similar to: glm.nb versus glm estimation of theta.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "glm.nb versus glm estimation of theta."

2012 Oct 22
glm.nb - theta, dispersion, and errors
I am running 9 negative binomial regressions with count data. The nine models use 9 different dependent variables - items of a clinical screening instrument - and use the same set of 5 predictors. Goal is to find out whether these predictors have differential effects on the items. Due to various reasons, one being that I want to avoid overfitting models, I need to employ identical types of
2012 Apr 14
R Error/Warning Messages with library(MASS) using glm.
Hi there, I have been having trouble running negative binomial regression (glm.nb) using library MASS in R v2.15.0 on Mac OSX. I am running multiple models on the variables influencing the group size of damselfish in coral reefs (count data). For total group size and two of my species, glm.nb is working great to deal with overdispersion in my count data. For two of my species, I am getting a
2004 Feb 02
glm.poisson.disp versus glm.nb
Dear list, This is a question about overdispersion and the ML estimates of the parameters returned by the glm.poisson.disp (L. Scrucca) and glm.nb (Venables and Ripley) functions. Both appear to assume a negative binomial distribution for the response variable. Paul and Banerjee (1998) developed C(alpha) tests for "interaction and main effects, in an unbalanced two-way layout of counts
2008 Apr 21
estimate of overdispersion with glm.nb
Dear R users, I am trying to fully understand the difference between estimating overdispersion with glm.nb() from MASS compared to glm(..., family = quasipoisson). It seems that (i) the coefficient estimates are different and also (ii) the summary() method for glm.nb suggests that overdispersion is taken to be one: "Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(0.9695) family taken to be
2003 Mar 12
quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values
Dear R users, I am having problems trying to fit quasipoisson and negative binomials glm. My data set contains abundance (counts) of a species under different management regimens. First, I tried to fit a poisson glm: > summary(model.p<-glm(abund~mgmtcat,poisson)) Call: glm(formula = abund ~ mgmtcat, family = poisson) . . . (Dispersion parameter
2013 Feb 28
Negative Binomial Regression - glm.nb
Dear all, I would like to ask, if there is a way to make the variance / dispersion parameter $\theta$ (referring to MASS, 4th edition, p. 206) in the function glm.nb dependent on the data, e.g. $1/ \theta = exp(x \beta)$ and to estimate the parameter vector $\beta$ additionally. If this is not possible with glm.nb, is there another function / package which might do that? Thank you very much for
2011 Feb 10
Comparison of glm.nb and negbin from the package aod
I have fitted the to glm.nb and to the function negbin from the package aod. The output of both is the following: summary(glm.nb(n~ll, data=faults)) Call: glm.nb(formula = n ~ ll, data = faults, init.theta = 8.667407437, link = log) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.0470 -0.7815 -0.1723 0.4275 2.0896 Coefficients:
2005 Jun 02
glm with variance = mu+theta*mu^2?
How might you fit a generalized linear model (glm) with variance = mu+theta*mu^2 (where mu = mean of the exponential family random variable and theta is a parameter to be estimated)? This appears in Table 2.7 of Fahrmeir and Tutz (2001) Multivariate Statisticial Modeling Based on Generalized Linear Models, 2nd ed. (Springer, p. 60), where they compare "log-linear model fits to
2002 Jun 20
Possible bug with glm.nb and starting values (PR#1695)
Full_Name: Ben Cooper Version: 1.5.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( The help page for glm.nb (in MASS package) says that it takes "Any other arguments for the glm() function except family" One such argument is start "starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor." However, when called with starting values glm.nb returns: Error in
2010 Jul 06
Interpreting NB GLM output - effect sizes?
