Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Fitting Mixture of Non-Central Student's t Distributions"
2009 Jun 13
Fitting Mixture of Non-Central Student's t Distributions
Dear all,
I am attempting to model some one-dimensional data using a mixture model
of non-central Student's t distributions. However, I haven't been able
to find any R package that provides this functionality.
Could there be a way to "manipulate" the EM algorithms from the mixdist
or mixtools package to fit the model, or do you have any other
If anyone could help
2009 Oct 26
MLE for noncentral t distribution
Actually I am facing a similar problem. I would like to fit both an ordinary (symmetric) and a non-central t distribution to my (one-dimensional) data (quite some values.. > 1 mio.).
For the symmetric one, fitdistr or funInfoFun (using fitdistr) from the qAnalyst package should do the job, and for the non-central one.. am I right to use
gamlss(x ~ 1, family=GT()) ?
Anyway, I am a little
2010 Feb 27
scan and skip - without line breaks in the input file
Dear all,
I am trying to read in big amounts of data with scan. It's only one variable, numeric values, separated by tabs,.. and it's many of them. So I was thinking that I could use the skip option and read in 100000 values at a time - but skip doesn't work, probably because I don't have line breaks in the txt file. So any value specified for skip makes the scan function jump to
2017 Jun 30
package to fit mixtures of student-t distributions
gamlss.mx can fit these I believe (although no experience with these myself)
flexmix may be (relatively easily) adaptable to accomplish this as well
hth, Ingmar
Ingmar Visser
Universitair Hoofddocent ontwikkelingspsychologie | Directeur College
Afdeling Psychologie | Faculteit Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen |
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Bezoek | Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B | Kamer
2009 Jun 15
books on Time serie
A time series text with a title that seems designed to hide its
wide scope is:
Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing
The State Space Approach
Hyndman, R.J., Koehler, A.B., Ord, J.K., Snyder, R.D.
Springer 2009.
This book is actually an excellent overview of time series theory,
ARIMA as well as state space. It is of course, in part, a manual
for the forecast and other packages in what has been
2013 Mar 18
Fit a mixture of lognormal and normal distributions
I am trying to find an automated way of fitting a mixture of normal and log-normal distributions to data which is clearly bimodal.
Here's a simulated example:
x.1<-rnorm(6000, 2.4, 0.6)x.2<-rlnorm(10000, 1.3,0.1)X<-c(x.1, x.2)
hist(X,100,freq=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1.5))lines(density(x.1), lty=2, lwd=2)lines(density(x.2), lty=2, lwd=2)lines(density(X), lty=4)
Currently i am using
2012 Mar 05
Fitting & evaluating mixture of two Weibull distributions
I would like to fit a mixture of two Weibull distributions to my data, estimate the model parameters, and compare the fit of the model to that of a single Weibull distribution.
I have used the mix() function in the 'mixdist' package to fit the mixed distribution, and have got the parameter estimates, however, I have not been able to get the log-likelihood for the fit of this model
2009 Nov 03
fitting a confined mixture model
Hello all,
I would like to fit a mixture model whose components are normal
distributions confined in a closed interval. Since there are already
several packages for EM, I would like to extend one of these instead of
writing a new script from scratch. What would be the best way to
customize such an existing package for doing that? Which one is the best
in terms of extensibility? (e.g mixtools,
2006 Dec 10
Noncentral t & F distributions
Dear List:
The square of the noncentral t-statistic with noncentrality parameter
\delta is a noncentral F with noncentrality parameter \lambda=\delta^2.
So, t^2_{\nu,\delta} = F_{1,\nu,\lambda=\delta^2}. Consequently, it
should follow that t^2_{1-\alpha/2,\nu,\delta} =
f_{1-alpha,1,\vu,\lambda=\delta^2}. However, this is not what is
happening with the following code. The central
2007 Jan 10
Installation problem with package mixtools
I am trying to install mixtools on Debian Etch and get the following error
dell-2 /usr/lib # R CMD INSTALL mixtools_0.1.0.tar.gz
* Installing *source* package 'mixtools' ...
