Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "selecting vector elements using matrices and combining the results"
2012 Oct 11
struggling with R2wd or SWord? Try rtf!
I have been looking for a way to write R-generated reports to Microsoft
Word documents. In the past, I used the package R2wd, but for some reason
I haven't been able to get it to work on my current set up.
R version 2.15.0 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Enterprise - Service Pack 1
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 - Word version
14.0.6123.5001 (32-bit)
I gave the package
2011 Jun 15
specifying interactions in a gam model with "by"
I?m confused by the difference in the fit of a gam model (in package mgcv)
when I specify an interaction in different ways. I would appreciate it if
someone could explain the cause of these differences.
For example:
x <- c(105, 124, 124, 124, 144, 144, 150, 176, 178, 178,
206, 206, 212, 215, 215, 227, 229, 229, 229, 234,
234, 254, 254, 290, 290, 303, 334, 334, 334, 344,
2011 Aug 02
Data frame to matrix - revisited
I've tried to look through all the previous related Threads/posts but can't find a solution to what's probably a simple question.
I have a data frame comprised of three columns e.g.:
I'd like to convert the data to a matrix i.e.:
?a b c d e
a n/a 1 2 1 n/a
b 1 n/a n/a 1 n/a?
c 2 n/a n/a n/a 1
d 1 1 n/a n/a 2
e n/a n/a 1
2011 Aug 04
R loop problem
I have run into a speed issue, and given the size of the problem it feels
like there should be an easy solution. Here is the problem statement with
some arbitrary numbers added.
#p,q: vector with length(q)==length(p)==10000 and length(levels(p))==3000
#y,z: vectors with length(levels(y))=length(y)==length(z)==5000
for (i in levels(p)){
At first i used two for loops which
2010 Aug 05
colour of label points on a boxplot
Hi all,
I have 6 datasets(dataframes Assem_ContigsLen7 through all_ContigsLen12)
containing 3 columns (contig_id, contig_length, read_count).
Each dataset is composed of 3 types of contigs (assemblies of genomic
fragments), 1- all Bacterial fragments, 2 - all Viral fragments, 3 -
mixed fragments.
I identified the type of contig through a merge with another table with
just contig_id and
2011 Jun 15
Count occurances in integers (or strings)
I have a dataframe column from which I want to calculate the number of
1's in each entry. Some column values could, for example, be
"0001001000" and "11110000111".
To get the number of occurrences from a string I use this:
sum(unlist(strsplit(mydata[,"my_column"], "")) == "1")
However, as my data is not in string form.. How do I convert
2011 Sep 27
inset one map on top of another map
I want to overlay a small inset map on top of another map, but I can't
figure out how to do it.
For example, here are two different maps:
# map 1 - Ohio
map("state", region= "ohio")
# map 2 - US with Ohio darkened
map("state", region="ohio", fill=T, add=T)
I would like to add map 2 as a small inset in the corner of map 1.
2017 Jun 16
ASA Conference on Statistical Practice - deadline Thursday
R Users,
Abstracts are now being accepted for the
ASA Conference on Statistical Practice
February 15-17, 2017
Portland, Oregon USA
The deadline for submission is Thursday June 22. Presentations will be 35
minutes long and fall into four broad themes:
Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development
Data Modeling and Analysis
Data Science and Big Data
2011 Jan 03
matrices call a function element-wise
I have 4 1000*1000 matrix A,B,C,D. I want to use the corresponding element of the 4 matrices. Using the "for loop" as follow:
for (i in 1:1000)
{for (j in 1:1000)
E<-fisher.test(matrix(c(A[i][j],B[i][j],C[i][j],D[i][j]),2))#call fisher.test for every element
It is so time-consuming
Need vectorization
Yours sincerely
Department of
2008 Jan 29
add/subtract matrices, ignoring NA or missing values
For example, given two 2x2 matrices m1 and m2. I would like to add/subtract
element by element
> m1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] NA NA
[2,] 1 2
> m2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 NA
[2,] NA 2
> m1 + m2
[,1] [,2]
[1,] NA NA
[2,] NA 4
How can I ignore the NA, and get this ? Hope the solution can be extended to
subtract and modulo also.
