Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to properly shade the background panels of an xyplot?"
2009 Oct 12
xyplot does not find variable in data
When we call a lattice function such as xyplot, to what extent does
the "data" designation cause the function to look inside the "data"
for variables?
In the examples below, the "subset" argument understands that
"Variety" is a variable in the data.
But the "scales" argument does not understand that "nitro" is a
variable in the data.
2009 Oct 10
lattice auto.key drop unused levels
The following code produces a legend ("key") that mentions the unused
levels of Block.
xyplot(yield~nitro, subset=(Block=="I" | Block=="II"), data=Oats,
group=Block, auto.key=T)
and adding "drop.unused.levels=T" does not fix it. And in fact even
the following does not solve the problem:
2009 Dec 02
Again on overlaying plots (a plot region within a plot region)
Dear R-users,
after seeking for help in R-search
I did not find any hint on my particular problem.
Countless help on "true" overlay, but nothing on this.
Please consider the following:
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
T <- seq(0, 20, by = 0.01)
## PLOT 1
plot(T, 30*exp(-0.65*T),
type = "l"
points(T, 30*exp(-0.26 * T), type = "l", lty = "F8")
2009 Oct 30
insert a text in panels, always in the same position (lattice, ltext, ?prepanel?)
Dear R-users,
my present problem is related to lattice.
I would like to put some text in each panel, namely a p-value.
I therefore wrote a simple panel function as reported here below.
I'm able to write the value in each panel at the maximum value of y for
each panel,
but this obviously overlay the text to the points.
What I'm looking for is to write the text always in the same
2009 Nov 16
on gsub (simple, but not to me!) sintax
Dear R users,
my problem today deals with my ignorance on regular expressions.
a matter I recently discovered.
Consider the following
foo <-
c("V_7_101110_V", "V_7_101110_V", "V_9_101110_V", "V_9_101110_V",
"V_9_s101110_V", "V_9_101110_V", "V_9_101110_V", "V_11_101110_V",
2007 Apr 23
extract from a data frame
I'd like know how to do to extract data from a frame for example
how can I do to extract only the data where variety=victory or variety=golden rain
> Oats
Block Variety nitro yield
1 I Victory 0.0 111
2 I Victory 0.2 130
3 I Victory 0.4 157
4 I Victory 0.6 174
5 I Golden Rain 0.0 117
6 I Golden Rain
2004 Jul 27
re: help with lattice plot
Dear List,
I have been using R to create an xyplot using the panel function within
lattice libraries. This plot is based on the data supplied in R named
'Oats'. The graph represents oat yield by nitro level with an overlay of
each variety of oats for each nitro level.
I have three questions regarding this graph:
1) I cannot seem to specify the type of symbol used by the plot, even
2008 Jan 29
on trellis.par.set/get (reproducing figures from Pinheiro & Bates)
Dear R users,
I would like to exactly reproduce a figure like the 1.5 or 1.9 or 4.13
from the book
Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus.
Not for the sake of it, but because I have my own data I would like to
plot in that fashion
(no colors)
If I write
I can get a good informative plot with colors, but I would like to have
a B&W one instead.
I've played a little with
2009 Sep 03
dividing a dataframe column by different constants
Dear R users, today I've got the following problem.
Here you are a dataframe as example.
There are some SAMPLES for which a CONCentration was recorded through TIME.
The time during which the concentration was recorded is not always the same,
10 points for Sample A, 7 points for Sample B and 11 for sample C
Also the initial concentration was not the same for the three samples.
I would like
2008 May 06
Is there in R a function equivalent to the mround, as found in most spreadsheets?
Dear R-users,
I have the following problem
In a lab experiment I have to mix three solutions to get different
concentrations of various molecules in a cuvette
I've used R to calculate the necessary ?liters for each of the level of
the experiment and I must confess that it is more useful and easier to
achieve the results than using spreadsheets.
But there's a problem.
