similar to: Binomial

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Binomial"

2012 Jun 04
regression methods for rare events?
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2014 Nov 14
Cómo aplicar weights a las observaciones en un GLM binomial
Hola, espero ser clara en el mensaje ya que es la primera vez que recurro a este tipo de ayudas, explico mi duda: Tengo un dataset con 4505 observaciones en el que la variable dependiente son presencias (n=97 y clasificadas como 1) y ausencias (n=4408 y clasificadas como 0). Mi primer paso fue realizar un GLM con una muestra compensada de ausencias y presencias para la variable dependiente, es
2010 Feb 06
Plot of odds ratios obtained from a logistic model
Hi all! I am trying to develop a plot a figure in which I would like to show the odds ratios obtained from a logistic model. I have tried with the dotplot option but no success. Could you help me? Is there any option when modelling the logistic model in R? Thank you in advance
2017 Dec 09
Hi David, Ista and all, I have one related question Within one group I want to keep records conditionally. example within group A I want keep rows that have " x" values ranged between 15 and 30. group B I want keep rows that have " x" values ranged between 40 and 50. group C I want keep rows that have " x" values ranged between 60 and 75. DM <-
2017 Dec 06
Hi Ashta, There are many ways to do it. Here is one: vars <- sapply(split(DM$x, DM$GR), var) DM[DM$GR %in% names(vars[vars > 0]), ] Best Ista On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Ashta <sewashm at> wrote: > Thank you Jeff, > > subset( DM, "B" != x ), this works if I know the group only. > But if I don't know that group in this case "B", how
2017 Dec 09
> On Dec 8, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Ashta <sewashm at> wrote: > > Hi David, Ista and all, > > I have one related question Within one group I want to keep records > conditionally. > example within > group A I want keep rows that have " x" values ranged between 15 and 30. > group B I want keep rows that have " x" values ranged
2017 Dec 07
> On Dec 6, 2017, at 4:27 PM, Ashta <sewashm at> wrote: > > Thank you Ista! Worked fine. Here's another (possibly more direct in its logic?): DM[ !ave(DM$x, DM$GR, FUN= function(x) {!length(unique(x))==1}), ] GR x y 5 B 25 321 6 B 25 512 7 B 25 123 8 B 25 451 -- David > On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Ista Zahn <istazahn at> wrote:
2011 May 15
Question on approximations of full logistic regression model
Hi, I am trying to construct a logistic regression model from my data (104 patients and 25 events). I build a full model consisting of five predictors with the use of penalization by rms package (lrm, pentrace etc) because of events per variable issue. Then, I tried to approximate the full model by step-down technique predicting L from all of the componet variables using ordinary least squares
2010 Feb 12
validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw
Dear All, For logistic regression models: is it possible to use validate (rms package) to compute bias-corrected AUC, but have variable selection with AIC use step (or stepAIC, from MASS), instead of fastbw? More details: I've been using the validate function (in the rms package, by Frank Harrell) to obtain, among other things, bootstrap bias-corrected estimates of the AUC, when variable
2017 Dec 07
Thank you Ista! Worked fine. On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Ista Zahn <istazahn at> wrote: > Hi Ashta, > > There are many ways to do it. Here is one: > > vars <- sapply(split(DM$x, DM$GR), var) > DM[DM$GR %in% names(vars[vars > 0]), ] > > Best > Ista > > On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Ashta <sewashm at> wrote: >> Thank
2017 Dec 09
Hello, Try the following. keep <- list(A = c(15, 30), B = c(40, 50), C = c(60, 75)) sp <- split(DM$x, DM$GR) inx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(sp), function(i) keep[[i]][1] <= sp[[i]] & sp[[i]] <= keep[[i]][2])) DM[inx, ] # GR x y #1 A 25 125 #2 A 23 135 #5 B 45 321 #6 B 47 512 #9 C 61 521 #10 C 68 235 Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 12/9/2017 12:48 AM, Ashta
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and runs with my data, but lrm does not
Dear all, I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have successfully fitted a logistic regression model using the "glm" function as shown below. library(rms) gusto <-
2011 May 05
Draw a nomogram after glm
Hi all R users I did a logistic regression with my binary variable Y (0/1) and 2 explanatory variables. Now I try to draw my nomogram with predictive value. I visited the help of R but I have problem to understand well the example. When I use glm fonction, I have a problem, thus I use lrm. My code is: modele<-lrm(Y~L+P,data=donnee) fun<- function(x) plogis(x-modele$coef[1]+modele$coef[2])
2017 Dec 09
library(dplyr) DM <- read.table( text='GR x y A 25 125 A 23 135 . . . ) DM %>% filter((GR == "A" & (x >= 15) & (x <= 30)) | (GR == "B" & (x >= 40) & (x <= 50)) | (GR == "C" & (x >= 60) & (x <= 75))) On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 4:48 PM, Ashta <sewashm at>
2011 Jun 23
Rms package - problems with fit.mult.impute
Hi! Does anyone know how to do the test for goodness of fit of a logistic model (in rms package) after running fit.mult.impute? I am using the rms and Hmisc packages to do a multiple imputation followed by a logistic regression model using lrm. Everything works fine until I try to run the test for goodness of fit: residuals(type=c("gof")) One needs to specify y=T and x=T in the fit. But
2017 Dec 09
> On Dec 8, 2017, at 6:16 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > > >> On Dec 8, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Ashta <sewashm at> wrote: >> >> Hi David, Ista and all, >> >> I have one related question Within one group I want to keep records >> conditionally. >> example within >> group A I want keep rows that
2017 Dec 09
You could make numeric vectors, named by the group identifier, of the contraints and subscript it by group name: > DM <- read.table( text='GR x y + A 25 125 + A 23 135 + A 14 145 + A 35 230 + B 45 321 + B 47 512 + B 53 123 + B 55 451 + C 61 521 + C 68 235 + C 85 258 + C 80 654',header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) > > GRmin <- c(A=15, B=40, C=60) > GRmax <-
2009 Oct 01
Color of graph
I am trying to plot a line graph for 3 or more regression lines abline(m1) abline(m2) abline(m3) Can I change the color of each line? if so how? Thanks in advance Ashta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Feb 06
glht (multicomparisons) with a binomial response variable
Hi, I,ve a run a model like this mcrm<-glm(catroj~month,binomial) being catroj a binary response variable with two levels (infected and non infected) > anova(mcrm3,test="Chisq") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 520 149.81 mes 3 16.86 517 132.94 0.0007551 *** When I?m trying to do a post
2013 Jan 24
Difference between R and SAS in Corcordance index in ordinal logistic regression
lrm does some binning to make the calculations faster. The exact calculation is obtained by running f <- lrm(...) rcorr.cens(predict(f), DA), which results in: C Index Dxy S.D. n missing 0.96814404 0.93628809 0.03808336 32.00000000 0.00000000 uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain 32.00000000