similar to: multiple values for a factor using nodematch in ergm()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "multiple values for a factor using nodematch in ergm()"

2009 Aug 17
FYI conflict between statnet, igraph
Dear R users: There appears to be a conflict between the statnet package and the igraph package. With igraph loaded into memory, the network() function of statnet failed, returning the error to the effect that the matrix being converted was "not a graph object." Removing igraph from memory restored statnet to proper function. Apologies if this is redundant. I could not find this
2012 May 09
ergm model, nodematch with diff=T
Dear all, I am new to network analysis, but since I have good data I started to read about it and learned how to use the ergm and related packages. I generally get interesting results, but when I run a model including sociality and selective mixing effects for different groups, the model runs (and converges) but I get a warning as follows: mod <- ergm(network ~ edges + gwesp(0, fixed=T) +
2010 Sep 19
ergm crashes
Dear all, I am doing a social network analysis using ergm. I import a rectangular matrix of data and then I build a network using the following command: ng <-network(mat,directed=FALSE) I then attach vertex names using commands like this: set.vertex.attribute(ng,"SchoolType",mSchType) where SchoolType can take six different/unique values. Then, I run ergm models successfully using
2009 Nov 23
how to change the class of a group of objects
Dear R users, I would like to change the class of a group of objects in R memory from "numeric" to "dist". I can manipulate the class using class(foo) <- bar but I cannot get the same command to work on groups of variables. When I use for() loops and lists of names, inevitably I have to specify class(get("foo")) <- bar which causes class() to return an
2010 Sep 23
Dear colleagues, I have another question, which, I think cannot be answered easily by the manual. What is the effect of including both nodefactor("Gender") and nodematch("Gender",diff=TRUE)) for the same variable in the model? Judging from the output (please see below), you cant have estimates for both for boys and girls forthe nodematch command, but I thought that the
2007 Nov 28
question about warning message in nlme model
I am writing to inquire about a warning message that I receive when trying to model a random slope and intercept at the second level of a 3-level model. Specifically, I am testing a 3-level model in which time (WEEK) is nested in participants (PARTICIP) and participants are nested in dyads (DYADID). The goal is to examine how an interpersonal style (CORUMTO) one week predicts changes in
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander . First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes! I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA... Here is the list. Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2009 Aug 16
Mix font families in a single label?
Dear R-help community: I have been searching for an elegant solution to the question posed in my subject. I would like to be able to use any of the R functions like text() or mtext() to display some text with mixed font families. For example, a label like "huge-class background load", where the word "huge" is in Courier and the rest is in the default family (or any other
2003 May 13
Voicemail2 and MWI
We've been testing (aim:frziegler and aim:end1r) the Voicemail2 app for a few days now, based on a CVS build from Monday, 5/12/03-23:15. Works good! Thanks Mark! We seem to have found a bug in the MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) logic. By simply creating msg0000.txt files in both structures, e.g.: for extension 4000: voicemail1: /var/spool/asterisk/vm/4000/INBOX/msg0000.txt
2003 Jul 07
Problems with Hangup Detection in VoiceMail2.
Hi. Has anyone experienced hangup detection problems with the VoiceMail2 app? I have a console phone on the FXS port. When I call a SIP phone, and get its voicemail greeting, I can enter the VoiceMail2 app, leave a message, and then hit # to stop message recording. Recording does stop, but the channel stays up inside the VoiceMail2 app (as shown by a "show channels" command) for about
2003 Jul 09
SUMMARY: Problems with Hangup Detection in VoiceMail2.
Many thanks to Martin Pycko and Mark Spencer. Mark's suggestion below was correct: "Maybe it's stuck trying to send the e-mail notification. If you take the e-mail address out of /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf does that speed it up?" Indeed it did! The problem turned out to be a 60second delay while invoking mail, caused by a mis-configuration of my hostname and
2012 Mar 21
help matching observations for social network data
Greetings R folks, I am stuck on a problem that I suspect can be solved somewhat easily. I have social network data stored in dyads as below, where the numbers representing ego and alter are identifiers, so that number 1 as an ego is the same person as number 1 as an alter etc. ego alter 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 4 5 3 1 6 3 2 7 3
2015 Nov 17
Exporting a method to a cluster object
Hi, This is my first message to this list. It would be great if people here could help me with the following problem (self-contained code example below): I have a list of matrices and would like to apply a summary function to the matrices in the list. The matrices represent social networks, therefore I need to apply some specialized summary functions provided by the ergm package. These
2009 Sep 06
selecting columns based on values of two variables
Dear R-list, I am having troubles selecting rows from a very large data-set containing distances between capitals. The structure of the data-set looks like this: numa ida numb idb kmdist midist 1 2 USA 20 CAN 731 456 2 2 USA 31 BHM 1623 1012 3 2 USA 40 CUB 1813 1130 I want to select a subset of these dyads, and have
2014 Mar 11
R Package developer job at the University of Washington, Seattle
We have a position available for an experienced R programmer to provide support for software development for statnet, a suite of R packages for Exponential Random Graph Modeling ( -- most content is on the wiki). The current statnet development team includes several PhD level statisticians, some faculty from other disciplines, and an independent software developer. Funding
2006 Nov 09
Single precision data behaviour with readBin()
Hi all, I am running R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) on an i686 pc with Mandrake 10.2 Linux. I was given a binary data file containing single precision numbers that I would like to read into R. In a previous posting, someone suggested reading in such data as double(), which is what I've tried: > zz <- file(file, "rb") > h1 <- readBin(con = zz, what = double(), n = 1, size
2006 Nov 07
question on multilevel modeling
Hi, I am trying to run a multilevel model with time nested in people and people nested in dyads (3 levels of nesting) by initially running a series of models to test whether the slope/intercept should be fixed or random. The problem that I am experiencing appears to arise between the random intercept, fixed slope equation AND. (syntax: rint<-lme(BDIAFTER~BDI+WEEK+CORUMTO,
2008 Feb 20
igraph package, version 0.5
igraph is a package for graphs and networks. It has a C core and uses a simple and fast graph representation allowing millions of vertices and edges. NEW FEATURES: - We use the ARPACK library for graph related eigenvalue problems, like Page Rank calculation, Kleinberg's hub and authority scores, eigenvector centrality, etc. There is also a generic interface if someone wants to use
2008 Feb 20
igraph package, version 0.5
igraph is a package for graphs and networks. It has a C core and uses a simple and fast graph representation allowing millions of vertices and edges. NEW FEATURES: - We use the ARPACK library for graph related eigenvalue problems, like Page Rank calculation, Kleinberg's hub and authority scores, eigenvector centrality, etc. There is also a generic interface if someone wants to use
2013 Apr 13
Reshaping Data for bi-partite Network Analysis
Hello I have a dataset of people spending time in places. But most people don't hang out in all the places. it looks like: > Input<-data.frame(people=c("Marc","Marc","Joe","Joe","Joe","Mary"), + place=c("school","home","home","sport","beach","school"), +