similar to: Rounding to the nearest 5

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "Rounding to the nearest 5"

2008 May 06
Is there in R a function equivalent to the mround, as found in most spreadsheets?
Dear R-users, I have the following problem In a lab experiment I have to mix three solutions to get different concentrations of various molecules in a cuvette I've used R to calculate the necessary ?liters for each of the level of the experiment and I must confess that it is more useful and easier to achieve the results than using spreadsheets. But there's a problem. Imagine that
2009 Sep 03
dividing a dataframe column by different constants
Dear R users, today I've got the following problem. Here you are a dataframe as example. There are some SAMPLES for which a CONCentration was recorded through TIME. The time during which the concentration was recorded is not always the same, 10 points for Sample A, 7 points for Sample B and 11 for sample C Also the initial concentration was not the same for the three samples. I would like
2009 Nov 12
Rearranging long tables, Sweave, xtable, LaTeX
Dear R-users, consider the two following outputs, ## 1 and ## 2 \begin{Scode}{Setup, echo = FALSE, print = FALSE, eval = TRUE} with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2)) ## 1 xtable(with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))) ## 2 \end{Scode} The first line with(expand.grid(Fact1 = 1:3, Fact2 = 1:40), table(Fact1, Fact2))
2007 Dec 03
again on ubuntu 7.10 and amd64
Hi there, this is my first post to the list. I'm a newcomer to the linux world. I started using it on a regular basis on May and I must say I'm quite comfortable with it, even if I have to re-learn a lot of things. But this is not a problem, I will improve my knowledge with time. My main problem now is that I bought myself a new computer (described at the end of this e-mail) and I was
2009 Aug 13
R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates & Watts 1988
Hi R users, I'm here trying to understand correlated residuals in nonlinear estimation. I'm reading/studying the book Bates, D. M. and D. G. Watts, (1988), /Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications/, Wiley, NY. pages 92-94, trying to reproduce the figures and to find out the code in R to perform the necessary calculations. I also consulted Pinheiro and Bates, but without
2007 Oct 22
having problems with the lme function
Dear R-users: I have some problems working with lme function, and i would be glad if anyone could help me. this kind of analysis i was used to do with PROC MIXED from SAS, but i would like to move to R, for many reasons... So, the problem is: Imagine the I have 3 factors: fact_A, fact_B and fact_C: The latter I would assume that is random, and the rest of them are fixed. Analysing the
2007 Nov 28
Recommended textbooks for R?
Hi everyone! I've recently begun to learn R for my job as the IT department suffers from lack of funding for new software. I was talking to the guy in charge of Requisitions and have found out the budget for books is in great shape. So, I'm curious what books people know of that have R examples and are good for: 1.) Uni and Multivariate Time Series Analysis/Forecasting 2.) GLMs (at
2007 Dec 05
Which Linux OS on Athlon amd64, to comfortably run R?
Dear R-users. I eventually bought myself a new computer with the following characteristics: Processor AMD ATHLON 64 DUAL CORE 4000+ (socket AM2) Mother board ASR SK-AM2 2 Ram Corsair Value 1 GB DDR2 800 Mhz Hard Disk WESTERN DIGITAL 160 GB SATA2 8MB I'm a newcomer to the Linux world. I started using it (Ubuntu 7.10 at work and FC4 on laptop) on a regular basis on May. I must say I'm
2007 Dec 05
Which Linux OS on Athlon amd64, to comfortably run R?
