similar to: #3775 - testing helpers which use ActionView methods

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "#3775 - testing helpers which use ActionView methods"

2006 Feb 10
How do I test actionview helpers in the console?
I would like to see the output of actionview helper methods, to be able to play with it. When I do the following in the console: collection_select("job", "client_id" , @clients, "id", "name") I get: NoMethodError: undefined method `collection_select'' for #<Object:0xb7cf1970> I''d like to get something like: <select
2006 Feb 07
scope problems testing a helper method that calls link_to()
We''ve been having problems writing functional tests for helper methods that rely on ActionView methods. Here''s a specific example. In application_helper.rb I''ve got a method called ''party_link()ยจ: def party_link(party) link_to party.full_name, { :controller => ''contacts'', :action =>
2005 Dec 20
Patch lovin'' for #2018? ("rake appdoc fails on Windows systems")
Gurus (Guri? heh), We got burned today by #2018 ("rake appdoc fails on Windows systems"), and did a bunch of ferreting around (starting at the problems in rdoc,rake,rdoc.bat) and ultimately came back to the conclusion that the cleanest way to fix the problem is just a variation on a suggestion already posted in that ticket. I wrote up a patch against trunk from the suggestion there and
2006 Jan 06
Design flaw with Fixtures?
I''ve been trying to add unit testing for collection of models with complex relationships -- and failing miserably. Because of the complexity of the relationships, I''m using a database which validates foreign key constraints (PostgreSQL 8). I''m finding it nearly impossible to generate tests that are independent of each other. The basic problem is the DELETE then
2006 Feb 17
HELP: Strange problem with breakpointer - stopped working
Hello, I am in the middle of my first ROR project and suddently the breakpointer script (./script/breakpointer) does allways return the error listed below. All time before it was working without problems - but the funny think, I did not change anything on the system (despite downloading the Suse Security Patches). I am running: Suse 9.3 Rails 1.00 Ruby 1.8.3 Please help, if you have any
2006 Apr 08
ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper instance methods should take an object reference rather than an object_name.
Hi ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper methods (e.g. #text_field, #check_box...) take object_name as an argument. From this argument they infer a name that is supposed to contains the reference to the relevant object. I can''t see why the FormHelper methods were designed that way. Compared to simply passing them a reference, the current way seems too complicated and an invitation to problems
2006 Jul 09
serialized DateTime objects returning as Time objects
I have a database field called dates in which I am trying to serialize an array of DateTime objects. When I unserialize them, they are coming back in as Time objects. I know this, because I am getting errors that say "comparison between Time and DateTime failed. Why is this happening? Is there a way to prevent it?? Thanks Shelby -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2006 Feb 17
Any plans for using Atom with rails. I saw the "Typo" project is using MoveableType, Blogger, ... but not Atom. It seems Atom is not part of ActionWebService. Has anyone done any work with Atom and Rails ? Thanks for your answers, Gaspard
2013 Feb 28
Make `ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag#tag_id`, `ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag#tag_id_with_index(index)` public?
As I asked in StackOverflow<> I think it would be helpful since we can dynamically create javascript code to control each input tag in form helper, what do you think? Or there has already been a solution? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2006 Sep 04
Overriding ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag::DEFAULT_TEXT_AREA_OPTIONS
What is the best way to override some of the FormHelper default options? Right now I''m adding this to the beginning of my environment.rb: ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag::DEFAULT_TEXT_AREA_OPTIONS = { "cols" => 80, "rows" => 5 } Is that the way it''s supposed to be done? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2008 Mar 06
Unitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::Set
Hi all, I write the following test to a simple plugin require ''rubygems'' require ''test/unit'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../lib/meta_tags'' require ''action_view/helpers/tag_helper'' class MetaTagsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include MetaTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper .
2006 May 19
how to access ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper::escape_javascript in a model (a newbie question)
Hi all, Please forgive me for this newbie question. But I really want to know how how to access ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper::escape_javascript method in a model. I can access this method in view, but when call it in the model, it ends up with undefined method. It seems to me they are in different scope. So what''s the best way to access view helper methods in model. --
2005 Dec 19
Hi, Is it possible to use the ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper.text_field with an instance variable instead of a model. e.g. In the controller: def meth @value = ''hi there'' end In view: <%= text_field ''value'', nil %> It doesn''t work with what is above (doesn''t like the nil) and produces very strange results replacing nil with
2010 Oct 15
include ActionView::Helpers in Rails 3?
How do you do the equivalent of: module MyLibrary include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper end Rails 3? I''m trying to upgrade my app from 2.3.9 to 3.0.1 and I have some stuff in /lib that needs to include these helpers from ActionView. It works fine in 2.3.x, but in 3.x it''s giving me the error: undefined local variable or method `config'' One of the
2009 Sep 14
markdown call prompts "uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::Markdown" in upgraded application
Hey All, I''m attempting to upgrade my app from rails 2.0.2 to 2.3.3. One bit that''s failing is this call here (in /views/projects/show.html.erb) <%= markdown(@project.description) %> That earns me a: uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::Markdown On that line. I''m on a rebuilt machine (windows xp, ruby 1.8.6) so I thought it was a
2012 Sep 03
time_zone_options_for_select method in ActionView::Helpers is not DST aware
We are using time_zone_options_for_select for the letting the user to select the timezone to assign to an object. But we are having trouble because currently we are on DST period, so in utc -5 but the list is showing utc-6 (the normal offset) As per usage suggested in this issue: I wrote a custom method to solve this temporarily:
2007 Nov 16
ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper.sanitize docs
Hello, First sentence of sanitize() method doc says: "This sanitize helper will html encode all tags and strip all attributes that aren''t specifically allowed." But sanitize("<h1>foo</h1> <bar>should html encode</bar>") == "<h1>foo</h1> should html encode". Shouldn''t it html encode <bar> to
2007 Jan 24
ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag#to_date_tag help
I''m trying to read through the code, hoping to find a way to custom style select boxes for a date_select and can''t figure out this code. Any help appreciated: <code> def to_date_tag() defaults = DEFAULT_DATE_OPTIONS.dup date = value(object) || options = { |position| defaults.merge(:prefix =>
2005 May 17
Noob - ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper::select
Hi, I''m just starting with Rails and i''m trying to do something like this: <%= start_form_tag :action => ''add_user'', :id => @social_event_group %> <%= select ''user'', ''id'' , User.find_all.collect {|u| [ u.login, ] }%></p> <%= submit_tag "Add User" %> <%= end_form_tag %>
2009 Apr 09
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
Hi All, I just wiped out my hard drive, did a fresh install of os x 10.5, and upgraded to rails 2.3.2. i installed the mysql pkg for os x, and created the databases i needed for the project i was working on before the upgrade. However when i run rake db:migrate to run my migrations i get this error uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper I''ve found some stuff about