[,1] [,2]
2008 Nov 26
Very slow: using double apply and cor.test to compute correlation p.values for 2 matrices
My two matrices are roughly the sizes of m1 and m2. I tried using two apply and cor.test to compute the correlation p.values. More than an hour, and the codes are still running. Please help to make it more efficient.
m1 <- matrix(rnorm(100000), ncol=100)
m2 <- matrix(rnorm(10000000), ncol=100)
cor.pvalues <- apply(m1, 1, function(x) { apply(m2, 1, function(y) { cor.test(x,y)$p.value
2010 Apr 14
Running cumulative sums in matrices
Dear R-helpers,
I have a huge data-set so need to avoid for loops as much as possible. Can someone think how I can compute the result in the following example (that uses a for-loop) using some version of apply instead (or any other similarly super-efficient function)?
#Suppose a matrix:
#The aim is to create a new matrix with every column containing the
2008 Jun 18
operations on all pairs of columns from two matrices
m1 <- matrix(rnorm(40), ncol=4)
m2 <- matrix(rnorm(40), ncol=4)
I would like to subtract first column of m1 from all columns of m2, subtract 2nd of m1 from all columns of m2, and so on. Obviously, I am not using the appropriate function outer(m1, m1, "-"), since the first column isn't all 0s.
2012 Apr 10
compare two matrices
Dear Members,
I have two estimated transition matrices and I want to compare them.
In fact I want to check the hypothesis if they come from the same process.
I tried to look for some test but all I found was independence test of
contingency tables.
The following code shows that the usual chi-squared test statistic does
not follow chisq distribution.
MCRepl <- 5000
khi12 <- rep(0,MCRepl)
2007 Apr 27
Randomising matrices
I would like to be able to randomise presence-absence (i.e. binary)
matrices whilst keeping both the row and column totals constant. Is
there a function in R that would allow me to do this?
I'm working with vegetation presence-absence matrices based on field
observations. The matrices are formatted to have sites as rows and
species as columns. The presence of a species on a site is
2012 Mar 08
Correlation between 2 matrices but with subset of variables
Dear All,
I have two matrices A (40 x 732) and B (40 x 1230) and would like to calculate correlation between them. I can use: cor(A,B, method="pearson") to calculate correlation between all possible pairs. But the issue is that there is one-many specific mappings between A and B and I just need to calculate correlations for those pairs (not all). Some variables in A (proteins, say p1)
2003 Sep 10
recording and taking mean of a set of matrices
I'm looking for a good form in which to store matrix results of a
I am doing a simulation study. Each simulation generates some data
and then analyzes it. I want to record the results of many
simulations and analyze them. Say r has the results of one
simulation, and I care about r$coefficients, a vector of coefficients,
and r$var, the estimated covariance matrix.
I'll do
2008 Nov 06
comparing matrices using max or min
Dear all,
I have 3 matrices with the same dimension, A,B,C and I would like to produce
a matrix D where in each position would retrieve the max(or min) value along
A,B,C taken from the same position.
I guess that apply functions should fit, but for matrices objects I am not
getting it.
thanks in advance,
Diogo André Alagador
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2012 Nov 18
identical matrices
Dear R users,
I want to check matrices when i change the order of the rows or/and the order of the columns or/and the combination of them
i will give an example what i want
1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1
these 2 matrices are identical because i change the first row and make it third
1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1
-1 -1 -1
2010 Nov 17
slicing list with matrices
A list contains several matrices. Over all matrices (list elements) I'd like to access one matrix cell:
m <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:3]))
l <- list(m1=m, m2=m*2, m3=m*3)
l[[3]] # works
l[[3]][1:2, ] # works
l[[1:3]][1, 1] # does not work
How can I slice all C-c combinations in the list?
S?ren Vogel, Dipl.-Psych. (Univ.), PhD-Student, Eawag,