Dear R-users. I eventually bought myself a new computer with the following characteristics: Processor AMD ATHLON 64 DUAL CORE 4000+ (socket AM2) Mother board ASR SK-AM2 2 Ram Corsair Value 1 GB DDR2 800 Mhz Hard Disk WESTERN DIGITAL 160 GB SATA2 8MB I'm a newcomer to the Linux world. I started using it (Ubuntu 7.10 at work and FC4 on laptop) on a regular basis on May. I must say I'm
2007 Jul 26
substituting dots in the names of the columns (sub, gsub, regexpr)
Dear R users, I have the following two problems, related to the function sub, grep, regexpr and similia. The header of the file(s) I have to import is like this. c("y (m)", "BD (g/cm3)", "PR (Mpa)", "Ks (m/s)", "SP g./g.", "P (m3/m3)", "theta1 (g/g)", "theta2 (g/g)", "AWC (g/g)") To get rid of spaces and
2008 Jan 29
on trellis.par.set/get (reproducing figures from Pinheiro & Bates)
Dear R users, I would like to exactly reproduce a figure like the 1.5 or 1.9 or 4.13 from the book Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus. Not for the sake of it, but because I have my own data I would like to plot in that fashion (no colors) If I write plot(ergoStool) I can get a good informative plot with colors, but I would like to have a B&W one instead. I've played a little with
2004 Mar 29
Problems with "optimize"
Dear All, I'm trying to maximize a likelihood with respect one parameter using "optimize" on simulated data (without error component). I've iterated the maximization procedure 1000 times and I should always obtain the same estimate of the parameter (equal to the simulated one) but, instead, i obtain different results (the likelihood function shouldn't be flat). Does
2009 Aug 20
[Fwd: Re: Several simple but hard tasks to do with R]
Rakknar ha scritto: > Hello everybody. I've been learning R for about a month to do a > econometric study and now i'm stuck with some problems to make R do the > things I want. Here I give the list of things I wanna do from the most > simple to the more complex (for me of course): > > 1. Make a log. I've been using Stata and there i have a great tool to >
2003 Aug 24
problems in updating cvsroot under cygwin
Hi I've always updated and committed my cvsroot directory using rsync also under windows with rsync distributed with cygwin. After installed the new release of cywing with rsync 2.5.6 protocol version 26, updating my cvsroot does not work anymore (under windows): it locks with receiving file list ... I use this command to update: rsync -e ssh -avzu --delete -c -C --include=CVS
2008 Dec 27
contour plot - smooth lines
Dear R-Users, I am using 'contour' to plot a graph using values x,y and a matrix z. I would like to obtain 'smooth lines' instead of no-smooth contour lines. I tried with filled.contour too. In a Post I found yy <-predict(interpSpline(x, y)) I could use that method for each range that I want to plot but I hope to find a easier method. Thank you Tommaso Letterio DIAF - UniFi
2004 Aug 03
(Lattice) How to improve the readability of a bwplot, i.e. separating groups somehow
Hi all, first of all thanks for the answer to my previous question on lattice some time ago. In particular to Patrick Connolly for advices on netiquette (I hope this time I'm doing right....) and to Deepayan Sarkar fro the help on lattice. Now, my nowaday problem. Please consider the following mydf< RESPONSE = c(rnorm(9,rep(2:4,each=3),10),
2004 Aug 29
restarting a server
A question, althought it is not strictly samba pertinent: I have some Win2k server that offers dial-in to local users. Today all stopped working, but the ones using linux ... However these are not sufficient, so i ask here [since it is probable many people have win2k hosts around) - how to , logging in the win2k server with ssh, restart RAS ? Of couse i can use only CLI programs ... at woest ...
2014 Feb 17
Problems with qemu-system-arm and isa-serial
Hi, I'm trying to use libvirt for an armel virtual machine hosted into an x86_64 box. I know the command line to start qemu-system-arm directly, but I cannot figure a proper .xml configuration file to let libvirt do this job. The main problem is that I want a serial console attached via telnet, this is the Qemu incantation: -serial telnet::4000,server,nowait,nodelay Wahtever I do in
2009 Dec 02
Again on overlaying plots (a plot region within a plot region)
Dear R-users, after seeking for help in R-search I did not find any hint on my particular problem. Countless help on "true" overlay, but nothing on this. Please consider the following: par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) T <- seq(0, 20, by = 0.01) ## PLOT 1 plot(T, 30*exp(-0.65*T), type = "l" ) points(T, 30*exp(-0.26 * T), type = "l", lty = "F8") points(T,
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from