Imagine that
2007 Jul 26
substituting dots in the names of the columns (sub, gsub, regexpr)
Dear R users,
I have the following two problems, related to the function sub, grep,
regexpr and similia.
The header of the file(s) I have to import is like this.
c("y (m)", "BD (g/cm3)", "PR (Mpa)", "Ks (m/s)", "SP g./g.", "P
(m3/m3)", "theta1 (g/g)", "theta2 (g/g)", "AWC (g/g)")
To get rid of spaces and
2009 Nov 12
Rearranging long tables, Sweave, xtable, LaTeX
Dear R-users,
consider the two following outputs, ## 1 and ## 2
\begin{Scode}{Setup, echo = FALSE, print = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1,
Fact2)) ## 1
xtable(with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1,
Fact2))) ## 2
The first line
with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))
2010 Jan 19
A model-building strategy in mixed-effects modelling
Dear all,
Consider a completely randomized block design (let's use data(Oats)
irrespoctive of the split-plot design it was arranged in). Look:
fit <- lme(yield ~ nitro, Oats, random = ~1|Block, method="ML")
fit2 <- lm(yield ~ nitro + Block, Oats)
anova(fit, fit2)
gives this:
Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
fit 1 4 624.3245
2009 Aug 13
R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates & Watts 1988
Hi R users,
I'm here trying to understand correlated residuals in nonlinear estimation.
I'm reading/studying the book Bates, D. M. and D. G. Watts, (1988),
/Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications/, Wiley, NY. pages
92-94, trying to reproduce the figures and to find out the code in R to
perform the necessary calculations.
I also consulted Pinheiro and Bates, but without
2007 Apr 23
R: extract from a data frame
Oats[Oats$Variety %in% c("Victory", "Golden Rain"),]
subset(Oats, Variety %in% c("Victory", "Golden Rain"))
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch]Per conto di elyakhlifi
Inviato: luned? 23 aprile 2007 9.56
A: R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Oggetto: [R] extract from
2001 Nov 22
Missing panels in multipanel lme lattice/trellis
Dear R-supporters,
I have results of lme similar to those shown in Fig. 1.21, p.51 of
Pinheiro/Bates. However, In my data set, one of the panels is missing, leading
to an ugly frame shift of the following panels.
How can I replace one of the panels by an empty one to restore the raster?
Dieter Menne
Dr. Dieter Menne
Biomed Software
72074 T?bingen
2011 Nov 29
Help needed in reproducing a plot
can anybody tell me how to produce a plot like the one in
on page 13, Figure 6?
The data is stored in:
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Help-needed-in-reproducing-a-plot-tp4119603p4119603.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2017 Oct 10
Unbalanced data in split-plot analysis with aov()
Dear all,
I'm analysing a split-plot experiment, where there are sometimes one or
two values missing. I realized that if the data is slightly unbalanced,
the effect of the subplot-treatment will also appear and be tested
against the mainplot-error term.
I replicated this with the Oats dataset from Yates (1935), contained in
the nlme package, where Variety is on mainplot, and nitro on
2010 Apr 22
Multicolor main title in a plot or mtext
Dear R-users, the problem I'm facing today is to write a
multicolor main title in a plot.
I would like to have 3/4 colors to help people in the
audience to visually realize what is what in a 4x2 plot array
On top of each plot I would like to have two lines.
The 1st line will indicate what is plotted
The 2nd line will indicate a a reference
Graphically speaking I would like a result similar
2009 Apr 21
broken example: lme() + multcomp() Tukey on repeated measures design
I am trying to do Tukey HSD comparisons on a repeated measures expt.
I found the following example on r-help and quoted approvingly elsewhere.
It is broken. Can anyone please tell me how to get it to work?
I am using R 2.4.1.
> require(MASS) ## for oats data set
> require(nlme) ## for lme()
> require(multcomp) ## for multiple comparison stuff
> Aov.mod <- aov(Y ~ N + V +