Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "fit an exponential curve"
2007 Aug 09
Systematically biased count data regression model
Dear all,
I am attempting to explain patterns of arthropod family richness
(count data) using a regression model. It seems to be able to do a
pretty good job as an explanatory model (i.e. demonstrating
relationships between dependent and independent variables), but it has
systematic problems as a predictive model: It is biased high at low
observed values of family richness and biased low at
2005 Jan 31
coercing a list to a data frame, lists in foreloops
I have a set of time-series climate data with missing entries. I need to add
rows for these missing entries to this data set. The only way I know to do
this is unsing a foreloop, but this won't work on a list. I've tried to
convert the list to a data frame, but that won't happen, either.
I want to fill rows in this table:
> newtest[10:15,]
yrmos yearmo snow.sum snow.mean
2016 Apr 20
Use multiple cores on Linux
I am trying to run the following code in R on a Linux cluster. I would like
to use the full processing power (specifying cores/nodes/memory). The code
essentially runs predictions based on a GAM regression and saves the
results as a CSV file for multiple sets of data (here I only show two).
Is it possible to run this code using HPC packages such as
Rmpi/snow/doParallel? Thank you!
2012 Mar 19
Issue with asin()
Hello everyone,
I am working for a few days already on a basic algorithm, very common in
applied agronomy, that aims to determine the degree-days necessary for a
given individual to reach a given growth stade. The algorithm (and context)
is explained here: http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/gdd/glossary.htm , and
so I implemented my function in R as follows:
DD <- function(Tmin, Tmax, Tseuil,
2018 Mar 25
Take average of previous weeks
Dear all,
I have weekly data by city (variable citycode). I would like to take the
average of the previous two, three, four weeks (without the current week)
of the variable called value.
This is what I have tried to compute the average of the two previous weeks;
df = df %>%
mutate(value.lag1 = lag(value, n = 1)) %>%
mutate(value .2.previous = rollapply(data = value.lag1,
2018 Jun 19
Paquete dismo, cálculo coeficiente de variación
Estimados erreros,
Estoy intentando entender como calcula el paquete dismo (
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dismo/index.html) un coeficiente de
variación. Os pongo un ejemplo:
tmin <- c(10,12,14,16,18,20,22,21,19,17,15,12) # temperatura mínima media
mensual de un año
tmax <- tmin + 5 # temperatura máxima media mensual de un año
prec <- c(0,2,10,30,80,160,80,20,40,60,20,0)
2018 Jun 19
Paquete dismo, cálculo coeficiente de variación
en la misma definici?n de la funci?n:
# P15. Precipitation Seasonality(Coefficient of Variation)
# the "1 +" is to avoid strange CVs for areas where mean rainfaill is < 1)
p[,15] <- apply(prec+1, 1, cv)
Un saludo,
On Martes, 19 de Junio de 2018 13:07:27 Marcelino de la Cruz Rot escribi?:
> Hola Jaume:
> Si miras el c?digo de biovars() ver?s que la
2009 Jul 12
variance explained by each predictor in GAM
I am using mgcv:gam and have developed a model with 5 smoothed predictors
and one factor.
gam1 <- gam(log.sp~ s(Spr.precip,bs="ts") + s(Win.precip,bs="ts") + s(
Spr.Tmin,bs="ts") + s(P.sum.Tmin,bs="ts") + s( Win.Tmax,bs="ts")
The total deviance explained = 70.4%.
I would like to extract the variance explained
2007 Jul 24
Fwd: Re: Fitting exponential curve to data points
Hope these help for alternatives to lm()? I show the use of a 2nd order
polynomial as an example to generalize a bit.
Sometimes from the subject line two separate responses can appear as reposts
when in fact they are not... (though there are identical reposts too). I
should probably figure a way around that.
--- Stephen Tucker <brown_emu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> ## Data input
> input
2013 Feb 15
datos climáticos cambio de formato
tengo un data.frame donde cada fila corresponde a un año y cada columna a
un mes (De enero a diciembre)
> head(valT)
V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13
1941 18.0 16.3 15.2 10.1 8.1 8.3 8.8 9.2 7.9 12.2 11.9 14.6
1942 17.2 15.9 13.6 11.6 8.7 6.2 6.4 7.2 9.7 12.0 14.1 16.7
1943 17.6 17.3 13.5 12.5 10.5 7.0 8.2 7.9 -999.9 -999.9
2007 Jul 24
Fitting exponential curve to data points
Hi folks,
I've looked through the list archives and online resources, but I
haven't really found an answer to this -- it's pretty basic, but I'm
(very much) not a statistician, and I just want to check that my
solution is statistically sound.
