Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "A naive question about permutation tests in the coin package"
2010 May 30
Question about package coin
Anyone know if coin can run a permutation test based on a (user-defined) statistic other than the mean difference? The function independence_test does the permutation t-test via difference in means. I'm wondering if it's possible to use independence_test to run a permutation test for some other statistic than the difference in means. For example, I'd like to run a permutation test
2013 Sep 23
Permutation Test on Interactions {coin}
Dear List,
I'm interested in performing a permutation test on the interaction between
a binary treatment indicator and a covariate (either continuous or
categorical). I'm interested in the p-value of the interaction effect from
a permutation test, and I'm using the coin package for that purpose.
As I haven't seen any examples like this in the package documentation (or
2008 Jul 20
coin package (conditional inference / permutation): parameter teststat
Dear R-list members,
This is in fact a question about statistics, not directly
about the R software.
The coin package, for conditional inference through permutation
methods, has as it main function the function independence_test.
One of its parameters is teststat, about which the package
documentation says:
teststat: "a character, the type of test statistic to be applied:
either a
2007 Nov 01
Help me in Cochran armitage trend test Coding
Dear sir,
I am Shibu John from Thrombosis Research Institute India. It is a
multidisciplinary organisation concerned with the interrelated problems of
thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
I was searching for Cochran armitage trend test program in R. Then I had
seen your R coding for C-A trend test. I tried that in the R software.
But I can?t run the program due the [Error: could not find function
2010 Apr 26
Permutation tests using apply function with package coin
I am using "apply" to run exact permutation t-tests by columns
using the coin package. For example:
dat <- matrix(rnorm(7*35),7,35)
fun <- function(x) {
pvalue( independence_test(x~f,
data=data.frame(x, f=factor(c(rep("a",4),rep("b",3)))),
distribution = "exact"))
p.vals <- apply(dat, 2, fun)
Some small-scale
2010 Apr 22
Jonckheere-Terpstra test using coin package?
Is it possible to implement the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for ordered
alternatives using the coin package: Conditional Inference Procedures
in a Permutation Test Framework?
I found jonckheere.test{clinfun}, but it uses a normal approximation
when ties are present in the data. To make this concrete, I've
a small dataset. Thanks. --Dale
Hollander and Wolfe, 1999 Table 6.6, pg 205
2009 Jan 12
Extraction from an output
Would you tell my how to extract a result from a test - it's justified because I need to run this test many times. Here is an example from authors' test:
> library("coin")
> lungtumor <- data.frame(dose = rep(c(0, 1, 2), c(40, 50, 48)), tumor = c(rep(c(0, 1), c(38, 2)), rep(c(0, 1), c(43, 7)), rep(c(0, 1), c(33, 15))))
> ca.test<-independence_test(tumor ~
2016 Dec 14
unexpected behaviour of search queries with mixed AND and OR
I found out an unexpected behaviour of search queries with mixed
"AND" and "OR".
With search query "\( condA OR condB condC \)" I get an error:
Fatal: Use parenthesis when mixing ANDs and ORs
if I switch left and right OR-part and use the query
"\( condB condC OR condA \)"
I get a result, but it is not the expected result of the query
2004 Feb 03
output from multcomp and lm
Dear R-users
I analysed the same data set by two different ways;
analysis of covariance by using lm and anova functions
and multiple comparison by using simtest function in
the multcomp library.
The output from the analysis of covariance is;
> y<-lm(D~Cond+Q1,data=x)
> anova(y)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: D
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Cond 2
2007 Feb 25
Repeated measures logistic regression
Dear all,
I'm struggling to find the best (set of?) function(s) to do repeated
measures logistic regression on some data from a psychology experiment.
An artificial version of the data I've got is as follows. Firstly,
each participant filled in a questionnaire, the result of which is a
> questionnaire
ID Score
1 1 6
2 2 5
3 3 6
4 4 2
2009 Apr 29
Extracting Element from S4 objects
Are there internal methods available for R2.6 (I'm using the mac os x gui)
for extracting (or subsetting) S4 objects?
