similar to: Boost in R

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches similar to: "Boost in R"

2010 Mar 09
error with adaboost: replacement has 186 rows, data has 62
Hi, all, When running >, xlearn, xtest, presel=0) I got the following error: Error in `[[<`(`*tmp*`, preds, value = c(4L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 3L, : replacement has 186 rows, data has 62 The data structure is attached below: [1] "ylearn" [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [40] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
2007 May 01
dlda{supclust} 's output
Hi, I am using dlda algorithm from supclust package and I am wondering if the output can be a continuous probability instead of discrete class label (zero or one) since it puts some restriction on convariance matrix, compared with lda, while the latter can. thanks, -- Weiwei Shi, Ph.D Research Scientist GeneGO, Inc. "Did you always know?" "No, I did not. But I believed..."
2008 Aug 25
name conflicts
Everyone, I've got code in my package that uses LogitBoost from the caTools package. caTools does not have a namespace. My package also uses loads RWeka, which has a namespace, and also has a function called LogitBoost. After loading both packages, how can I be specific about running the version from caTools (since caTools:::LogitBoost won't work)? Thanks, Max
2002 Jun 23
AdaBoost for R
I'm going to implement AdaBoost algorithm in R. Just wanted to ensure that there is no implementation of any boosting algorithm in R... don't want to reinvent the wheel... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
2009 Mar 28
Output an RWeka model via sink
When I sink the output of an RWeka model to a text file, the output file appears empty: library(RWeka) model = LogitBoost(Species~.,data=iris) print(model) sink("output.txt") print(model) #file output.txt is created, but it is blank sink() Am I doing anything wrong? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Jan 01
Error in adabag
Hi all; Happy new year. I have got the following error rror in if (nrow(object$splits) > 0) { : argument is of length zero when I am running the following codes. train <- c(sample(1:27,18), sample(28:54, 18), sample(55:81, 8)) a2011.adaboost <- boosting(median_kod ~ ., data = b[train, ], boos=TRUE, mfinal = 10, control = rpart.control(minsplit = 0)) Regards, Greg [[alternative
2005 Jul 12
SOS Boosting
Hi, I am trying to implement the Adaboost.M1. algorithm as described in "The Elements of Statistical Learning" p.301 I don't use Dtettling 's library "boost" because : - I don't understande the difference beetween Logitboost and L2boost - I 'd like to use larger trees than stumps. By using option weights set to (1/n, 1/n, ..., 1/n) in rpart or tree
2012 Jan 04
informal conventions/checklist for new predictive modeling packages
Working on the caret package has exposed me to the wide variety of approaches that different authors have taken to creating predictive modeling functions (aka machine learning)(aka pattern recognition). I suspect that many package authors are neophyte R users and are stumbling through the process of writing their first R package (or R code). As such, they may not have been exposed to some of the
2009 Aug 26
Doubt about adaboost
Hello, I performed a boosting analisis with adabag package to obtain a classification tree with the following set of commands: Tesis.boost <- adaboost.M1(Captura~., data=Tesis2, mfinal=2) > arb<-Tesis.boost$tree[[1]] > post(arb, file ="") > post(arb, file ="",title= "Arbol 1") I would like to know the meanning of the numbers that appeared in the
2010 Mar 19
lmer: mixed effects models: predictors as random slopes but not found in the fixed effects?
Hello all, I using lmer to develop a mixed effects model. I start with an overly parameterized model (as suggested in Zuur et al. Mixed Effects Models and Extension in Ecology with R) that looks something like this: m1 <- lmer( Y ~ aS + bS + c + d + e + (c|SpeciesId) + (d|SpeciesId) + (e|SpeciesId)) aS and bS are species level predictors an so do not vary within a SpeciesId. However, c, d, and
2008 Sep 06
New caret packages
New major versions of the caret packages (caret 3.37, caretLSF 1.23 and caretNWS 0.23) have been uploaded to CRAN. caret is a package for building and evaluating a wide variety of predictive models. There are functions for pre-processing, tuning models using resampling, visualizing the results, calculating performance and estimating variable importance. caretNWS and caretLSF are two parallel
2008 Sep 06
New caret packages
New major versions of the caret packages (caret 3.37, caretLSF 1.23 and caretNWS 0.23) have been uploaded to CRAN. caret is a package for building and evaluating a wide variety of predictive models. There are functions for pre-processing, tuning models using resampling, visualizing the results, calculating performance and estimating variable importance. caretNWS and caretLSF are two parallel
2011 Mar 30
RWeka - adding weights to a dataset
Hello, I was wondering what would be the easiest way to append weights to a dataset in RWeka. Ideally, I'd like to have something like: m <- LogitBoost(Species ~ ., data=iris, weights = myweights) But that, as far as I understand, it is not implemented and I'd need to use a workaround. I know that when programming Weka in Java it is possible to assign weights to instances using
2009 Sep 11
For sending my R package as part of R-project
To Whom It May Concern: I have an R package and want to put this package be part of R-project and available to anyone who is interested in. The R package is created for my paper, titled "Acceptance Sampling Plans from Truncated Life Tests Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution for Percentiles". The paper has been accepted by Communications in Statistics: Simulation and