similar to: problem using KLdiv - flexmix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem using KLdiv - flexmix"

2010 Jul 15
KLdiv question (data.frame)
Hi all, I wonder why KLdiv does not work with data.frames: n <- 50 mydata <- data.frame( sequence=c(1:n), data1=c(rnorm(n)), data2=c(rnorm(n)) ) # does NOT work KLdiv(mydata) # works fine dataOnly <- cbind(mydata$data1, mydata$data2, mydata$group) KLdiv(dataOnly) Any ideas? Is there a better implementation that can deal with data.frame or is there a simpler way of converting? Ralf
2010 Jul 16
Question about KLdiv and large datasets
Hi all, when running KL on a small data set, everything is fine: require("flexmix") n <- 20 a <- rnorm(n) b <- rnorm(n) mydata <- cbind(a,b) KLdiv(mydata) however, when this dataset increases require("flexmix") n <- 10000000 a <- rnorm(n) b <- rnorm(n) mydata <- cbind(a,b) KLdiv(mydata) KL seems to be not defined. Can somebody explain what is going
2010 Jul 09
KLdiv produces NA. Why?
I am trying to calculate a Kullback-Leibler divergence from two vectors with integers but get NA as a result when trying to calulate the measure. Why? x <- cbind(stuff$X, morestuff$X) x[1:5,] [,1] [,2] [1,] 293 938 [2,] 293 942 [3,] 297 949 [4,] 290 956 [5,] 294 959 KLdiv(x) [,1] [,2] [1,] 0 NA [2,] NA 0 Best, Ralf
2010 Aug 04
Kullback–Leibler divergence question (flexmix::KLdiv) Urgent!
Hi all, x <- cbind(rnorm(500),rnorm(500)) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-4) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-5) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-6) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-7) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-8) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-9) KLdiv(x, eps=1e-10) ... KLdiv(x, eps=1e-100) ... KLdiv(x, eps=1e-1000) When calling flexmix::KLdiv using the given code I get results with increasing value the smaller I pick the accuracy parameter 'eps' until finally reaching
2007 Feb 08
smartpred depends on fitted() in flexmix?
Hi, I was going through the examples in smartpred. It seems there's an unstated dependency on the fitted() function in package flexmix. n = 20 set.seed(86) x = sort(runif(n)) y = sort(runif(n)) library(splines) fit = lm(y ~ ns(x, df=5)) plot(x, y) lines(x, fitted(fit)) # won't work w/o prior loading of the flexmix package. newx = seq(0, 1, len=n) points(newx, predict(fit,
2010 Jul 15
Repeated analysis over groups / Splitting by group variable
I am performing some analysis over a large data frame and would like to conduct repeated analysis over grouped-up subsets. How can I do that? Here some example code for clarification: require("flexmix") # for Kullback-Leibler divergence n <- 23 groups <- c(1,2,3) mydata <- data.frame( sequence=c(1:n), data1=c(rnorm(n)), data2=c(rnorm(n)), group=rep(sample(groups, n,
2009 Sep 16
T-test to check equality, unable to interpret the results.
