Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "boxplot with log="y" and values starting at 0"
2008 Sep 02
boxplot - label outliers
Hi All-
I have 24 boxplots on one graph. I do not have the whiskers extending
to the outliers, but I would like to label the maximum value of each
outlier above the whiskers. I have the stats but am having trouble
figuring out how to label the whiskers.
Any suggestions would be great!
2001 Apr 19
Dear all,
I am comparing:
> summary(boxplot(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,50),range=1.5))
Length Class Mode
stats 5 -none- numeric
n 1 -none- numeric
conf 2 -none- numeric
out 1 -none- numeric
group 1 -none- numeric
names 1 -none- character
> summary(boxplot(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,50),range=0))
Length Class Mode
stats 5 -none- numeric
2007 Feb 12
Boxplot: quartiles/outliers
For boxplot(), is it possible to pass in a parameter to change the default
way that the 1st and 3rd quartiles are computed? (specifically, I'd like to
use type 6 described in the quantile function).
Also, what are the options for how outliers are computed, and how can one
change them?
Thank you
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 12
Whiskers on the default boxplot {graphics}
How are the lower/upper whiskers defined in the default version of boxplot {graphics}?
I tried help(boxplot) and searching www.rseek.org, but I was unable to determine an absolute answer.
I checked out the definition of boxplot according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot), but it also had several approaches
listed for how the whiskers could be determined, so I'm just
2008 Jan 25
accessing the indices of outliers in a data frame boxplot
I have a data frame containing columns which are factors. I use this
to make boxplots for the data, with one box per factor. I would now
like to get at the data in the data frame which corresponds to the
outliers. I have so far found the $out, which gives "the values of any
data points which lie beyond the extremes of the whiskers", but I
haven't found anything which will let me get
2005 Oct 04
boxplot statistics
I have read and reread the boxplot and the boxplot stats page, and I
still cannot understand how and what boxplot shows. I realize that
this might be due to me not knowing enough statistics, but anyway...
First, how does boxplot determine the size of the box? And is the line
inside the box the mean or the median (or something completely
different?) And how does it determine how long out the
2011 Nov 16
boxplot strange behavior
I generate box plots from my data like this:
qplot(x=xxx,y=column,data=data,geom="boxplot") + xlab("xxx") + ylab(ylabel) + theme_bw() + scale_y_log10() + geom_jitter(alpha=I(1/10))
The problem is that I see lot of points above the maximum at the same level as some outliers. It looks very weird as I expected the outliers to be "few" and specially not see any
2018 Jun 12
Junto con saludar,
Quer?a saber si los que han usado boxplot.stats, saben como ubicar los resultados que arroja como "out" (outliers) directamente en la base de datos, ya que, muestra los resultados en valor de cada dato at?pico.
Por ejemplo, estoy usando una base de datos con 300 datos y 10 columnas, en este caso estoy buscando los datos at?picos de la columna del precio de x
2005 Dec 01
Impaired boxplot functionality - mean instead of median
Hello to all users and wizards.
I am regulary using 'boxplot' function or its analogue - 'bwplot' from
the 'lattice' library. But they are, as far as I understand, totally
flawed in functionality: they miss ability to select what they would
draw 'in the middle' - median, mean. What the box means - standard
error, 90% or something else. What the whiskers mean -
2008 Aug 05
boxplot with average instead of median
I really like the ease of use with the boxplot command in R. I would
rather have a boxplot that shows the average value and the standard
deviation then the median value and the quartiles.
Is there a way to do this?
Chad Junkermeier, Graduate Student
Dept. of Physics
West Virginia University
PO Box 6315
210 Hodges Hall
Morgantown WV 26506-6315
phone: (304) 293-3442 ext. 1430
fax: (304)
2009 Jul 12
box and whisker (PR#13821)
In a Box and Whisker plot, I thought that when there are outliers both abov=
e and below the whiskers, then the whiskers should both be the same length =
(plus or minus 1.5 times the inter-quartile range).
If you look at the plot for SilwoodWeather on p.155 of The R Book you will =
see that for November (month =3D 11) the upper whisker is shorter than the =
lower, while for other months with
2010 Jun 04
Boxplot: what is shown by default?
i'm using /"boxplot()"/ to show some data:
x <- c(0.99, 0.97, 0.91, 0.72, 1.00, 0.99, 1.02, 0.90, 0.91, 0.90, 1.02,
0.90, 1.35, 1.01, 0.92)
is it correct when i say: /"Boxes represent interquartile ranges (IQRs);
bold horizontal lines, medians; whiskers, lowest and highest values
still within 1.5 x IQR; open circles, outliers."?
/thanks in advance
2011 Feb 24
Boxplot not doing what I think it should
My box plot below is drawing its upper whisker all the way to the last point, instead of showing the point as an outlier. Am I misunderstanding, or is it a bug?
Help(boxplot) states for the parameter ?range? that ?this determines how far the plot whiskers extend out from the box. If range is positive, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data point which is no more than range times the
2008 Jan 31
how to customize boxplot
Dear List,
I'd like to make boxplots of a large number of observations (+/-
20.000), which are distributed log-normal and right skewed. The
problem is that with standard boxplots a too large number of
observations are displayed as outliers. I also tried to display the
log of the observations, but even then there are to may outliers to my
taste. So I'd like to change the standard IQR box
2003 Feb 24
bwplot stats question
Hi List,
Just wondering where the documentation exists for the statistics which
makeup the bwplot.
I'm guessing that if R is like similar products that the graph is
constructed as
The median is the filled circle. The box surrounding the filled circle
depicts the 25th and 75th quartile. The range of values is given by the
dotted lines (?whiskers?) outside of each box, and possible
2009 Jul 30
how to change the thickness of the lines of the boxplot outliers
I tried to use boxplot function. I am following the ?boxplot and can
change the whisker box width using lwd parameter. However, when
outline=TRUE, the thickness of the circle of the outliers is not
proportionally changed when I change the line width of the whisker
box. There must be another parameter for that. Unfortunately I don't
please help and thanks much in advance.
2009 Aug 19
mild and extreme outliers in boxplot
dear all,
could somebody tell me how I can plot mild outliers as a circle(?) and
extreme outliers as an asterisk(*) in a box-whisker plot?
Thanks very much in advance
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/mild-and-extreme-outliers-in-boxplot-tp25040545p25040545.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Sep 29
Removing lower whisker in boxplot to see the effects of the high values
Good Afternoon-
I was wanting to alter the boxplot to remove the lower whisker, both the
whisker line and staple just on the lower end. Is there a way to do this?
As my code is currently:
boxplot(log_loads~ind,data=nfmaum, horizontal=TRUE, notch=T, outline=FALSE,
whisker=0, main="Maumee River Near Future Climate Scenarios", ylab="Log
Load",xlab="Climate Scenarios")
2009 Jul 23
remove multiple columns by name from dataframe
Hi there,
I'm trying to remove multiple columns by name from a data.frame. As a
result I need to get back the modified data.frame without the removed
columns. My columns I want to delete are listed in a vector called
data <- read.csv2("data.csv")
delete <- c("col1", "col2", "col3")
newData <- subset(data, select =
2010 Aug 05
colour of label points on a boxplot
Hi all,
I have 6 datasets(dataframes Assem_ContigsLen7 through all_ContigsLen12)
containing 3 columns (contig_id, contig_length, read_count).
Each dataset is composed of 3 types of contigs (assemblies of genomic
fragments), 1- all Bacterial fragments, 2 - all Viral fragments, 3 -
mixed fragments.
I identified the type of contig through a merge with another table with
just contig_id and