similar to: "Over-coloring" facets on persp() plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: ""Over-coloring" facets on persp() plot"

2003 Jun 01
persp & colors
Dear R experts! I use image() & persp() functions for color plotting z(x,y)-type graphics. In image() colors correspond to z-values, that's what I want. OTOH, in persp() the col option means: col: the color(s) of the surface facets. Transparent colours are ignored. This is recycled to the (nx-1)(ny-1) facets. but I'd like to persp()' colors behave like in
2002 Apr 23
Bug: persp and colors (PR#1476)
Full_Name: Oliver Niggemann Version: Windows 1.4 patched OS: Windows NT 4.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, I am working with the persp command. I want to change to color of the facets according to their z-value. The colors seems to be transposed, i.e. the color of a facet A seems to be used for a facet B which is a (defined?) way off.... An example: nx <- 21 ny <- 21
2000 Oct 26
persp plot question..
Dear All, I have been trying to to do this for a few days now. I can generate persp plot OK and can generate it in colour using the command persp(x,y,z,col=terrain.colors(20)) However, I was wondering if it is possible to shade the 3d surface like a contour plot. i.e. black for large z, white for small z, say Thanks in advance Colin
2004 Aug 10
persp, array and colors
Dear R-users, I'd like to plot a three-dimensional surface and at the meantime I'm using an array. I would like to have the values of my first matrix in the heights of the plot and the colors of the single facet taking into account the second matrix. I hope that the next code will help all of you to understand better my issue, Thanks in advance, Giancarlo ############################ ##
2005 Feb 16
Repeating grey scale in graph?
Dear R users, Could somebody tell me why the grey color ramp is repeated in this graph, eventhough the ramp values go from 0 to 1? I must be missing something obvious, but I can not see it! z <- c(0.064329041,0.117243316,0.161565116,0.19923015,0.231642175,0.259835539,0.284571226, 0.038507288,0.094184749,0.140959431,0.180803984,0.215159105,0.245096084,0.271412845,
1998 Dec 04
contour labelling [was "Re: image ()"]
> From: Bill Simpson <wsimpson at> > Subject: Re: contour labelling [was "Re: [R] image ()"] > MIME-Version: 1.0 > > > We may be missing the crux here: was it to have a means of > > displaying such surfaces? > > Yes, bang on. I knew of the > existence of the Delaunay code in the R libraries. Yes I want > to make a picture that
2003 Jul 13
Coloured 3d surface
Hello, I created a 3d surface (persp) with some points overlaid on it, which is fine. Now I have a second set of z-values(x,y-values same as the first surface), which I would like to make visible on the same graph, however, not as a surface, but rather as coloured contour on the first surface, so that the resulting graph will consist of the original surface having the colour of the second
2010 Mar 10
Color facets by z-level (solved by creating example)
I am having trouble getting my facets colored with "concentric" colors by z level. This code give a fair representation of my problems dealing a real dataset cmtx <- matrix(, nrow=10, ncol=10) cc <- (row(cmtx)-5)^2 + (col(cmtx)-5)^2 cc #---------- [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [1,] 32 25 20 17 16 17 20 25 32 41 [2,]
2010 Jul 30
Layering multiple persp plots
Hi all, I've got two persp plots with Identical X and Y's, and I'd like to plot them on the same graph, so that it is obvious where one plot is above the other. I can't find any mention of this anywhere. Do I need to use wireframe? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, -- Ian Bentley M.Sc. Candidate Queen's University Kingston, Ontario [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Oct 12
Order of factors with facets in ggplot2
Hello, I'd like to produce a ggplot where the order of factors within facets is based on the average of another variable. Here's a reproducible example. My problem is that the factors are ordered similarly in both facets. I would like to have, within each facet of `f1', boxplots for 'x' within each factor `f2', where the boxplots are ordered based on the average of x
2012 Mar 26
Drape 3D scatterplot
Hi, *Warning: R newb here. * I've got a 3D scatterplot ( which I want to drape in color, with the draped plane corresponding to the mean z values on the plot (similar to: Does anyone know what package will allow me to do this? I used * scatterplot3d()* for my first plot. I've
2012 Oct 22
Help with applying a function to all possible 2x2 submatrices
Hi all, I'm working with a large data set (on the order of 300X300) and trying to apply a function which compares the elements of all possible 2x2 submatrices. There are rc(r-1)(c-1) such submatrices, so obviously the naive method of looping through the rows and columns is computationally unfeasible for my data set: for(i in 1:(nrow(data)-1)) { for(j in (i+1):nrow(data)) { for (m
2007 Oct 30
Facets and/or Nested Describes
I have to confess that I did not know about facets before reading Ashley Moran''s post: Not knowing about the facets solution, I made a couple of feature requests for nested describes:
2011 Oct 11
controling text in facets (ggplot2)
Hi R-helpers! Here is my problem: I have a graph with 3 different facets where there are 3 different regression line. My goal is to mention separately in each facet each equation that describes my lines. So far, I managed to add a line and the same equation to all my facets but that's not unfortunately what I want. Is there a way to do that? Any suggestion would be gladly welcome! Thanks
2010 Sep 11
Setting scales for ggplot2 with facets
Faceting in ggplot2 seems to permit different scales for different facets, but I fail to see how one could control ylim and xlim ranges for each facet separately. For instance, I would like to set the ylim = c(0,10) for facet "A" and ylim = c(42,102) for facet "B". Since the data is out of these ranges, setting facet_grid(factor ~ ., scales = "free_y") does not
2010 Feb 07
contour & persp
I have this data set that both x & y are ordered vectors of length 600 & 700 respectively; z is a 600 by 700 matrix whose entry z[i,j] is either a missing value (indicated by 'NaN') or a real number between 0 and 1. The contour function contour(x,y,z) gives me a blank picture. I guess the reason is that most of z-entries are missing, only less than 1% are non missing.
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list. I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot. I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp(). Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage. points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list. I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot. I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp(). Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage. points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2001 Aug 07
multiple persp plots
Hello, I would like to plot two superposed surfaces (original data, and smoothed models). Basically, I would like to create a usual persp plot with box, and then superpose a second surface (without box and axes) on the top plane of the box defined by the first graph. I don't know if it is clear :-( Is it possible to draw such a second surface in an existing persp plot in R? Another (related)
2003 Jun 05
persp(), par() and axis()
Dear R experts, On explanation of persp() parameters the last item is: ...: additional graphical parameters (see `par'). However, setting the `tcl' parameter has no any effect. I guess that axes are added to persp() in somewhat freakish way, and have nothing in common with axis() function. I found the very useful trans3d() function in persp() help page, and I'd like to use it