similar to: using a custom color sequence for image()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "using a custom color sequence for image()"

2009 May 13
plotting a grid with color on a map
Hi all, I have posted similar questions regarding this topic, but I just can't seem to get over the hump and find a straightforward way to do this. I have attached my file as a reference. Basically, the attached file is a 5 degree by 5 degree grid of the the world (2592 cells), most of them are NA's. I just want to be able to plot this grid over a world map and color code the cells. For
2007 Aug 13
vertically oriented color key in heatmaps
Hi, I have some data which I was plotting using image(). I wanted to add a vertical color key to the plot and I found that heatmap.2 in gplots does let me add a color key. However, I was thinking of a vertical bar with the color range rather than the style that gplots provides. Is there any package (or code snippet) that would let me add a vertical color key to an image() or heatmap
2003 Nov 10
shuffling a vector
Hi, I'me trying to write a function that will shuffle a vector. At the moment I'm baically making a vector of randomized indices and then making a new vector from the original one using these random indices. However, is there an alternative (more elegant) method to do this? I tried'shuffle') but it does'nt return anything relevant. Thanks,
2012 Jul 27
overlaying a set of 'grouping' lines on a plot from image()
Hi, I have a matrix that I am displaying via image. I would like to obtain an image where the columns are 'grouped' (I have a grouping variable). But I am not sure how how I can draw the lines to indicate the grouping in the margin. I realize this is essentially waht heatmap does but as I have a set of custom breaks and colors I wanted to generate this via image. I can see that it is a
2003 Nov 10
attaching data to any object
Hi, is the following possible - in a given session I make a lot of objects and save when exiting. Usually I note down seperately what each object is about. Is it possible to attach data to any object which would essentially be a short note explaining the meaning of it? Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rajarshi Guha <rxg218 at>
2009 Jun 23
an idiom to handle i'th element of a set of lists simultaneously
Hi, I have 3 lists, x, y, z and I'd like to perform a calculation over all the lists simultaneously. If it were a single list I could use lapply, but for more than one list I'm using a for loop. Is there an idiom that would let me use something like lapply, but the function specified to lappy would have access to an element from each list? (In Python, I would have used for a,b,c in
2010 Jul 27
xyplot with all columns of a data.frame on a single plot
Hi, I have a data.frame with columns named X, D1, D2, D3 I know I can get a single plot with 3 curves by doing xyplot(D1 + D2 + D3 ~ X, data) but in some cases I might have columns D1 ... D10. Is there a way to plot all 10 columns without having to specify each individual term? (By analogy with formulae in lm, I thought, xyplot(. ~ X, data) would work, but it didn't) Thanks, --
2005 May 26
a more elegant approach to getting the majority level
Hi, I have a factor and I would like to find the most frequent level. I think my current approach is a bit long winded and I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to do it: x <- factor(sample(1:0, 5,replace=TRUE)) levels(x)[ which( as.logical((table(x) == max(table(x)))) == TRUE ) ] (The length of x will always be an odd number, so I wont get a tie in max()) Thanks,
2003 Sep 03
plotting a distribution curves
Hi, is there a way to plot distribution curves (say normal or chi sq etc) from within R? For example I looked up the *chisq family of functions but I'm not sure as to how I would use them to generate a plot of the chi sq distribution (for arbitrary d.o.f). Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi at>
2011 Jan 31
identify subsets based on two grouping factors
Hi, I have a data.frame that has a categorical variable, for which I would like to look at the distribution of levels of this variable, based on a grouping of two other variables. As an example: x <- data.frame(obs=sample(c('low', 'high'),100, replace=TRUE), grp1=sample(1:10, 100, replace=TRUE), grp2=runif(100)) cut.grp1 <- cut(x$grp1, 3) cut.grp2 <- cut(x$grp2, 3)
2003 Oct 02
using a string as the formula in rlm
Hi, I am trying to build a series of rlm models. I have my data frame and the models will be built using various coulmns of the data frame. Thus a series of models would be m1 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V3 + V4, data) m2 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V5 + V7, data) m3 <- rlm(V1 ~ V2 + V8 + V9, data) I would like to automate this. Is it possible to use a string in place of the formula? I tried doing: fmla
2003 Oct 01
question about predictions with linear models
Hi, this question is probably very obvious but I just cant see where I might be going wrong. I'm using the lm() function to generate a linear model and then make predictions using a different set of data. To generate the model I do (tdata & pdata are matrices of observations and parameters, tdepv, pdepv are response vectors) x <- x$tdepv <- tdepv
2003 Mar 03
saving a plot to a file
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, I'm a new user of R and have managed to make a plot of a histogram. Is there any way I set the title and axes labels and then save the plot as an image (png/gif)? Thanks - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi at> <> GPG
2004 Feb 06
a grep/regexpr problem
Hi, I'm trying to parse lines of the form: dan001.hin (0): fingerprint={256, 411, 426, 947, 973, 976} What I need is the sequence of number between {}. I'm using grep as match <- grep("{([0-9,\s]*)}",s,perl=T,value=T) where s is a character vector. But all I get is the whole string s. I tried using regexpr in an attempt to get just the sequence I wanted: match <-
2005 Apr 04
a question about box counting
Hi, I have a set of x,y data points and each data point lies between (0,0) and (1,1). Of this set I have selected all those that lie in the lower triangle (of the plot of these points). What I would like to do is to divide the region (0,0) to (1,1) into cells of say, side = 0.01 and then count the number of cells that contain a point. My first approach is to generate the coordinates of these
2003 Dec 03
checking for identical columns in a mxn matrix
Hi, I have a rectangular matrix and I need to check whether any columns are identical or not. Currently I'm looping over the columns and checking each column with all the others with identical(). However, as experience has shown me, getting rid of loops is a good idea :) Would anybody have any suggestions as to how I could do this job more efficiently. (It would be nice to know which
2004 May 20
column sorting a matrix with indices returned
Hi, I'm trying to translate some Matlab code to R and I'm trying to implement the behavior of Matlab's sort() which when applied to a matrix will sort the columns returning the column sorted matrix as well as a matrix of permuted indices. Doing: > x <- matrix(c(3,4,2,6,3,4,8,7,5), nr=3) > x [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 3 6 8 [2,] 4 3 7 [3,] 2 4 5
2004 Mar 27
a question about scoping functions
Hi, I've written some helper functions which are used by another function (called func()). When func() is sourced I dont want the helper function to be seen in the global namespace (as shown by ls()). Currently what I have done is: func <- function() { helper1 <- function() { ... } helper2 <- function() { ... } # some code } Is there anyway to take the functions
2010 Jul 02
merging plot labels in a lattice plot
Hi, I have a lattice lot conditioned on two variables. Example code is: library(lattice) x <- data.frame(d=runif(100), f1=sample(c('yes', 'no'),100,replace=TRUE), f2=c(rep('Run1',30),rep('Run2',30),rep('Run3',40))) histogram(~d | f1 + f2, x) In the plot, for a given value of f2, there are two panels, one for 'n'
2004 Mar 02
using object reference
Hi, I have read the previous thread on using references to objects in a function but the solution suggested does'nt seem to be working. basically I have an object x which has an attribute a containing some text. I would like to pass x to a function which will change the attribute a with some new text and have the change visible when the function exits. something like attr(x,'a')