Using the independence_test() function implemented in the COIN package, I
can't seem to select out p-values upon completion of each iteration of a
Sorry if my search was incomplete beforehand.
View this message in context:
2017 Sep 08
one sample permutation test using package 'coin'
Using the package ?exactRankTests? one can execute a one-sample permutation test for a hypothesized location parameter of 0 like:
The package ?exactRankTests? seems now to be deprecated in favor of the ?coin? package which as I understand is a superset of ?exactRankTests? in terms of functionality.
The ?coin? package allows one to run a two-sample permutation test using
2012 Jan 09
Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
Dear fellow R users,
Keywords: Kruskal-Wallis, Post-Hoc, pair-wise comparisons, Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test, coin package, oneway_test
I am using the "oneway_test" function in the R package "coin" and I am obtaining results which I cannot believe are accurate. I do not wish to waste anyone's time and so if the following problem is rather trivial, I apologize, however I
2006 Jul 20
Permutation Distribution
Is there an elegant way to do the following:
Dataset consists of 2 variables: var1: some measurements, and var2: a grouping variable with two values, 1 and 2.
There are (say) 10 measurements from group 1 and 15 measurements from group 2.
The idea is to study the permutation distribution of mean(group 1) * mean(group2).
One way would be to permute 1s and 2s and select the corresponding
2016 Dec 14
unexpected behaviour of search queries with mixed AND and OR
On 14.12.2016 12:18, Juergen Raschke wrote:
> Hello,
> I found out an unexpected behaviour of search queries with mixed
> "AND" and "OR".
> With search query "\( condA OR condB condC \)" I get an error:
> Fatal: Use parenthesis when mixing ANDs and ORs
> if I switch left and right OR-part and use the query
> "\( condB
2012 Jul 12
permutation test on paired samples
I'm trying to run a permutation test on paired samples.
First I tried the package "exactRankTests":
x <- c(1.83,0.50,1.62,2.48,1.68,1.88,1.55,3.06,1.30)
y <- c(0.878,0.647,0.598,2.05,1.06,1.29,1.06,3.14,1.29)
wilcox.test(x,y,paired = TRUE,alternative = "greater")
perm.test(y,x,paired = TRUE,exact = TRUE,alternative =
2008 Oct 09
runs of heads when flipping a coin
Can someone recommend a method to answer the following type of question:
Suppose I have a coin with a probability hhh of coming up heads (and 1-hhh
of coming up tails)
I plan on flipping the coin nnn times (for example, nnn = 500)
What is the expected probability or frequency of a run of rrr heads* during
the nnn=500 coin flips?
Moreover, I would probably (excuse the pun) want the answer for a
2010 Dec 10
New Installs, Same Trouble Loading doBy and coin Packages
I tried Tal's suggestion of deleting the doBy and coin packages and then
reinstalling them from a different mirror. The first install was from the
Harvard mirror and the second was from the Case Western Univ. mirror. The new
packages generate the same errors when I call them using the library() command.
Also, I tried to load these packages using R and its script editor thinking that
2009 May 07
error using lapply with oneway_test (coin package)
Dear expeRts,
I would like to use a oneway_test (from package coin) to test whether
two groups differ on various variables. The variables are encoded
within a data frame. Unfortunately, I obtained an error, that I don't
understand. Could you please help me ?
y <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=2))
group <- as.factor(unif(100))
2011 Oct 31
one sample Wilcoxon test using 'coin'
R allows me to run a one sample Wilcoxon test like this:
wilcox.test(c(1,3.5,2.1,4,1.5,5), mu=2, exact=TRUE)
The function 'wilcoxsign_test' from the package 'coin' should (I
suppose) be able to calculate exact p values even if there are ties in
the ranks. However, I couldn't find information on how to run a one
sample test using 'wilcoxsign_test' like in the