Basically, I have a data file containing two columns of data, call it data.tsv:
year count
1999 3
2000 5
2001 9
2002 30
2003 62
2004 154
2011 Mar 22
how to convert a data.frame to a list of dist objects for individual differences MDS?
I have a 45 x 16 data frame consisting of dissimilarities among 10
colors, giving in each
column the 45 = 10*9/2 pairwise judgments for one of 16 subjects. The
identify each pair of colors, e.g, "AC" = ("A","C"), and the pairs are
ordered by columns
in the lower triangle of each distance matrix.
> helm.raw <-
2005 Jan 25
chron: parsing dates into a data frame using a forloop
I have one data frame with a column of dates and I want to fill another data
frame with one column of dates, one of years, one of months, one of a unique
combination of year and month, and one of days, but R seems to have some
problems with this. My initial data frame looks like this (ignore the NAs in
the other fields):
> mans[1:10,]
date loc snow.new prcp tmin snow.dep tmax
2018 Mar 25
Take average of previous weeks
I am sure that this sort of thing has been asked and answered before,
so in case my suggestions don't work for you, just search the archives
a bit more.
I am also sure that it can be handled directly by numerous functions
in numerous packages, e.g. via time series methods or by calculating
running means of suitably shifted series.
However, as it seems to be a straightforward task, I'll
2013 Jan 09
Need an advise for bayesian estimate
Hi R bayesians,
I need an advise how to resolve the two different estimates applying a
traditional glm (TG) and a bayes glm (BG), and different results depending
on the data formats of response data and the prior specs using bayesglm in
R. I'm not familiar with bayes estimate and my colleague asked me to look
into this because the EPA from France reported a quite different estimates
2012 Feb 13
multi-regression with more than 50 independent variables
Hi R Users,
I am going to run a multiple linear regression with around 57 independent
variables. Each time I run the model with just 11 variables, the results
are reasonable. With increasing the number of independent variables more
than 11, the coefficients will get ?NA? in the output. Is there any
limitation for the number of independent variables in multiple linear
regressions in R? I attached
2003 Oct 15
Example of cell means model
This is an example from chapter 11 of the 6th edition of Devore's
engineering statistics text. It happens to be a balanced data set in
two factors but the calculations will also work for unbalanced data.
I create a factor called 'cell' from the text representation of the
Variety level and the Density level using '/' as the separator
character. The coefficients for the linear
2017 Sep 24
Shift the normal curve to the top or near to the top of the histogram
Dear All:
One more thing.
I want to add the normal curve to the histogram. Is there away to stretch
the peak of the curve to the top of the histogram or at least near to the
top of the histogram.
Please see the code below.
Lizard.tail.lengths <- c(6.2, 6.6, 7.1, 7.4, 7.6, 7.9, 8, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5,
8.6,8.8, 8.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.4, 9.7, 9.9, 10.2, 10.4, 10.8,11.3, 11.9)
x<-seq(5,12, 0.001)
2004 Feb 17
importing ascii grids (for gstat)
Is there anyone who could give me an example of how to import an ascii grid (i.e. ArcGIS exported raster) into R. I want to use it with gstat but don't know the appropriate import routine.
Thanks very much for your help.
Femke Reitsma
Graduate Student (ABD)
Geography Department
2181 LeFrak Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301-405-4121
2012 Aug 23
NLS bi exponential Fit
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to perform a bi exponential Fit with the package NLS. the
plinear algorithm seems to be a good choice
y<-p*exp(a*t) + q*exp(b*t)+rnorm(t,sd=0.3*(p*
exp(a*t) + q*exp(b*t)))
fittA <- nls(y~cbind(exp(a*t), exp(b*t)),
algorithm="plinear",start=list(a=-.1, b=-0.2), data=list(y=y, t=t),