Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Check value interval in a if loop"
2009 Sep 30
Read header csv file
Hi R community,
First of all, I want to thank everybody to share their time solving R questions, You are great. Ok, for my questions, I've been looking for a solutions by myself, in forums but I'm just a little bit desesperate so I hope somebody can help me. I have built a code to read files from a directory. These files are named by a year (2004.csv, 2005.csv,...). When the code reads
2013 Mar 13
multi-comparison of means
Hi all:
I have a question about multi-comparison.
The data is in the attachment.
My purpose:
Compare the predicted means of the 3 methods(a,b,c) pairwisely.
I have 3 ideas:
result_aov<-aov(y~ method + x1 + x2)
diff lwr upr p adj
b-a 0.845 0.5861098 1.1038902 0.0000001
c-a 0.790 0.5311098 1.0488902 0.0000002
c-b -0.055 -0.3138902
2011 Mar 29
List extraction
I have created a list of tables with the same columns but different number of
Example (actual list has ~200 elements):
> temp1<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub"),stat=c(4,5),pvalue=c(.03,.04))
> temp2<- data.frame(ID=c("Herb","Shrub",
> "Tree"),stat=c(12,15,13),pvalue=c(.2,0.4,.3))
> L<-list(a=temp1,b=temp2)
> L
2006 Jul 16
Matrices given to pt? [was: [R] for loops and counters]
Hi, people.
I was a bit intrigued by the message quoted below. Indeed, if pt() is
given a matrix, it returns a matrix. Should this feature be documented?
?pt speaks about "a vector of quantiles", and says nothing about the
type of what it returns.
The same might presumably apply to other distribution-related functions.
----- Forwarded message from Martyn Plummer <plummer at
1999 Oct 05
for loops and counters
I am trying to assign values to a vector (pvalue). Similar code works in C
but not in R. What am I doing wrong?
r <- pvalue <- 0
for(i in (1:(k-1))){
for(j in (i+1):k){
r <- r+1
tstat <- (means[i]-means[j])/rms
pvalue[r] <- 2*(1-pt(abs(tstat),df))
Thank you.
Peter B.
Peter B. Mandeville mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Jefe del
2007 Jul 07
Minor bug in lillie.test from nortest package (PR#9784)
Full_Name: David Sterling
Version: 2.4.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
lillie.test() dies without grace producing the error message: 'Error in if
(pvalue > 0.1) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed' when passed a vector
of identical values.
> lillie.test(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
Error in if (pvalue > 0.1) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE
2006 Nov 08
interprete wilcox.test results
Dear All,
I am using wilcox.test to test two samples, data_a and data_b, earch sample has 3 replicates, suppose data_a and data_b are 20*3 matrix. Then I used the following to test the null hypothesis (they are from same distribution.):
wilcox.test(x=data_a, y=data_b, alternative="g")
I got pvalue = 1.90806170863311e-09.
When I switched data_a and data_b by doing the following:
2007 Jun 11
epitools and R 2.5
At work after updating to R 2.5 I get an error using epitab from package
epitools, when at home (R 2.4) I get no error. Could someone help me?
Pietro Bulian
Servizio di Onco-Ematologia Clinico-Sperimentale
I.R.C.C.S. Centro di Riferimento Oncologico
Via Franco Gallini 2
33081 Aviano (PN) - Italy
phone: +39 0434 659 412
fax: +39 0434 659 409
e-mail: pbulian at cro.it
(at work)
2009 Jan 04
Lattice xyplot help please.
Hi -
I am not R expert and I would appreciate your time if you can help me
about my xyplot question.
I would like to add text (p-value) in a 4 panels xyplot. I thought
panel = function{} should work but I am not sure where I did it wrong.
The error message from the following code is
"Argument subscripts is missing with no default values"
xyplot(GLG ~ PD | factor(TRT) , groups =
2007 Dec 31
help on ROC analysis
Dear all,
Some functions like 'ROC(Epi)' can be used to perform ROC analyssi, but it
needs us to specify the fitting model in the argument. Now i have got the
predicted p-values (0,1) for the 0/1 response variable using some other
approach, see the following example dataset:
id mark predict.pvalue
1 1 0.927
2 0 0.928
3 1 0.928
2010 Feb 24
extracting results from wilcox_test (package::coin)
Recently, I ran a series of Kruskal-Wallace tests [kruskal.test()] using by()
to group by site Output is a list:
Herb.df$ID: 10-1
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: Indicator_Rating by Year
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 15.24, df = 7, p-value = 0.03302
Herb.df$ID: 18-1
2017 Jun 29
Help : glm p-values for a factor predictor
i am a newby on R and i am trying to make a backward selection on a
binomial-logit glm on a large dataset (69000 lines for 145 predictors).
After 3 days working, the stepAIC function did not terminate. I do not
know if that is normal but i would like to try computing a "homemade"
backward with a repeated glm ; at each step, the predictor with the max
pvalue would be
2009 Jul 28
formatting in r
I have output that I want to print out. I am having a few issues.
1] output u to power is really nothing more than a 2 x 11 set of values
formed using cbind function
and printed out as a data frame
How can I get it to output over several lines such as seen here?
2] Critical Z etc. were added by hand. I need an example of how I can
mix alphanumeric
and numeric data on
2011 Aug 01
Write.table Question
I'm trying to create an abbreviated data file from a larger version. I can
use the subset command to create a value for this data:
dat <-subset(raw.data, select=c(SNP, Pvalue))
> head (dat)
SNP Pvalue
1 rs11 0.6516
2 rs12 0.3311
3 rs13 0.5615
but when I try to write.table using:
write.table (dat, file = "/path/to/my/data.txt", sep = " ",
2017 Jun 29
Help : glm p-values for a factor predictor
It might help if you provided the code you used. It's possible that
you didn't use direction="backward" in stepAIC(). Or if you did, it
was still running, so whatever else you try will still be slow. The
statement "R provides only the pvalues for each level" is wrong: look
at the anova() function.
On 29 June 2017 at 11:13, Beno?t PELE <benoit.pele at
2006 Oct 25
density plot text
Is there any way of adding text to a density plot? I have had a go using the
text() function but I think the error is because this function doesn't work
with densityplot().
Alternatively, I understand I can achieve pretty much the same result if I
plot a density kernel estimate using plot() (which allows text()), but I do
prefer densityplot().
Also, is it possible to specify the dimensions
2005 Apr 20
negative p-values from fisher's test (PR#7801)
Full_Name: Martha Nason
Version: 2.0.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am running simulations using fisher's test on 2 x c tables and a very small
p.value from fisher's test (<2.2e-16) is returned as a negative number. Code
> set.seed(0)
> nreps.outer <-7
> pvalue.fisher <- rep(NA,nreps.outer)
> population1 <- c(
2011 Jan 14
read in data, maintain decimal places
Good day, All,
Is there any way to maintain the number of decimal places in the type of situation below?
I would like to maintain the number of decimal places in 0.667, despite the fact that its column-mates have a fourth decimal place.
Thank you for your time.
dat.txt contents:
rs6599753 C,T
2011 Mar 28
Questions about 'igraph' package.......
I am using 'igraph' package to make some graphs of 'gene-gene interaction'.
I can get a data.frame which has three columns.
gene1 gene2 pvalue
AGT MLR 1.2e-04
MLR 11BHSD1 1.71e-05
IFG2 11BHSD2 2.2e-07
. . .
. . .
. . .
2013 May 16
R looping help
Hey I'm not really sure what I should put on here, but I am having trouble
with my R code. I am trying to get the p-values, R^2s etc for a number of
different groups of variables that are all in one dataset.
This is the code:
#Stand counter