error in$year, to$year, by)
Dear all, ggplot gives me an error when trying to plot time series data using a date variable as the x axis. g<-structure(list(Date = c("2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06", "2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06", "2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06"), variable = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L,
2009 Sep 25
summarize-plyr package
Hi,I am using the amazing package 'plyr". I have one problem. I would appreciate help to fix the following error: Thanks. ______________________________ > library(plyr) > data(baseball) > summarise(baseball, + duration = max(year) - min(year), + nteams = length(unique(team))) Error: could not find function "summarise" > ddply(baseball, "id", summarise, +
2008 Aug 29
significance of random effects in poisson lmer
Hi, I am having problems trying to assess the significance of random terms in a generalized linear mixed model using lme4 package. The model describes bird species richness R along roads (offset by log length of road log_length) as a function of fixed effects Shrub (%shrub cover) and Width (width of road), and random effect Site (nested within Site Cluster). >From reading answers to previous
2008 Oct 08
Suspicious output from lme4-mcmcsamp
Hello, R community, I have been using the lmer and mcmcsamp functions in R with some difficulty. I do not believe this is my code or data, however, because my attempts to use the sample code and 'sleepstudy' data provided with the lme4 packaged (and used on several R-Wiki pages) do not return the same results as those indicated in the help pages. For instance: > sessionInfo() R
2011 Feb 19
lmer, MCMCsamp and ranef samples?
I really hope sombody could help me with the following, I'm having problems accessing the random effect samples following the example on MCMCsamp: (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) set.seed(101); samp0 <- mcmcsamp(fm1, n = 1000, saveb=TRUE) str(samp0) Formal class 'merMCMC' [package "lme4"] with 9 slots ..@ Gp :
2011 Jun 18
Unexpected result with lag() et diff() in plm package.
I have an unexpected result with the functions lag() and diff() in the plm (panel data) package when used with transform(). These plm-specific functions are supposed to generate lags and first differences within each panel. lag() does not work properly the first time (it reproduces the same series--this is a common time series pitfall), BUT then it does work properly when it is run a second
2005 Jun 02
showMethods doubt
Hi, I'm developing in S4 and I wanted to see the methods for a specific class using showMethods but I didn't succed. Can someone help ? See the example below. setClass("myclass", representation( name ="character" ) ) setGeneric("mymeth", function(obj, ...){ standardGeneric("mymeth") } ) setMethod("mymeth",