Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Normal distribution"
2009 Sep 17
Problems with the commands FUNCTION and DERIV to build a polynomial
Hi all,
I need to automate a process in order to prepare a a big loop in the future
but I have a problem with the *command function*
First I fit a model with lm
I extract the coefficients to build the polynomial.
In the next step I need to define the polynomial to
2019 Mar 20
Como asignar valores de un archivo a otro
Toda la razon!!!
merge era todo!
El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 10:57, Carlos Ortega (<cof en qualityexcellence.es>)
> Hola Mauricio,
> No, creo que no es lo que dices..
> Con merge, indicas por qué columna (pueden ser varias) quieres juntar los
> dos dataframes y con los parámetros "all.x", "all.y" y "all" indicas si
2009 Mar 06
Interpreting GLM coefficients
Hi all,
I?m fitting GLM?s and I can?t interprete the coefficients when I run a
model with interaction terms.
When I run the simpliest model there is no problem:
Model1<-glm (Fishes ~ Year + I(Year^2) + Kind.Geographic +
Kind.Fishers + Zone.2 + Hours + Fishers + Month, family =
poisson(log)) # Fishes, Year, Hours, and Fishers are numeric,
Kind.Geographic, Kind.Fishers, Zone.2 and
2008 Apr 29
generic question ==>> mapping Longhurst biogeochemical ocean provinces in R
*Hello all
I am a newbie to R plotting maps. I am trying to plot over a world map a
layer of Biogeochemical provinces (BGCP) by A.R. Longhurst. Each ocean
region unfortunately are quite irregular in shape (not perfect squares). In
GIS this layer of ocean provinces would be a layer of polygons, which I am
assuming it cannot be plotted with R.
I was wondering If anybody has encounter this
2009 Feb 06
annotating a filled contours plot with a grid of points
Dear R-help members,
I am trying to plot annotate a filled contours plot (with filled.contour)
with a grid of points. I have read ways of annotating it with individual
points but not with grids in another matrix.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
Dario Martin-Benito
Dpto. Sistemas y Recursos
2018 Aug 27
Estimada lista
la pregunta es muy básica, pero necesito saber la Long media para cada año.
Estoy pillando en el bucle.
> head(talla)
X Long Año
1 1 56 2016
2 2 58 2016
3 3 58 2016
4 4 58 2016
5 5 58 2016
6 6 58 2016
> tail(talla)
X Long Año
2567630 2567630 86 2000
2567631 2567631 88 2000
2567632 2567632 88 2000
2567633 2567633 88 2000
2010 Nov 23
Barplot and plot means with confidence intervals in the same plot
I want to obtain a barplot with error bars and a mean plot with error bars
with other scale on the left in the same plot. I need help to get the same
x axis (centered) when overlay two plots (barplot2 and plotCI (or
lineplot.CI) with errorbars), with diferent y axis. I use par (new=T) but
the X axis names are not centered with the figures.
An example of my data:
2013 Jan 02
Read many cvs files
Hello R helpers,
I would like to automate this code for many files of the same type. But I
don´t know how to make it. In particular, i don´t know how to read many
files each one as an r object with the name of the file. Then a for loop
would be sufficient, right?
Many thanks and a happy new year.
datos <- read.table('global2001.csv',head=T,sep=';',stringsAsFactors=F)
2011 May 04
combine lattice plot and standard R plot
Dear R users,
I would like to combine lattice plot (xyplot) and standard R plot (plot and plotCI) in an unique figure.
I use the function "par()" to combine plot and plotCI and I use the function "print()" to combine xyplot. I tried to use these functions to combine xyplot and plotCI and plots but they do not work. Does anybody know how I can do this?
Thank you very much in
2008 Nov 03
Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv
Agradeceré me ayuden con la consulta:
Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv que pueda a su vez ser
convertida en un objeto geodata
De antemano, gracias por la atención,
Ricardo Bandin Llanos
Estudiante - Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías
Universidad de Concepción, Región del Bio-Bio, Chile
Celular: (0056-41) 97949957
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2006 Jul 05
degrading gracefully - how to tell if JS is enabled?
