Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Drawing lines in margins"
2005 May 25
Plot: Distance between tick and tick label on y-axis
I want to reduce the distance between my ticks and their labels. I managed
to do it for the x-axis, but the y-axis puzzles me. Here's an example where
there is no space between the x-asix ticks and labels.
plot(runif(50), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="", bty="l")
2012 Apr 06
Saving multiple plots using tiff function
Dear R experts,
I am trying to save three plots using tiff graphics devices; however the
following code only produces two files (Rplot002.tif and Rplot003.tif)
showing figures 1 and 3. Here is a simplified ex code
tiff(filename ="Rplot%03d.tif",width=24,height=20,units="cm",res=300,
pointsize=10, compression = "lzw")
2005 Jan 31
how to move x-axis labels down
In the code below, the labels I put on the x-axis are too high (they cross the
axis). Can anyone tell me how to move them down? I've tried adj=, padj=, mar=,
and various other things, but cannot move them down.
labs <- paste('sample', 1:10)
plot(1:10, xaxt='n', xlab='')
axis(1, at=1:10, labels=labs, padj=1, las=2) # las is a par() parameter
2010 Apr 30
Flattening and unflattening symmetric matrices
Here's an easy question: I'd like to convert a symmetric matrix to a
vector composed of the upper.tri() part of it plus the diagonal, and
convert it back again. What's the best way to achieve this? I'm
wondering if there are some built in functions to do this easily. I
can encode fine:
v <- c(diag(A),A[upper.tri(A)])
but I don't see an easy way to recover A from v
2005 May 12
Batch mode problem: figure margins too large (code corrected for word wrap)
First of all, I apologize for the triple post, but I did not see that the
word wrap on the r-help list site would render my code unusable. So here it
is again. Hoping that this time it will work if you cut and paste it in
your Rgui.
I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in a batch
file (Execution halted).
Here's the code (it will work on your R, but you need
2007 Sep 02
Different behavior of mtext
Dear R Users,
I am quite surprised to see that mtext gives different results when it
is used with 'pairs' and with "plot'. In the two following codes, it
seems that the 'at' argument in mtext doesn't consider the same unit system.
I would appreciate your comments on this issue.
##### Pairs
2007 Sep 25
Adjust barplot to the left
I have the following problem: I created an ecdf and a barplot. Unfortunatly,
the bars are not where I would like them to be (please see picture below).
That's my code:
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,3,3,2))
x = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2)
F2.5 <- ecdf(x)
2018 Apr 08
How to script the script sample into script "OR", please advice
Dear User R
It's been a pleasure talking with you. I am newcomer use R. Would you
please help me how to translate the script below to "R" script?
* Area under receiver operating characteristic (AU-ROC)
predict r1m1p, p
roctab malaria r1m1p, graph summary
* Area under receiver operating characteristic (AU-ROC) curve
predict r1m2p, mu
roctab malaria r1m2p, graph summary
2008 Jul 08
shading an area in a edf
I've got the following edf:
x = c(1.6,1.8,2.4,2.7,2.9,3.3,3.4,3.4,4,5.2)
F2.5 <- ecdf(x)
verticals= TRUE,
do.p = TRUE,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
xlim = c(1,5.5))
abline(h= (0:5)*0.2)
abline(v=mean(x), lwd=2)
mtext(text=expression(bar(x) == 3.07), side=1, adj=0.462, padj=3, cex=1)
Now I would like to
2011 Dec 09
Align expression and text in mtext()
Dear R-helpers,
I have trouble aligning an expression with a subscript, and text, in margin
b <- barplot(1:3)
mtext(c("A","B","C"), at=b, side=1, line=1, cex=1.3)
mtext(expression(italic(C)[a]~(more~text)), at=0, line=1, side=1,cex=1.3)
As explained in the help files and elsewhere, I understand that the
expression is aligned by the
2012 Feb 12
plotting dates, incorrectly scaled x-axis?
I want to plot with axis.Date(), but something is scaled incorrectly.
The red vertical line in is put on a totally wrong position. (sample below)
Do you have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
x11(width=30, height=20)
x<-seq(as.Date("2010-02-27"), as.Date("2011-03-28"),"month")
y <- seq(0,100,length=length(x))
plot(y ~ x,
2012 Oct 26
connect points in charts
is there a automatic way that long distances between points are not
connected. I have something like
atx <- seq(as.Date("2009-04-01"),as.Date("2011-04-01"),"month")
axis.Date(1, at=atx,labels=format(atx, "%b\n%Y"), padj=0.5 )
but I do not want lines between points whose distance is greater than
two weeks.
2018 Apr 08
Syntax roccomp-using R
*Dear Bert, *
Thank you very much for your feedback and the useful link https://rseek.org/
and https://www.r-bloggers.com/calculating-auc-the-area-under-a-roc-curve/.
Actually, I want to know different performance between Stata and R, in
multilevel logistic regression. For this purposes, I replicate ".do" file
use Stata in
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
Here's another example of my plotmath whipping boy, the Normal distribution.
A colleague asks for a Normal plotted above a series of axes that
represent various other distributions (T, etc).
I want to use vectors of equations in plotmath to do this, but have
run into trouble. Now I've isolated the problem down to a relatively
small piece of working example code (below). If you would
2002 Jul 31
Bug in legend?
This is a bit obscure but caused me some grief... R1.5.1/MS
There seems to be a peculiarity in legend associated with the use
of expression text. It seems as if expression text is used in (eg) an
mtext call then if the call to legend also includes expression text
and a subscript then the legend box and line spacing depends on
the value of cex used in the previous call to mtext,
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
Dear all,
I found the last example of this link (
very similar to the one I need to make for my paper, and I think I got what
I wanted by applying some of the suggestions of this mail list.
Here it is the code I devised (maybe there will be further improvements
from the list):
YEAR <- c(1996 ,
2009 Aug 19
font size on graphics
Dear R users,
My question is about finding the proper font size for graphics.
For this i had written a code that creats 4 diferent graphics and saves
them as a png file.
>From these PNG.graphics , i select one of the proper size and past it to a
word document.
I have experimented with lots of settings yet:nd lost my track a bit.
there are cex; cexaxis cexlabes and so on, i lost track of
2009 Aug 19
font size on graphics question (correction in example,sorry)
Dear R users,
My question is about finding the proper font size for graphics.
For this i had written a code that creats 4 diferent graphics and saves
them as a png file.
>From these PNG.graphics , i select one of the proper size and past it to a
word document.
I have experimented with lots of settings yet:nd lost my track a bit.
there are cex; cexaxis cexlabes and so on, i lost track of
2006 Jun 04
Problems using lwd in GDD
I'm using the GDD package (in a 64bits fedora machine using R 2.3.0) to save
in a png file some plots and i noticed that changing the lwd parameter does
not change my line width
I tried the same script in a Windows based R (2.2.1 r36812), using no GDD,
and it worked.
Does anybody has a clue?
My testing script is something dumb like this:
2006 Jun 15
How to change the margin widths in png-plots?
I have tried to change the margin widths so that mtext (here "sd of
consecutive pc intervals", look at the picture) and
plot(...,xlab="bar") fits to the picture.
Here is an example:
This doesn't help:
par(mar=c(5.1, 7.1, 4.1, 2.1))
And here are the commands: