similar to: skip plot/blank plot on purpose (multi-plot question)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "skip plot/blank plot on purpose (multi-plot question)"

2004 Jul 15
color scale to label a plot
Hello R-helpers I want to put a color scale in a plot: I've got an xy plot where the values of the response (z=f(x,y)) is symbolically given by colors (like heat or rainbow color scale) I would like to put such a scale with apprpriates labels in the plot, so as to facilitate the interpretation (like in a finite elements result plot) How is taht possible? Thanks Anne [[alternative
2009 Jul 26
More complicated multi-plot layouts?
Hi, I made the attached picture by mocking up three separate plots sort of like how I'd like to make a new plot. Hopefully it will get through to the list. Is there a way to do this directly using par somehow? Or one of the other plotting packages? Basically, multiple larger plot above multiple groups of smaller plots? The smaller plots are just par(mrow=c(2,3)) things, and I can
2005 Oct 19
adding error bars to lattice plots
Dear R-Users, how to include error bars within lattice? How should the panel = function(x,y,...){ looks like? Does panel.arrows works here as well? I appreciate any help on this. Regards, Mario AT [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 22
Multi-line comments?
Hi, I looked in the language definition and was surprised. Is there really no multi-line/block comment defined in R? I wanted to comment out 20 lines that I'm moving to a function but didn't want to delete them. Is there no defined way to get around using a # on each of the 20 lines? Thanks, Mark
2013 Jun 18
find closest value in a vector based on another vector values
Dear All, would you please provide your thoughts on the following: let us say I have: a <-c(1,5,8,15,32,69) b <-c(8.5,33) and I would like to extract from "a" the two values that are closest to the values in "b", where the length of this vectors may change but b will allways be shorter than "a". So at the end based on this example I should have the result
2009 Jun 28
read.csv, header=TRUE but skip the first line
Hi, Complete newbie to R here. Just getting started reading manuals and playing with data. I've managed to successfully get my *.csv files into R, however I have to use header=FALSE because the real header starts in line #2. The file format looks like: PORTFOLIO EQUITY TABLE TRADE,MARK-SYS,DATE/TIME,PL/SIZE,PS METHOD,POS SIZE,POS PL,DRAWDOWN,DRAWDOWN(%),EQUITY 1,1,1/8/2004 12:57:00
2005 Jun 30
FW: plot legend outside the grid
-----Original Message----- From: Ghosh, Sandeep Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:43 PM To: 'Berton Gunter' Subject: plot legend outside the grid Thanks for the pointers... I managed to get everything to look and feel the way I want except for the legend to plot outside the grid... Thanks for the note on the par, but I'm not able to it to plot outside the plot grid.. dataFrame <-
2013 Sep 02
Product of certain rows in a matrix
Hi, You could try: A<- matrix(unlist(read.table(text=" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ",sep="",header=FALSE)),ncol=3,byrow=FALSE,dimnames=NULL) library(matrixStats) ?res1<-t(sapply(split(,as.numeric(gl(nrow(A),2,6))),colProds)) ?res1 #? [,1] [,2] [,3] #1??? 4?? 10?? 18 #2?? 63?? 64?? 63 #3?? 18?? 10??? 4
2006 Mar 07
reading in only one column from text file
How do I manipulate the read.table function to read in only the 2nd column??? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 06
pros and cons of "robust regression"? (i.e. rlm vs lm)
Can anyone comment or point me to a discussion of the pros and cons of robust regressions, vs. a more "manual" approach to trimming outliers and/or "normalizing" data used in regression analysis?
2005 Jun 20
How to define S4 methods for '['
Folks: This is a question about the S4 formal class system. Suppose I have a class, 'foo', defined by: setClass('foo',representation(dat='matrix', id='character') ) I wish to define a '[' method for foo that will extract from the 'dat' slot. I would have thought that the following would work, but it doesn't:
2006 Jun 22
High breakdown/efficiency statistics -- was RE: Rosner's test [Broadcast]
What would be nice is to have something like a "robust" task view... Andy From: Berton Gunter > > Many thanks for this Martin. There now are several packages > with what appear to be overlapping functions (or at least > algorithms). Besides those you mentioned, "robust" and > "roblm" are at least two others. Any recommendations about > how or
2006 Jan 09
warning message from nlme
Hi all, I tried to do a variance components using nlme, but I got the following warning mesage ##################################################### not meaningful for factors in: Ops.factor(y[revOrder], Fitted) ###################################################### Can someone point out what is the meaning of this warning message? I tried to look at Ops.factor, but I don't
2006 May 16
everytime I download a new version of R, need I reinstall all packages?
Can the packages that I've installed in R 2.2.1 be automatically imported to R 2.3.0? Otherwise it is a hassle everytime I update a new version of R... [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 12
assigning creating missing rows and values
I have a dataset where I have missing times (11:00 and 16:00). I would like the outputs to include the missing time so that the final time vector looks like "realt" and has the previous time's value. Ex. If meas at time 15:30 is 0.45, then the meas for time 16:00 will also be 0.45. meas are the measurements and times are the times at which they were taken. meas<-runif(18)
2012 May 06
Interaction plot between 2 continuous variables
I have two very strong fixed effects in a LMM (both continuous variables). model <- lmer( y ~ time + x1+x2 + (time|subject)) Once I fit an interaction of these variables, both main effects disappear and I get a strong interaction effect. model <- lmer( y ~ time + x1*x2 + (time|subject)) I would like to plot this effect now, but have not been able to do so, reading through ggplot2 and
2006 May 16
stop current computation does not work?
Press "ESC" is supposed to be able to stop the current computation... but often times it does not really work... I had to kill the R process to stop and restart the session... What is a good way to stop/cancel the current computation? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 31
how to find the index of points selected from a scatter plot?
Hi all, I am using "locator" to select the points from a scatter plot... This is all fine. But the problem is that the locator only returns the axis values of the selected points. Instead, I would like to get the index of these select points... The axis values are real-values so it's a bit hard for me to directly reverse-engineer the index nubmers.. How to do that? Thank you!
2004 Jun 22
Regression Modeling query
Hi All I received a raw data set with one record per tennis player (both male and female) and then i cured it by aggregation i.e by 4 age groups, 2 gender levels and 6 income levels. Gender and Income are categorical variables. Please advise me how to use 'R' to model this data set (Actually, i want to know the right regression technique and steps to do that, including removing
2013 May 13
reduce three columns to one with the colnames
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