similar to: Iteration idioms & laziness

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Iteration idioms & laziness"

2009 Mar 30
List assignment in a while loop and timing
Hello R users I have question about the time involved in list assignment. Consider the following code snippet(see below). The first line creates a reader object, which is the interface to 1MM key-value pairs (serialized R objects) spanning 50 files (a total of 50MB). rhsqstart initiates the reading and I loop, reading each key-value pair using rhsqnextKVR. If this returns NULL, we switch to the
2005 Jul 11
exact values for p-values
Hi there, If I do an lm, I get p-vlues as p-value: < 2.2e-16 Suppose am interested in exact value such as p-value = 1.6e-16 (note = and not <) How do I go about it? stephen
2014 Feb 05
Question on support for Upsonic Commercial UPS CXR 2000 - 2000VA/1200W - Rack/Tower on Freebsd 9.1.
Charles, We run everything as "root" :) However, we are using NUT 2.6.5. Are we missing something by running 2.6.5 rather then 2.7.1? If so, I can build/install 2.7.1. Thx chris Would On 2/4/14, 9:05 PM, Charles Lepple wrote: > On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Chris Duffy wrote: > >> ugen1.3: <USB UPS PPC> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON > [...]
2013 Oct 09
Version of L-BFGS-B used in optim etc
Hi. I just noticed the paper by Morales and Nocedal Remark on "Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained Optimization". TOMS 2011; 38(1): 7 which describes a couple of improvements (speed and accuracy) to the original Netlib code which AFAICT is that still used by optim() via f2c.
2016 Jan 26
Just need to vent
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Peter Duffy wrote: > No one is saying that sysvinit is perfect. What I can't grasp is why > replace it with something which is no less imperfect, and is almost > certainly worse in at least some respects - and to make that replacement > unavoidable and mandatory. Distros weighed up the advantages and disadvantages, and made a decision as to what they thought
2011 Nov 18
tip: large plots
Hi all, I'm working with a bunch of large graphs, and stumbled across something useful. Probably many of you know this, but I didn't and so others might benefit. Using pch="." speeds up plotting considerably over using symbols. > x <- runif(1000000) > y <- runif(1000000) > system.time(plot(x, y, pch=".")) user system elapsed 1.042 0.030 1.077
2011 Feb 01
better way to iterate matrix multiplication?
I'm simulating a Markov process using a vector of proportions. Each value in the vector represents the proportion of the population who are in a particular state (so the vector sums to 1). I have a square matrix of transition probabilities, and for each tick of the Markov clock the vector is multiplied by the transition matrix. To illustrate the sort of thing I mean: pm <-
2006 Feb 22
var-covar matrices comparison
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 16:43:55 -0600 > From: Aldi Kraja <aldi at> > > Hi, > Using package gclus in R, I have created some graphs that show the > trends within subgroups of data and correlations among 9 variables (v1-v9). > Being interested for more details on these data I have produced also the > var-covar matrices. > Question: From a pair of two
2005 Jan 14
Has anyone ever ported SMBCLIENT to WATTCP?
And are there any other (free) DOS-based SMB clients without the huge lower (<640K) memory requirements.
2014 Feb 06
Question on support for Upsonic Commercial UPS CXR 2000 - 2000VA/1200W - Rack/Tower on Freebsd 9.1.
Charles, the out from the command below as well as the system.log file are below your email. It does look like a permission issue but what one? Thx chris On 2/5/14, 6:43 PM, Charles Lepple wrote: > On Feb 5, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Chris Duffy wrote: > >> However, we are using NUT 2.6.5. >> >> Are we missing something by running 2.6.5 rather then >> 2.7.1? If so, I
2011 May 11
Vermunt's LEM in R
I don't know of any R package that can match all the functionality of LEM eg fitting equality constraints to model parameters a la LISREL. WRT dumping tables, I would have thought that does pretty much what you want, [not tested] newtab <-,b,c)) cat("dim\n") for(i in seq(1, ncol(newtab)-1) { cat(nlevels(newtab[,1]," ") }
2014 Feb 06
Question on support for Upsonic Commercial UPS CXR 2000 - 2000VA/1200W - Rack/Tower on Freebsd 9.1.
