similar to: Combine vectors in order to form matrixes with combn

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Combine vectors in order to form matrixes with combn"

2011 Jul 07
coefficients lm of data.frame
Hi, I've a data frame like this: >,rnorm(1:12))) V1 V2 1 -1.30849402 -0.52094136 2 0.96157302 0.76217871 3 -0.44223351 -1.72630871 4 -0.10432438 -1.04732942 5 -1.38748914 0.95877311 6 -0.63965975 0.65494811 7 -0.24058318 0.19496830 8 -0.11172988 1.01680655 9 0.08065333 0.22168589 10 0.25196536 0.84619914 11
2005 Apr 01
(no answer)
I wish to perform brain surgery this afternoon at 4pm and don't know where to start. My background is the history of great statistician sports legends but I am willing to learn. I know there are courses and numerous books on brain surgery but I don't have the time for those. Please direct me to the appropriate HowTos, and be on standby for solving any problem I may encounter while
2010 Apr 07
combn with factors
Dear list, I have come across this issue: combn(letters[1:5], 3) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [1,] "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "b" "b" "b" "c" [2,] "b" "b" "b" "c" "c" "d" "c"
2008 Feb 14
reordering combn(n,p)
I found the following slightly surprising and thought that it might (eventually) be useful to someone to document it: Problem: I wanted to reorder the columns of the matrix produced by combn(n,p) so that adjacent columns only differed by one element. I assumed that this was a problem known to the Assyrians and resisted the temptation to write to r-help, and through assiduous googling finally
2011 Jan 10
Using combn
Dear list, I want to apply the "table" function to every pair of variables in df and the return should be a list. setwd(123) asd <- data.frame(a1=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE), a2=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE), a3=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE), a4=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE)) with(asd, table(a1, a2)) with(asd, table(a1,
2011 Oct 16
multicore combn
This is a 'rather than re-invent the wheel' post. Has anyone out there re-written combn so that it can be parallelized - with multicore, snow, or otherwise? I have a job that requires large numbers of combinations, and rather than get all of the index values, then crank it through mclapply, I was wondering if there was a way to just do this natively within a function. Just curious.
2012 Nov 16
pairing data using combn with criteria
Dear All, I have a dataframe made up of individual beetles consisting of individual number, family number, mother's family number, father's family number, and sex of the beetle. I would like to pair up the individuals for breeding. I would, however, like to avoid breeding beetles of the same sex (obviously), the same family, and with the same mother's family or father's family,
2013 Jan 24
Please help R error message "masked from 'package:utils':combn"
Hi The message occurred from R, when I was selected of "optimization > block diagonal Fhiser matrix" and used the attached file on PFIM. Could you please advise me about the following message? ***************************** Loading required pakage: combinat Attaching package:'combinat' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:utils':combn
2007 Mar 27
Newbie: Combn and scripting
Hello All, I have just installed my R 2.4 (windows) as a test trying to load a data frame and run combn() for each line into another file. How do I do this? data.csv: a,b,c,d 1,2,3.4 g,3,6,t etc x=data.csv, m=3 Thank you Zam _________________________________________________________________________________ This email contains confidential information intended only for the person named
2006 May 09
combn(n, k, ...) and all its re-inventions
It seems people are reinventing the wheel here: The goal is to generate all combinations of 1:n of size k. This (typically) results in a matrix of size k * choose(n,k) i.e. needs O(n ^ k) space, hence is only applicable to relatively small k. Then alternatives have been devised to generate the combinations "one by one", and I think I remember there has been a quiz/challenge about 20
2010 Mar 26
More efficient alternative to combn()?
Hi, i am working on a problem where i need to compute the products of all possible combinations of size m of the elements of a vector. I know that this can be achieved using the function combn(), e.g.: > vector <- 1:6 > combn(x = vector, m = 3, FUN = function(y) prod(y)) In my case the vector has 2000 elements and i need to compute the values specified above for m = 32. Using combn() i
2007 Jan 19
combn implementation
Hi, I was checking the source code to the function combn that "generates all combinations of the elements of 'x' taken 'm' at a time.", because I wished to modify it. I have a doubt about a statement. This is the main loop. ._1 <- 1:1 nmmp1 <- n - m + ._1 while (a[1] != nmmp1) { if (e < n - h) { h <- ._1 e <-
2008 Feb 08
Applying lm to data with combn Hi, I have used apply to have certian combinations, but when I try to use these combinations I get the error [Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "X.GDAXI" not found]. being a novice I donot understand that after applying combination to the data I cant access
2003 May 27
help Roaming profile
Hello, i apologize if this adress in not the right one for asking the support. I' ve a question about the roaming profile in a PDC samba. Is possible manage only few selected profile? i want that only specified users (stage users that change pc frequently)have a roaming profile, but not for all users of my lan. In Windows 2000 this is possible ,i can assign, for a particular users, the path of
2003 May 29
Folder redirection on samba
hi, how can i set up the folder "my documents" on clients desktop on my samba pdc? thanks andrea __________________________________________________________________ Tiscali ADSL a 1 euro al giorno, traffico incluso!e in piu' telefoni gratis. Abbonati entro il 31 maggio, l'attivazione e' gratuita.
2004 Dec 18
Theora based DVD backup tool ?
Hi there, we see that someone is starting some DVD backup tests with Theora. It would be great to have a backup tool that do this. Just a suggestion: check out FairUse ! - website - sourcecode HaPpY CoDiNg ! -- >>Forward Agency In progress we (always) trust. --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:
2005 May 18
problem with an howto from the wiki.
hello, i'm reading and trying to configuring my mailserver following this howto on the dovecot wiki: but i got always this problem: ERROR: permesso negato per la relazione postfix_virtual in english is "permission denied for the relation postfix_virtual". I dont know where the problem is, but if i send an email from localhost
2005 Aug 01
wiki's howto and mailman
hello, i've implemented this on my mailserver : but now mailman is broken. This is the error i got from postfix: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command) of course the user mylist at does not exsist on the postgres db, but how i can fix this issue? someone wanna help,
2004 Sep 29
sambaPwdMustChange not properly set with smbldap
I'm using samba 3.0.6 on fedora core 1 with LDAP enabled and smbldap-tools. When I change a user password with smbldap-passwd <username>, i find that sambaPwdMustChange attribute is correctly set to 30 days later as set in smbldap_conf. But, if I try to change password from any Win2000 or WinXP client with CTRL+ALT+CANC --> CHANGE PASSWORD i notice that sambaPwdMustChange attribute
2010 Sep 08
Matrixes inside matrixes
Hello everyone, Could you please help me find out if R supports matrixes inside matrixes? This is what I would like to do I have an area map of humidity per km. I would like at every cell to keep also information about the height of this area, the current temperature etc. Is something like that supported? I would like to thank you in advance for your help Best Regards Alex