Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Re moving the numbers of the X/Y axis"
2011 Jun 09
histogram - density on y axis and restriction to interval [0, 1]
To indicate probability densities instead of counts on a histogram, I
specify freq = FALSE.
However, I expect that summing all top y coordinates over all the
intervals of the histogram will provide 1.
v <- c(0.2885, 0.2988, 0.3139, 0.2615, 0.3179, 0.3163, 0.2583, 0.3052,
0.2527, 0.3147, 0.3235, 0.2408, 0.2480, 0.3108, 0.3577, 0.2829, 0.2694,
0.3275, 0.3314, 0.2639, 0.3076,
2011 Mar 03
Ploting Histogram with Y axis is percentage of sample for each bin
I'm trying to do something very simple...
I wan to plot a histogram where the y axis represent the percentage of the
total sample that each bin represents.
I know how to plot a histogram with the counts and density... but can't find
anything that gives me perenct of sample on the y axis.
Any help is appriciated
Below is the script I'm working with
2007 Mar 08
Using logarithmic y-axis (density) in a histogram
I am searching for a possibility to display a logarithimic y-axis in a histogram. With plot that's easy (e.g.
plot(1:10, log="y")
but for histograms this does not work the same way: I tried
hist(rnorm(1000), freq=FALSE, seq(-4, 4, .5), ylim=c(0.001, 0.5), log="y")
Which gives the expected histogram but also warnings for my log="y" command
2007 Jun 22
Switching X-axis and Y-axis for histogram
Dear all,
I'm creating a histogram with the function hist(). But
right now what I get is column representation (as normal).
I'm wondering if I could switch X-axis and Y-axis and
get row-representation of frequencies?
One more question, can I define the step of each axises
for the histogram?
Thanks so much!
2012 May 20
Histograms with bin proportions on the y-axis
I have what is probably a simple problem. I have a data file from an MCMC
Bayes estimation problem that is a vector of 500,000 numeric values (just
one variable) ranging from 100,000 to 700,000. I need to display the
histogram of this data in a high quality graphic for a figure in a journal
publication. I want 100 bins so as to display a reasonable complete and
smooth histogram, and I need the
2010 Aug 30
log y 'axis' of histogram
I have been trying to get calls to hist(...) to be plotted
with the y-axis having a log scale.
I have tried: par(ylog=TRUE)
I have also looked at the histogram package.
Suggestions welcome.
Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd mailto:derek at knosof.co.uk
Source code analysis http://www.knosof.co.uk
2008 Mar 11
Adding x-axis values to a histogram
Dear useRs,
Is there a way one can add x-axis values to a histogram? Example:
z = rgamma(n=1000, shape = 8, scale = 1000)
hist(z, breaks = 30)
Currently I see 4 x-axis values: 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000. Can I add more
values or modify the ones currently showing? I tried ?hist, yet couldn't
work this out.
Thank you very much.
Diego Mazzeo
Actuarial Science
2012 Jul 10
Changing x-axis values displayed on histogram
Is it possible to change the x-axis values in a histogram to reflect binned
Here are my data:
Now, I'll bin pairs of adjacent values together (e.g., 5-6, 7-8, 9-10,
11-12, 13-14, 15-16) using the following
2010 May 31
Y-axis range in histograms
I'm trying to create a histogram with R. The problem is that the frequency
is high for a couple of x-axis categories (e.g. 1500) and low for most of
the x-axis categories (e.g. 50)
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n2237476/LK3_hist.jpg . When I create the
histogram, it is not very informative, because only the high frequencies can
be seen clearly. Is there any way I could cut the
2011 Apr 29
plot several histograms with same y-axes scaling using hist()
Dear all
Problem: hist()-function, scale = ?percent?
I want to generate histograms for changing underlying data. In order to make
them comparable, I want to fix the y-axis (vertical-axis) to, e.g., 0%, 10%,
20%, 30% as well as to fix the spaces, too. So the y-axis in each histogram
should be identical. Currently, I have 100 histograms and the y-axis scales
changes in each.
Here is my code:
2002 Dec 12
y axis on hist
The y axis on the hist function seems to set its limits oddly.
sometimes, it covers the full range of the data and sometimes it stops
one major tick short. I have had this behavior with a variety of data
sets, and it can easily be reproduced by just running the following
several times:
I have tried explicitly setting ylim to the range of values produced by
2005 Nov 15
y-axis in histograms
Dear R- list,
I have some data to present with histograms. Therefore I used hist(...).
I have few values with almost 80% of
the frequencies (totaly 800) and some other values with low frequencies
( totaly 5 -10 )
that I want to emphasize. Therefore I want to "cut" the y-axis on 100,
but I
don't know how to deal with this.
Thanks in advance,
Michael Graber
2007 Nov 09
scaling x-axis in hist function
I have a query regarding usage of hist (histogram) function in R.
I have a data where the range of the x -axis is from 0.0-1.0. When I use
hist the ticks on the x-axis it gives me by default is at
0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 and 1.0.
If I want more ticks such that the x-axis has 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3...till 1.0
what parameter should I use in the hist function?
2009 Sep 02
Normalized Y-axis for Histogram Density Plot
I have the following data which I tried to draw
the probability density plot.
Here is the code I have:
x <- read.table("mydat.txt");
d <- rep(x$V2,times=x$V3);
hist(d,probability=T, xlab="FlowSignal");
But why the y-axis range from 0 to 6,
instead of 0 to 1? What's the correct way to plot it?
#id flowsignal frequency
1 0.67 1
1 0.70 1
2006 Nov 30
scaling y-axis to relative frequency in multiple histogram (multhist)
I'm plotting a multiple histogram using the function multhist {package
plotrix}, something like:
mh <- list(rnorm(200, mean=200, sd=50), rnorm(200, mean=250, sd=50))
In this graph y-axis represents the frequency of observations.... but I
would like it to be scaled into relative frequencies,
does anybody know how to do this with multhist or similar
2011 Oct 07
How to change the scale of the Y axis?
I am currently trying to create 3 histograms from 3 sets of data and in order
to compare them I need them all to have a common scale, the Y axis is the
only place its a problem, as one histogram only goes up to 4, another 5, and
another 7 on the Y axis and obviously they all need to be in the same scale
to allow comparisons. Can anyone help?
View this message in context:
2010 Feb 04
Changing fonts of axis labels in Histogram() function
Dear All
I am using the histogram() function to plot two subsets from my data on the
same output display, i.e. there are two histogram plots
My code is:
histogram( ~ Age | Date, layout = c(1, 2),
xlab = "Age (years)",
strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, col = "black",
border = "white", cex.axis = 1.1, family = "serif", cex.lab =
2006 Jun 28
superimposing histograms con't
Earlier, I posted the following question:
I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph,
changing the shading of the bars for each population. After consulting the
help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do this (seemly)
simple graph. To be clear, I want
- a single x axis (from -3 to 18)
- three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population
2000 Jul 09
Modified Histogram functions
Dear all,
I have done further modifications on the histogram functions that I
reported earlier this year, and I hope this can be of use and perhaps
included in the distribution. I have been using this stuff a couple of
months myself, and while it is nothing sophisticated, it has it's
applications. :-) I did a few small modifications today to make it a bit
more compact.
I have modified the
2004 Nov 26
hist and truehist
Up to now I have been using hist() to display the distributions.
Howevere, I noteiced strange numbers on y (vertical) axis, if I used
probability = T or freq = F option. I thought it is a bug and launched
the R-bug system and found some posts on that matter. Brian Ripley
responded to one, that one should look at truehist() for that. Ok I can
use truehist() if I want to see the ratios