Thx Charles, So since this is a new type of UPSonic UPS, do you think the vendor screwed up or is it just some quirk on Freebsd? Yes, if you can look into this I would appreciate it. I do not see anyone else on the Web attempting to use this new device yet.....but....... Regards chris On 2/6/14, 8:24 AM, Charles Lepple wrote: > On Feb 6, 2014, at 8:41 AM, Chris Duffy wrote: > >>
2005 Nov 13
Working hotplug, but still timing out waiting for vbd device
I''m running Xen3 7775 with udev 073 (which was a PITA to get working, as the initrd I''ve been running for quite some time uses an older one -- but that''s an entirely different story). My dom0 is Gentoo-based. When I try to start a DomU, it times out waiting for hotplug-based notification, as per the following: DEBUG (DevController:69) Waiting for devices vif. DEBUG
2005 Nov 13
Working hotplug, but still timing out waiting for vbd device
I''m running Xen3 7775 with udev 073 (which was a PITA to get working, as the initrd I''ve been running for quite some time uses an older one -- but that''s an entirely different story). My dom0 is Gentoo-based. When I try to start a DomU, it times out waiting for hotplug-based notification, as per the following: DEBUG (DevController:69) Waiting for devices vif. DEBUG
2005 Jun 29
How to convert "c:\a\b" to "c:/a/b"
I couldn't resist adding a more literal answer unback <- function(x) { chars <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(x),"")) chars <- chars[-c(1,length(chars))] paste(gsub("\\\\","/",chars),collapse="") } unback("\n") | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD at ph:
2005 Jun 29
How to convert "c:\a\b" to "c:/a/b"
I couldn't resist adding a more literal answer unback <- function(x) { chars <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(x),"")) chars <- chars[-c(1,length(chars))] paste(gsub("\\\\","/",chars),collapse="") } unback("\n") | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD at ph:
2015 Feb 19
Proposal: Allow HostKeyAlias to be used in hostname check against certificate principal.
Howdy -- I have a number of servers with host keys validated by certificates. These systems are behind a load-balanced frontend, and the certificates are signed as valid for the DNS name used by that common frontend address. This works well for the primary use case of the systems; however, when wishing to address only a single unit within the pool, the certificate cannot be used to validate that
2014 Feb 06
Question on support for Upsonic Commercial UPS CXR 2000 - 2000VA/1200W - Rack/Tower on Freebsd 9.1.
On 2/5/14, 9:55 PM, Charles Lepple wrote: > On Feb 5, 2014, at 9:03 PM, Chris Duffy wrote: > >>> Please run this: >>> >>> /usr/local/libexec/nut/blazer_usb -a UPSonic -u root -D >>> >>> and send the output back to the list. >>> >> Output from the above command: >> >> 0.000000 debug level is '1' >>
2002 Jul 23
Irix UseLogin wtmp/utmp bug
I am using the "UseLogin yes" configuration parameter to call the /usr/bin/login program on SGI Irix, (we are using Irix version 6.5.13). I do this because the SGI login program is AFS awhere and checks out a token for you and I do not want to compile the Kerberos version of sshd, (it is to messy for me to support). Everything seems to work fine accept the wtmp(x) and utmp(x) files do
2008 May 21
table(factor(x), exclude=NULL) (PR#11494)
Hi. I don't know if this a bug or just annoying to me: > x <- c(1,2,3,NA) > table(x, exclude=NULL) x 1 2 3 <NA> 1 1 1 1 > table(factor(x), exclude=NULL) 1 2 3 1 1 1 I don't think many people use factor(x, exclude=NULL): it is not the default handling of character data by read.table(). Cheers, David Duffy. -- | David Duffy (MBBS PhD)