Is there a RoR best practice wrt determing in a visitor''s browser has JS disabled? Is there even a way to find out? I''ve got a couple of pages in my app that are not going to degrade gracefully at all. I really need to point a visitor who has JS disabled down a seperate path. Any ideas?
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2012 Feb 20
How to determine a subset of a binary strings?
I need some neat ways of determing a subset of binary strings. For example,
x=c(0,0,1), y=c(0,1,1), z=c(0,1,0). So x is a subset of y and z is also a
subset of y, but x is not a subset of z.
I tried to search R functions and packages but no hits. Any ideas?
Jing Tang, PhD
Senior Researcher
Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine (FIMM)
FI-00014 University of
2010 Sep 03
Interactions in GAM
Hello R users,
I am working with the GAM to inspect the effect of some factors (year, area) and continuous variables (length, depth, latitude and longitude) on the intensity and prevalence of the common parasite Anisakis. I would like introduce interaction in my models, both "continuous variables-continuous variables" and "continuous variables-factor". I have read some
2016 Sep 05
R SE QUEDA PEGADO e imposibilitado de trabajar.
Hola Carlos:
-Mira, mi máquina es nueva, con 16 giga de memoria Ram, así que no creo que sea problema de recursos
-En general me pasa esto cuando despliego un Plot. (Después que me paro y vuelvo a mi escritorio, pasado 15 min) el plot se deforma en la pantalla y después al eliminarlo se queda pegado.
-Me pasa sobre Rstudio.
-Windows 7 PROF.
De: Carlos Ortega [mailto:cof en qualityexcellence.es]
2001 Oct 06
Defeating Timing Attacks
In response to the timing analysis attacks presented by Dawn Song et.
al. in her paper http://paris.cs.berkeley.edu/~dawnsong/ssh-timing.html
at Silicon Defense developed a patch for openssh to avoid such
Timing Analysis Evasion changes were developed by C. Jason Coit and Roel
Jonkman of Silicon Defense.
These changes cause SSH to send packets unless request not to,
2019 Mar 20
Como asignar valores de un archivo a otro
merge sirve pero no para cumplir la condición de si un dato es "x",
buscarlo en el otro data.frame y asignarlo
El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 10:23, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta (<
cgb en datanalytics.com>) escribió:
> ?merge
> El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 14:22, MAURICIO MARDONES (<
> mauricio.mardones en ifop.cl>) escribió:
>> Amigos erreros
2008 Oct 23
I'm trying to perform a Principal Component Analysis on meteorological
data with 10 predictors.
I use the library pcaMethods to obtain a lot of information (loadings,
scores, mean, standard deviation, etc).
How can I obtain the scores (new PC variables) for new values of weather
predictors using the results of PCA analysis (loadings, mean value,
standard deviation) and without
2015 Apr 16
Formulario Web
Estimado Miguel
Es posible lo que dices, pero ¿tienes un servidor para instalar la parte de
R?, si lo tienes ¿cuántos recursos? Me refiero a lo siguiente, puede ser
que su trabajo esté excelente, pero los recursos del servidor al procesar R
tengan un desmedro en la calidad (velocidad) http y de base de datos,
creando una experiencia mala para el usuario.
Hay alternativas, cada vez hay más
2008 Sep 09
Help with 'spectrum'
For the command 'spectrum' I read:
The spectrum here is defined with scaling 1/frequency(x), following S-PLUS. This makes the spectral density a density over the range (-frequency(x)/2, +frequency(x)/2], whereas a more common scaling is 2? and range (-0.5, 0.5] (e.g., Bloomfield) or 1 and range (-?, ?].
Forgive my ignorance but I am having a hard time interpreting this. Does this mean
2007 Mar 27
"Groups" in XYPLOT
I'm not sure I'm barking up the right tree here, but would I need to make
use of groups to plot two separate datasets within ONE panel in xyplot? The
desired end result is a single xy plot of two separate (but similar in
values and ranges).
Full code follows, xyplot code at bottom
#########Determine Frequencies
#needs the maptools package to read ESRI grid