** libs
gcc -I/usr/share/R/include -I/usr/share/R/include -fpic -g -O2 -std=gnu99 -c new_svalues.c -o new_svalues.o
gfortran -fpic -g -O2 -c sphericaldepth.f -o sphericaldepth.o
make: gfortran: Command not
2008 Feb 21
anova power calculations
I sent a message a couple days ago about doing calculations for power of the
ANOVA. Several people got back to me very quickly which I really
I'm working now on a similar problem, but instead of a balanced ANOVA, I
have an unbalanced one. The first part of the question was:
You assume that the within-population standard deviations all equal 9. You
set the Type 1 error rate at รก
2011 Jan 06
Set axis limits in mixtools plot
Can the x and y axis limits be specified in a density plot with the
mixtools package for a finite mixture model? Uncommenting the xlim2/
ylim2 lines in the plot command below generates 'not a graphical
parameter' warnings (and does not change the axis settings), and
uncommenting the xlim/ylim lines generates a 'formal argument "ylim"
matched by multiple actual
2009 Feb 20
Spearman-Karber method for toxicity data
Dear all,
I tried help.search("karber") and RSiteSearch("karber") and RSiteSearch("*karber*") to find whether the (trimmed) Spearman-Karber method for LD50 evaluation in toxicity data (e.g. according to Hamilton 1977) has been implemented in R. Or does this method feature under a different name? Of course logit and probit are doable, but Spearman-Karber seems to
2002 Jan 08
Memory Allocation in R and S-Plus: And functions from R to S-Plus
Hello Everyone,
I've been told that the memory allocation in R and S-Plus is different, with R
being better at doing simulations for whatever reason(s). I was wondering if
anyone could enlighten me on the differences in the memory usage/allocation
(preferably in layman's terms!).
The reason I ask this is because of a simulation I am trying to run. In it, I
need to use the pt( )
2005 Nov 01
Doubly Non-Central F-Distribution
Hello All,
Has anyone written a function for the distribution function of a
*doubly* non-central F-distribution? I looked through the archives, but
didn't find anything. Thanks!
2006 Jul 01
noncentral F-distributed random numbers (PR#9055)
Full_Name: Long Qu
Version: 2.3.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
The QQ-plot of two versions of simulating noncentral F-distributed random
numbers has quite different scales:
> qqplot(rf(1000,2,15,3),qf(runif(1000),2,15,3))
The rf() function reads:
> rf
function (n, df1, df2, ncp = 0)
if (ncp == 0)
.Internal(rf(n, df1, df2))
else rchisq(n, df1,
2005 Oct 11
Sometimes having problems finding a minimum using optim(), optimize(), and nlm() (while searching for noncentral F parameters)
Hi everyone.
I have a problem that I have been unable to determine either the best
way to proceed and why the methods I'm trying to use sometimes fail. I'm
using the pf() function in an optimization function to find a
noncentrality parameter that leads to a specific value at a specified
quantile. My goal is to have a general function that returns the
noncentrality parameter that
2017 Jun 29
package to fit mixtures of student-t distributions
I am new to R (before used python exclusively and would actually call the R solution for this issue inside a python notebook, hope that doesn?t disqualify me right of the batch).
Right now I am looking for a piece of software to fit a 1D data sample to a mixture of t-distributions.
I searched quite a while already and it seems to be that this is a somehwat obscure endeavor as most
2005 Jun 03
using so-library involving Taucs
Dear R developers,
The trace of the hat matrix H~(n,n) is computed as follows:
tr(H) = tr(BS^-1B') = tr(S^-1B'B) := tr(X) = sum(diag(X))
with B~(n,p), S~(p,p).
Since p is of the order 10^3 but S is sparse I would like to employ
Taucs linear solver ( http://www.tau.ac.il/~stoledo/taucs/ ) on
SX = B'B.
(Further improvement by implying a looping over i=1,...,p, calling
2000 Mar 08
smbpasswd on solaris 2.6
I am running samba on linux and solaris 2.6. I have no problem making
encrypted passwords work on linux meaning I have Windows 98 and NT users
able to map a drive to their home directories on the samba server.
I am having problems doing the same thing on solaris 2.6. I have run the
mksmbpasswd.sh and the smbpasswd file got created. I have added the
following lines to my smb.conf file: