similar to: lmer and negative binomial family

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "lmer and negative binomial family"

2009 Nov 04
What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer
Seems the message below and the thread have reveived no attention/answer. The output presented is quite tricky. Looks like if lmer (lme4 0.9975-10) has accepted a negative binomial link with reasonable estimates, although it was not designed for... What can one think about result validity ? Best Patrick Message: 34 Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 06:51:24 -0700 (PDT) From: "E. Robardet"
2010 Dec 17
rgl: coordinating and saving viewpoints, zoom, scale for multiple images
Context: I have two or more rgl-based views of a given data set, perhaps fitting different models, or showing different things across views. I want to be able to hand-rotate, zoom, scale one view to something I like, and then show the other views with matching viewpoints and scaling. so that one could flip back/forth among graphs and see only the relevant differences. In 2D, all this usually
2008 Feb 14
Cholmod error `matrix not positive definite'
Dear R-users, I'm new to R, so my apologies if this question doesn't make sense. I've tried the following model in lmer, and it works perfectly: model<-lmer(aphids~densroot+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson) But if I try the exact same model with a different variable, totmas, the model looks as follows: model<-lmer(aphids~totmas+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)
2011 Sep 03
problem in applying function in data subset (with a level) - using plyr or other alternative are also welcome
Dear R experts. I might be missing something obvious. I have been trying to fix this problem for some weeks. Please help. #data ped <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 3), rep(3, 3)) y <- rnorm(10, 8, 2) # variable set 1 M1a <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T) M1b <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T) M1aP1 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T) M1bP2 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
2024 Apr 23
System GMM yields identical results for any weighting matrix
A copy of this question can be found on Cross Validated: I am estimating a system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) in R. Each of the equations has one unique regressor and one common regressor. I am using `gmm::sysGmm` and am experimenting with different weighting matrices. I get the same results (point estimates, standard errors and
2024 Apr 23
System GMM yields identical results for any weighting matrix
Generally speaking, this sort of detailed statistical question about a speccial package in R does not get a reply on this general R programming help list. Instead, I suggest you either email the maintainer (found by ?maintainer) or ask a question on a relevant R task view, such as . (or any other that you judge to be more appropriate).
2011 May 04
Fwd: simple question
Sorry I had typo in previous email, this typo corrected version: Dear R experts I have simple question, please execuse me: #example data, the real data consists of 20000 pairs of variables K1 <- c(1,2,1, 1, 1,1); K2 <- c(1, 1,2,2, 1,2); K3 <- c(3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3) M1a <- rep( K1, 100); M1b <- rep(K2, 100) M2a <- rep(K1, 100); M2b <- rep(K1, 100) M3a <- rep(K1, 100); M3b
2009 Aug 26
tweedie and lmer
Hello all, I have count data with about 36% of observations being zeros. I found in some of the examples of the r-help mail archives that a tweedie family of distributions could be used to fit a model with random effects. Upon installing the tweedie package and attempting to fit the following model: lmer(SUS ~ 1 + (1|
2006 Jan 20
Time From String
Is there any Ruby / Rails way to take a string and convert it to time? timefstr Specificallc,y I''d like to convert iso 8601 fromats to Ruby Time objects or ActiveRecord time fields. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 15
some upper case letters with accent don't appear in file names
I have a backup server (Linux Debian 3.1) that connects to several Windows 2000 and 2003 servers shares with smbmount 3.0.14a. This is how I mount the shares: smbmount "\\\\win2000\\inetpubd" /mnt/win2000/ -o username=backups,password=mypwd If I list items with accents, this is a sample of how they appear on the mounted share: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 2005-12-01 16:45 D?but de
2002 Jul 16
scale parameter and parameter vac-cov matrix in GEE
Dear all, It looks like the parameters var-cov matrix returned by gee() is not adjusted for the scale parameter: > fm1 <- gee(nbtrp ~ strate * saison + offset(log(surf)), family = poisson, data = Eff2001, + id = loc, tol = 1e-10, corstr = "exchangeable") [1] "Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27" [1] "running glm to get initial
2011 Jun 30
CCF of two time series pre-whitened using ARIMA
Hi all, I have two time series that I would like to correlate but as they are autocorrelated, I am "pre-whitening" them first by fitting ARIMA models, then correlating their described in However, discusses some issues with ARIMA in R. In particular, for issue 2, if
2006 Jan 27
lme4_0.995-2/Matrix_0.995-4 upgrade introduces error messages (change management)
I'll address two issues. The first is today's error message and the other is change management for contributed packages on CRAN. TODAY'S ERROR MESSAGE I switched from the 0.995-1 versions of lme4 and Matrix to those referenced in the subject line this afternoon. Prior to using these packages on anything else, I applied them to code that 'worked' (provided numerical results
2009 Oct 22
What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer fonction?
Dear R users, I'm performing some GLMMs analysis with a negative binomial link. I already performed such analysis some months ago with the lmer() function but when I tried it today I encountered this problem: Erreur dans famType(glmFit$family) : unknown GLM family: 'Negative Binomial' Does anyone know if the negative binomial family has been removed from this function? I really
2009 Oct 26
What happen for negative binomail link in lmer() fonction?
Dear R users, I’m performing some GLMMs analysis with a negative binomial link. I already performed such analysis some months ago with the lmer() function but when I tried it today I encountered this problem: *Erreur dans famType(glmFit$family) : unknown GLM family: ‘Negative Binomial’* Does anyone know if the negative binomial family has been removed from this function? I really appreciate any
2018 Feb 01
[Bug 13248] New: Updates for DEFAULT_DONT_COMPRESS suffix list Bug ID: 13248 Summary: Updates for DEFAULT_DONT_COMPRESS suffix list Product: rsync Version: 3.1.3 Hardware: All OS: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: core Assignee: wayned at
2008 Jul 08
time series by calendar week
hello, i cant find a solution on this (might be) easy problem: i have a time serie by carlandar weeks, so for every carlendar week i have a value. now i would like to use the functions for time series, so i change structur to a time serie with cam <- ts(number,start=c(2001,1),deltat=7/365) or cam <- ts(number,start=c(2001,1),frequency=52) the problem on it is, that 2004 had 53 calendar
2015 Feb 03
Another Fedora decision
OK, folks. You're doing a great job of describing the current milieu with a rough description of some best practices. Now how about some specific sources you personally used to learn your craft that we can use likewise? PatrickD
2008 Apr 04
lme4: How to specify nested factors, meaning of : and %in%
Hello list, I'm trying to figure out how exactly the specification of nested random effects works in the lmer function of lme4. To give a concrete example, consider the rat-liver dataset from the R book (rats.txt from: ). Crawley suggests to analyze this data in the following way: library(lme4) attach(rats) Treatment <-
2010 Aug 11
Samba/Winbind issue
Hi, I have an issue with Samba using winbind. We have Active Directory groups with underscores (for example sambagroup_underscore). But an underscore in Samba (Unix) is a space in Active Directory. So my question is what character is used in Samba (Unix) for an underscore in Active Directory? Or are there other solutions to solve this? I would be very happy if you can help me! Met