Hi, I am trying to find out how to interpret the summary output from a neg bin GLM? I have 3 significant variables and I can see whether they have a positive or negative effect, but I can't work out how to calculate the magnitude of the effect on the mean of the dependent variable. I used a log link function so I think I might have to use the antilogs of the coefficients but I have no idea
2001 Sep 25
glm.nb, anova.negbin
Dear R-collegues, I'm getting an error message (Error in round) when summarising a glm.nb model, and when using anova.negbin (in R 1.3.1 for windows): > m.nb <- glm.nb(tax ~ areal) > Call: glm.nb(formula = tax ~ areal, init.theta = 5.08829537115498, link = log) Coefficients: (Intercept) areal 3.03146 0.03182 Degrees of Freedom: 283 Total (i.e. Null); 282
2004 Mar 16
glm questions
Greetings, everybody. Can I ask some glm questions? 1. How do you find out -2*lnL(saturated model)? In the output from glm, I find: Null deviance: which I think is -2[lnL(null) - lnL(saturated)] Residual deviance: -2[lnL(fitted) - lnL(saturated)] The Null model is the one that includes the constant only (plus offset if specified). Right? I can use the Null and Residual deviance to
2001 May 16
glm.nb difficulties
I'm having problems (or to be precise a student is having problems, which I'm having problems helping her with) trying to use glm.nb() from the MASS package to do some negative binomial fits on a data set that is, admittedly, wildly overdispersed (some zeros and some numbers in the hundreds). glm.nb is failing to converge, and furthermore is (to my surprise) producing values of theta
2009 Feb 18
Help on warning message from Neg. Binomial error during glm
I am using glm.nb, a ~b*c ( b is categorical and c is continuous). when I run this model I get the warning message: Warning messages: 1: In, mu, sum(w), w, limit = control$maxit, trace = control$trace > : iteration limit reached 2: In, mu, sum(w), w, limit = control$maxit, trace = control$trace > : iteration limit reached What does this mean? -- Graduate
2000 Jan 08
MASS glm.nb: Offset fails
I came to R from GLIM and its glm. My data sets (ecological community data) are severely over-dispersed, and so I was delighted to find out that the MASS library has glm.nb which is an advancement from the GLIM macros I had used (N.E.Breslow, Applied Statistics 33, 38--44; 1984). However, I need to use offset, but that failed. I am not (yet --- hopefully) fluent enough in R to be able to
2010 Sep 02
Help on glm and optim
Dear all, I'm trying to use the "optim" function to replicate the results from the "glm" using an example from the help page of "glm", but I could not get the "optim" function to work. Would you please point out where I did wrong? Thanks a lot. The following is the code: # Step 1: fit the glm clotting <- data.frame( u =
2008 Oct 03
Problem with glm.nb estimation
Dear All, I've been using already for a year glm.nb() from the MASS package. But today, R gave me an error message when estimating one of my usual models: > depEsf.nb <- glm.nb(depE ~ manuf00E + corps00E + lngdp00E + lngdp00sqE + > lnpop00E + indshE + scishE + mechshE + elecshE + chemshE + drugshE + > urban_dummyE + aggl_dummyE + + eE1 + eE2 + eE3 + eE4 + eE5 + eE6 + eE7 +
2011 Oct 13
GLM and Neg. Binomial models
Hi userRs! I am trying to fit some GLM-poisson and neg.binomial. The neg. Binomial model is to account for over-dispersion. When I fit the poisson model i get: (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1) However, if I estimate the dispersion coefficient by means of: sum(residuals(fit,type="pearson")^2)/fit$df.res I obtained 2.4. This is theory means over-dispersion since
2008 Apr 07
Anova function and glm.nb
Hi All, I am using the glm.nb function from the MASS package (current version) to fit and compare GLMs with negative binomial error distributions. My question is: what is the appropriate method to use in the anova function to compare models? If only one fitted object like m<-glm.nb(number<-p+sal+temp,data=data) is specified in the anova function (anova(m)), a fixed theta is used to
2007 Jan 06
negative binomial family glm R and STATA
Dear Lister, I am facing a strange problem fitting a GLM of the negative binomial family. Actually, I tried to estimate theta (the scale parameter) through glm.nb from MASS and could get convergence only relaxing the convergence tolerance to 1e-3. With warning messages: glm1<-glm.nb(nbcas~.,data=zonesdb4,control=glm.control(epsilon = 1e-3)) There were 25 warnings (use warnings() to see