similar to: runmax function only for positive numbers?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "runmax function only for positive numbers?"

2007 Feb 20
baseline fitters
I am pretty pleased with baselines I fit to chromatograms using the runquantile() function in caTools(v1.6) when its probs parameter is set to 0.2 and its k parameter to ~1/20th of n (e.g., k ~ 225 for n ~ 4500, where n is time series length). This ignores occasional low- side outliers, and, after baseline subtraction, I can re-adjust any negative values to zero. But runquantile's
2005 Jun 17
Release of new version of caMassClass package and new package caT ools
Hi, A new version of "caMassClass" package was released today. The package contain pipeline for processing and classification of protein mass spectra data. The main change is off-spinning from the library collection of generic functions into a new package "caTools". This package, which might be useful to broader group, is much smaller than "caMassClass" and has fewer
2005 Jun 17
Release of new version of caMassClass package and new package caT ools
Hi, A new version of "caMassClass" package was released today. The package contain pipeline for processing and classification of protein mass spectra data. The main change is off-spinning from the library collection of generic functions into a new package "caTools". This package, which might be useful to broader group, is much smaller than "caMassClass" and has fewer
2012 Apr 27
Min , Max
Hellow everyone, This code bellow will calculate average daily wind speed(measurements are taken every three hours).Any ideas how to take the Min and Max instead of average. library(Matrix) setwd("C:\\Users\\aalyaari\\Desktop\\img") listfile<-dir() long <- file("C:\\Users\\aalyaari\\Desktop\\New folder (5)\\inra.bin", "rb") A=readBin(long, integer(),
2008 Aug 25
name conflicts
Everyone, I've got code in my package that uses LogitBoost from the caTools package. caTools does not have a namespace. My package also uses loads RWeka, which has a namespace, and also has a function called LogitBoost. After loading both packages, how can I be specific about running the version from caTools (since caTools:::LogitBoost won't work)? Thanks, Max
2012 Mar 13
"gplots" packages does not work
I had installed de "gplots" package and then I loaded the library but the package did not work. I recieved a message like this: > install.packages("gplots", dependencies = TRUE) Installing package(s) into ‘/home/fpiston/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2005 Jun 29
"all connections are in use" error during lazyload stage of packa ge installation
Hi, I suddenly started getting strange errors while working on my caTools package: >RCMD install C:/programs/R/rw2011/src/library/caTools ...... preparing package caTools for lazy loading Error in file(file, "r", encoding = encoding) : all connections are in use Execution halted make: *** [lazyload] Error 1 *** Installation of caTools failed *** I searched
2007 Oct 10
caTools package
Hi, I tried to install the caTools package manually from the main R Project website and I get the following error message when typing library('caTools') Error in library("caTools") : 'caTools' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0? What am I doing wrong? Also, why is this package not available in the list of packages for direct installation from the R
2010 Jul 08
download gplots and caTools
Dear list, I am using R.2.11.1 version on a PC. I downloaded successfully gplots_2.8.0 but I could not find where to download caTools > library("gplots") Loading required package: caTools Error: package 'caTools' could not be loaded In addition: Warning message: In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) : there is no package called
2005 Jul 18
New functions supporting GIF file format in R
Hi, A minor announcement. I just added two functions for reading and writing GIF files to my caTools package. Input and output is in the form of standard R matrices or arrays, and standard R color-maps (palettes). The functions can read and write both regular GIF images, as well as, multi-frame animated GIFs. Most of the work is done in C level code (included), so functions do not use any
2015 Apr 21
shlib problems with Intel compiler
Hi, I'm encountering trouble compiling caTools_1.17.1.tar.gz and e1071_1.6-4.tar.gz on a Linux system using the Intel compiler suite. 14 other packages I generally use installed without any trouble. I notice both of these trouble packages have a C++ component, so I wonder if that might be the issue. Below, there's information on my platform, compiler, and some diagnostic output showing
2005 Oct 04
Animation of Mandelbrot Set
Hi, I was playing with Mandelbrot sets and come up with the following code, I thought I would share: library(fields) # for tim.colors library(caTools) # for write.gif m = 400 # grid size C = complex( real=rep(seq(-1.8,0.6, length.out=m), each=m ), imag=rep(seq(-1.2,1.2, length.out=m), m ) ) C = matrix(C,m,m) Z = 0 X = array(0, c(m,m,20)) for (k in 1:20) { Z =
2015 Apr 22
shlib problems with Intel compiler
Hi Martyn, Thanks for your insight, that seems pretty direct. Unfortunately, I did not compile this version of R (it's on a large supercomputer system and this version of R was installed by the admins). Using "R CMD config", I see the following relevant settings: DYLIB_LD = icc -std=gnu99 DYLIB_LDFLAGS = -shared -openmp LDFLAGS = -L/opt/compilers/intel/cce/9.1.039/lib
2011 Sep 23
(Requested) caTools::runmean Patch
Dear Mr. Tuszynski, I would like to request what I believe would be a beneficial update / patch to the runmean() function in the caTools package. Consider the following R>> x = 1:100 R>> is.integer(x) [1] TRUE R>> library(caTools) R>> head(runmean(x, 5, alg="exact")) [1] 8.487983e-314 1.060998e-313 1.273197e-313 1.697597e-313 2.121996e-313 2.546395e-313
2012 Mar 03
Sliding Window in R (solved)
Dear all, you can find below my solution for sliding a window. Please find below the code for the two alternatives and the benchmarks.     install.packages('caTools') require(caTools) do_sliding_for_a_window_duty_cycle <- function(DataToAnalyse,  windowSize) {   data<-DataToAnalyse   out <- numeric()   elements<- numeric()   if (length(data[,1]) >= windowSize){       for
2010 Sep 24
why I could not reproduce the Mandelbrot plot demonstrated on R wiki
I am trying to reproduce the nice looking of Mandelbrot demonstrated by R wiki page by the following code: library(caTools) # external package providing write.gif function jet.colors = colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00",
2011 Jan 25
Integration of two lines
Hello, I need to integrate the absolute difference between two lines measured on different points. # For example : x <- seq(0, 1, 1/100) f_x <- runif(101) + x y <- seq(0, 1, 1/23) f_y <- runif(24) + (1 - y) plot(x, f_x, type="l") lines(y, f_y) Then I would like to compute Integral( | f_x - f_y | )dx. (This is not the same as | Integral(f_x)dx - Integral(f_y)dx |.)
2009 Oct 11
passing field name parameter to function
Hi, I am passing a data frame and field name to a function. I've figured out how I can create the formula based on the passed in field name, but I'm struggling to create a vector based in that field. for example if I hard code with the actual field name Y = df$Target, everything works fine. but if I use the passed in parameter name, it doesn't give me what I want, Y =
2003 Oct 17
Problems with crossprod
Dear R-users, I found a strange problem working with products of two matrices, say: a <- A[i, ] ; crossprod(a) where i is a set of integers selecting rows. When i is empty the result is in a sense random. After some trials the right answer (a matrix of zeros) appears. --------------- Illustration -------------------- R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.8.0
2005 Apr 02
Survey of "moving window" statistical functions - still looking f or fast mad function
Hi, First, let me thank Jaroslaw for making this survey. I find it quite illuminating. Now the questions: * the #1 solution below (based on cumsum) is numerically unstable. Specifically if you do the runmean on a positive vector you can easily get negative numbers due to rounding errors. Does anyone see a modification which is free of this deficiency? * is it possible to optimize the