similar to: x-y plot as an histogram

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "x-y plot as an histogram"

2008 Jun 02
exit function in R?
Hi, This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution. I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R script if some condition is not filled. Any clue? Thank you in advance! Federico
2007 Jan 30
how to join two arrays using their column names intersection
Dear all, I have a problem that may be someone of you can help. I am a newbie and do not find how to do it in manuals. I have two arrays, for example: ar1 <- array(data=c(1:16),dim=c(4,4)) ar2 <- array(data=c(1:16),dim=c(4,4)) colnames(ar1)<-c("A","B","D","E") colnames(ar2)<-c("C","A","E","B") > ar1
2007 May 04
logical or for two vectors or matrices
Hello, it might be a very simple question but I cannot find the solution (I tried a || b, any(a,b)... but none works). My problem is: I have two vectors, a <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE) b <- c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE) and I would like to obtain a vector that indicates if it is TRUE in any of the two vectors. Hence, the desired output would be: TRUE, FALSE, TRUE Thank you in advance, Federico
2007 Feb 14
font size in plots
Dear members of the list, it is likely a stupid question but I cannot find the information neither in R manuals nor in google. I am generating a plot (from hclust results) but I cannot see properly the labels because the default font size is too large. How can I change it? Thanks! Federico
2010 Aug 30
log y 'axis' of histogram
All, I have been trying to get calls to hist(...) to be plotted with the y-axis having a log scale. I have tried: par(ylog=TRUE) I have also looked at the histogram package. Suggestions welcome. -- Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667 Knowledge Software Ltd mailto:derek at Source code analysis
2011 Jun 09
histogram - density on y axis and restriction to interval [0, 1]
Hello, To indicate probability densities instead of counts on a histogram, I specify freq = FALSE. However, I expect that summing all top y coordinates over all the intervals of the histogram will provide 1. 1) v <- c(0.2885, 0.2988, 0.3139, 0.2615, 0.3179, 0.3163, 0.2583, 0.3052, 0.2527, 0.3147, 0.3235, 0.2408, 0.2480, 0.3108, 0.3577, 0.2829, 0.2694, 0.3275, 0.3314, 0.2639, 0.3076,
2011 Nov 01
Superimpose xversus y plot on a histogram of x
I need a plot with a histogram z and a plot of z versus y superimposed. This is not working... z = rnorm(1000) y = rnorm(1000,1,2) hist(z) dx = plot(z, y, lwd = 1) lines(dx, add=TRUE) -- Thanks, Jim. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 27
How to adjust y-axis when using panel.densityplot within histogram function
Hi I would like to superimpose group-specific densityplots on top of an overall histogram using panel.histogram and panel.densityplot. Furthermore, I would like to automatically adjust the range of the y-axis to take into account the ranges of both histogram and densityplot. This last part is where I have a problem. I believe using the prepanel argument of histogram is typically the way to go,
2007 Mar 08
Using logarithmic y-axis (density) in a histogram
Hi, I am searching for a possibility to display a logarithimic y-axis in a histogram. With plot that's easy (e.g. plot(1:10, log="y") but for histograms this does not work the same way: I tried hist(rnorm(1000), freq=FALSE, seq(-4, 4, .5), ylim=c(0.001, 0.5), log="y") Which gives the expected histogram but also warnings for my log="y" command
2007 Jun 22
Switching X-axis and Y-axis for histogram
Dear all, I'm creating a histogram with the function hist(). But right now what I get is column representation (as normal). I'm wondering if I could switch X-axis and Y-axis and get row-representation of frequencies? One more question, can I define the step of each axises for the histogram? Thanks so much! Donghui
2010 Mar 25
Frequencies from x/y data into a 2d table (for 3d histogram or heatmap)
Hi all, I have simple x/y data from screen recording in a sequence: number,x,y ---------------- 1,10,30 1,20, 1,43,110 1,74,18 1,88,112 and would like to create a 3d histogram data structure that i can use to create a 3d histogram or, more likely a heatmap. The unterlying data structure therefore needs to look like this: 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 0-10 11-20 21-30
2011 Mar 03
Ploting Histogram with Y axis is percentage of sample for each bin
I'm trying to do something very simple... I wan to plot a histogram where the y axis represent the percentage of the total sample that each bin represents. I know how to plot a histogram with the counts and density... but can't find anything that gives me perenct of sample on the y axis. Any help is appriciated Below is the script I'm working with par(mfrow=c(1,2))
2009 Sep 02
Normalized Y-axis for Histogram Density Plot
I have the following data which I tried to draw the probability density plot. Here is the code I have: x <- read.table("mydat.txt"); d <- rep(x$V2,times=x$V3); hist(d,probability=T, xlab="FlowSignal"); But why the y-axis range from 0 to 6, instead of 0 to 1? What's the correct way to plot it? #id flowsignal frequency 1 0.67 1 1 0.70 1 1
2012 May 20
Histograms with bin proportions on the y-axis
I have what is probably a simple problem. I have a data file from an MCMC Bayes estimation problem that is a vector of 500,000 numeric values (just one variable) ranging from 100,000 to 700,000. I need to display the histogram of this data in a high quality graphic for a figure in a journal publication. I want 100 bins so as to display a reasonable complete and smooth histogram, and I need the
2017 Jun 22
Hunting a histogram variant
I'm looking for a histogram variant in which data points are plotted as labelled rectangles 'piled up' to form a histogram. I've posted an example at It seems to have a long pedigree, as I see it (as in this example) in documents going back beyond the '80s. But I've not seen it in recent textbooks. So it
2005 Feb 09
Histogram Bar Spacing or Border Width
Is there any way to control the spacing between bars in a histogram, or change the border width (I'm assuming the hist() function, though alternatives are welcome)? I'm interested in changing the visual spacing between columns in a plotted histogram. The general effect I'm looking for can be accomplished in barplots using the "width=" parameter, but I have not been able
2004 May 25
Dear all, I have a surprising problem with the representation of frequencies in a histogram. Consider, for example, the R code: b<-rnorm(2000,3.5,0.3) hist(b,freq=F) When I plotted the histogram, I expected that values in the y-axis (the probability) varied between 0 and 1. Instead, they varied within the range 0-1.3. Have you got any suggestion for obtaining a correct graph with
2004 Aug 19
probability histogram question
Hello, all; I get an unexpected result when trying to plot a probability histogram with R1.9.1 on windows xp: #with the following code: > x <- runif(100,0,1) > hist(x) > hist(x, freq=F) > h <- hist(x, freq=F) > summary(h) # Length Class Mode #breaks 11 -none- numeric #counts 10 -none- numeric #intensities 10 -none- numeric #density 10
2007 Jul 12
ggplot2 / histogram / y-axis
Is there a way in ggplot to make a histogram with the left-hand y-axis label as frequency, and a right-hand y-axis label as percentage? Thanks! Pete
2008 Mar 03
How to make a break on y-axis of a histogram chart using R?
Attached is a histogram chart with a break on y-axis which my friend made for me using phot shop. Do anyone know how to make such a break using R? Thanks in advance. (See attached file: 2007 age distribution.doc) Hongsheng (Hank) Liao, Ph.D. Lab Manager Center for Quantitative Fisheries Ecology 800 West 46th Street Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia 23508 Phone:757.683.4571