Hi, I have the precision values of a system on two different data sets. The snippets of these results are as shown: sample1: (total 194 samples) 0.6000000238 0.8000000119 0.6000000238 0.2000000030 0.6000000238 ... ... sample2: (total 188 samples) 0.80000001 0.20000000 0.80000001 0.00000000 0.80000001 0.40000001 ... ... I want to check if these results are statistically significant? Intuitively,
2009 Mar 10
Cholesky Decomposition in R
Hi everyone: I try to use r to do the Cholesky Decomposition,which is A=LDL',so far I only found how to decomposite A in to LL' by using chol(A),the function Cholesky(A) doesnt work,any one know other command to decomposte A in to LDL' My r code is: library(Matrix) A=matrix(c(1,1,1,1,5,5,1,5,14),nrow=3) > chol(A) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 1 1 [2,] 0 2 2
2008 Mar 20
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Hello Everyone, I am writing programs in R from 7 months and I am able to solve most of the errors/issues except for this current post. My Task is to read a Microsoft Excel file(textE_to_affy.csv) which contains the Microarray Expression Values collected from the Illumina Microarray experiment. These collected intensity values need to be normalized(Rank Invariant Normalization) by using the R
2012 Jun 14
readHTMLTable function - unable to find an inherited method ~ for signature "NULL"
Hi R experts, I have been playing with library(XML) recently and found out that readHTMLTable workls flawlessly for some website, but it does give me an error like below ... Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function "readHTMLTable", for signature "NULL" let's say..for example, this code works fine a
2006 Nov 28
Problem with pairs() in nlme
Dear r-helpers, After successfully running require(nlme) vfr.lmL <- lmList( estimate ~ (slant + respType + visField + hand)^2 | subject, vfr ) pairs(vfr.lmL, id = 0.01, adj = -0.5) # Pinheiro & Bates (p. 141) produces the following error: Error in sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...) : object "form" not found Any guesses as to what I may have done wrong?
2007 Mar 21
RMySQL *was* working...
List, Last week with the help of Uwe and some other folks I was able to get RMySQL 0.5-7 compiled against R 2.4.1 and MySQL 5.0.27. It was working fine--I was able to send select queries to the db, put the results in a data frame, and so forth. Today, dbDriver() threw an error: > dbDriver(MySQL) Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for
2009 Jul 14
Error when sampling from SpatialLines
Dear forum,   I am working in R 2.9.1 and I am trying to sample locations from a network file. Reading in nor plotting is a problem, however when I am trying to sample from the file I get the following message:   nwlim<-readShapeLines("C:/Limburg_nwshape", proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:31300")) plot(nwlim)   randacc<-spsample(nwlim,n=1000,"random")
2010 Aug 30
getNodeSet - what am I doing wrong?
Hi, Why is the following retuning a nodset of length 0: > library(XML) > test <- xmlTreeParse( > "",useInternalNodes=TRUE) > getNodeSet(test,"//modifications_row") Thanks for any hint. Joh
2008 Jan 28
New package: gRain - gRAphical Independence Networks
Dear useRs I have uploaded a new package, gRain, for propability propagation in graphical independence networks; sometimes also called probabilistic expertsystems and Bayesian networks. Regards S?ren H?jsgaard _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2008 Jan 28
New package: gRain - gRAphical Independence Networks
Dear useRs I have uploaded a new package, gRain, for propability propagation in graphical independence networks; sometimes also called probabilistic expertsystems and Bayesian networks. Regards S?ren H?jsgaard _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2007 Jul 30
problems saving and loading (PLMset) objects
Hi I'm running the latest R on a presumably up to date Linux server. 'Doing something silly I'm sure, but can't see why my saved PLMset objects come out all wrong. To use an example: Setting up an example PLMset (I have the same problem no matter what example I use) > library(affyPLM) > data(Dilution) # affybatch object > Dilution = updateObject(Dilution)
2005 Apr 12
R Package: mmlcr and/or flexmix
Greetings I'm a relatively new R user and I'm trying to build a latent class model. I've used the 'R Site Search' and it appears there's not much dialogue on these packages On mmlcr, I've gotten it working, but not sure if I'm using it correctly. On flexmix, I can only seem to get results for one class. I'm attaching my code below - if anyone
2011 Mar 01
Problem on flexmix when trying to apply signature developed in one model to a new sample
Problem on flexmix when trying to apply signature developed in one model to a new sample. Dear R Users, R Core Team, I have a problem when trying to know the classification of the tested cases using two variables with the function of flexmix: After importing the database and creating a matrix: BM<-cbind(Data$var1,Data$var2) I see that the best model has 2 groups and use: ex2
2013 Apr 23
Hi, I am trying to understand how to use the flexmix package, I have read the Leisch paper but am very unclear what is needed for the M-step driver. I am just fitting a simple linear regression model. The documentation is far from clear what the FLXmclust function does, but, it in principle could do all I need, however, I do not get sentible results as if I try the following the result is poor: