Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Help with Loop!"
2010 Jun 08
more dates and data frames
Dear R People:
So thanks to your help, I have the following:
> dog3.df <- read.delim("c:/Users/erin/Documents/dog1.txt",header=FALSE,sep="\t")
> dog3.df
V1 V2
1 1/1/2000 dog
2 1/1/2000 cat
3 1/1/2000 tree
4 1/1/2000 dog
5 1/2/2000 cat
6 1/2/2000 cat
7 1/2/2000 cat
8 1/2/2000 tree
9 1/3/2000 dog
10 1/3/2000 tree
11 1/6/2000 dog
12 1/6/2000
2012 Mar 29
[xapian] GSoC - Learning to Rank, Introduction and some Ideas
I am Mudit Raj Gupta, fourth year student of M.S. (Hons.) Chemistry and
B.E. (Hons.) Electronics and Instrumentation at BITS-Pilani (
http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/). I am interested in *Machine Learning and
Computaional Intelligence*. I have an interest in implementing various
existing algorithms and developing modified/new algorithms related to
machine learning and computational
2007 Apr 23
Problem with dgamma ?
Hi All,
Here 's what I got using dgamma function :
> nu<-.2
> nu*log(nu)-log(gamma(nu))+(nu-1)*log(1)-nu*(1)
[1] -2.045951
> dgamma(1,nu,nu,1)
[1] 0.0801333
> dgamma(1,nu,nu,0)
[1] NaN
Warning message:
NaNs produced in: dgamma(x, shape, scale, log)
Could anyone tell me what is wrong here ?
I am using R-2.4.1 on windows XP.
Thanks a lot.
2011 Dec 13
Rcpp too good to be true?
Hello all,
I've been working on a package to do various things related to the
Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution and wanted to be able to make fast
random draws from the distribution. My R code was running quite slow so I
decided to give Rcpp a bash. I had used it before but only for extremely
basic stuff and always using inline. This time I decided to give making a
proper package a go.
2009 May 16
maxLik pakage
Hi all;
I recently have been used 'maxLik' function for maximizing G2StNV178 function with gradient function gradlik; for receiving this goal, I write the following program; but I have been seen an error in calling gradient function;
The maxLik function can't enter gradlik function (definition of gradient function); I guess my mistake is in line ******** ,that the vector ‘h’ is
2002 Apr 19
FW: Problem compiling on HP-UX 10.20
Here is a copy of the last few lines in base-Ex.Rout.fail:
> x <- seq(3,500);yl <- c(-.3, .2)
> plot(x,x, ylim = yl, ylab="",type='n', main = "Bessel Functions
> for(nu in nus){xx <- x[x > .6*nu]; lines(xx,besselY(xx,nu=nu), col =
> legend(300,-.08, leg=paste("nu=",nus), col = nus+2, lwd=1)
> x <-
2006 Dec 10
Noncentral t & F distributions
Dear List:
The square of the noncentral t-statistic with noncentrality parameter
\delta is a noncentral F with noncentrality parameter \lambda=\delta^2.
So, t^2_{\nu,\delta} = F_{1,\nu,\lambda=\delta^2}. Consequently, it
should follow that t^2_{1-\alpha/2,\nu,\delta} =
f_{1-alpha,1,\vu,\lambda=\delta^2}. However, this is not what is
happening with the following code. The central
2009 Nov 20
Bessel function with large index value
I am looking for a method of dealing with the modified Bessel function
K_\nu(x) for large \nu.
The besselK function implementation of this allows for dealing with
large values of x by allowing for exponential scaling, but there is no
facility for dealing with large \nu.
What would work for me would be an lbesselK function in the manner of
lgamma which returned the log of K_\nu(x) for large
2010 Jun 18
Use of .Fortran
I have no experience with incorporating Fortran code and am probably
doing something pretty stupid.
I want to use the following Fortran subroutine (not written by me) in
the file SSFcoef.f
subroutine SSFcoef(nmax,nu,A,nrowA,ncolA)
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
implicit integer (i-n)
integer l,i,nmax
double precision nu,A(0:nmax,0:nmax)
A(0,0) =
2010 Jun 18
Use of .Fortran
I have no experience with incorporating Fortran code and am probably
doing something pretty stupid.
I want to use the following Fortran subroutine (not written by me) in
the file SSFcoef.f
subroutine SSFcoef(nmax,nu,A,nrowA,ncolA)
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
implicit integer (i-n)
integer l,i,nmax
double precision nu,A(0:nmax,0:nmax)
A(0,0) =
2007 Apr 20
nlme trouble
I am not certain how nlme works so I followed an example from the web (
http://www.menne-biomed.de/gastempt/gastempt1.html). I was able to
successfully reproduce the example. However, when I modified my the example
to use my data and with my formula, I get a set of errors having to do with
the log() function. I get 10 of them (all exactly the same) and there are 10
levels in my factor variable.
2007 Jun 18
two bessel function bugs for nu<0
#bug 1: besselI() for nu<0 and expon.scaled=TRUE
#tested with R-devel (2007-06-17 r41981)
x <- 2.3
nu <- -0.4
print(paste(besselI(x, nu, TRUE), "=", exp(-x)*besselI(x, nu, FALSE)))
#$ diff bessel_i_old.c bessel_i_new.c
#< bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*exp(-x))/M_PI
#> bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. :
2004 Dec 18
erro in SVM (packsge "e1071")
I am using SVM under e1071 package for nu-regression with 18 parameters. The
variables are ordered factors, factors, date or numeric datatypes. I use the
linear kernel.
It gives the following error that I cannot solve. I tryed debug, browser and
all that stuff, but no way.
The error is:
Error in get(ctr, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())(levels(x), :
2009 Oct 10
Possible bug in the Rd parser?
Dear list,
I got an automatic email complaining than some of my packages didn't
pass 'R CMD check' for R-2.10.0 alpha anymore. Both of them make use of
the "cases" LaTeX environment.
Inspecting the log outputs I got:
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
LaTeX errors found:
! Misplaced alignment tab
2002 Jan 06
cups printing quicken I guess wine-bugs is dead.
Hello wine people, this is my first posting here. I am using the gimp
printing ppd,cups and lpr on a hpdj842c. Wine release 20011226. On
Debian woody with 2.4.17. Everything rocks so far except whenever i try
to print wine freaks out and dies. Crossover is using Wine release 20010629.
I have tried printing in linux and it works fine.
I also have crossover installed (I actually paid for it).
2006 Apr 22
Pinouts for T1/E1 crossover cable WAS "RE: what cable to connect a legacy PBX to a TE410P ?"
Can't anyone stop self-promotion and tell the poor guy what he needs.
A T1/E1 X-over cable using an RJ-45 (8-cond.) is pinned out as follows:
1 - 4
2 - 5
3 - NU
4 - 1
5 - 2
6 - NU
7 - NU
8 - NU
NU = Not Used
I have not in my experience seen any problems with using a Good Quality
Cat5 vs. Cat 3 (telco standard) cable for X-connects. YMMV, but you
should be fine. As far as the shielding
2006 Jul 30
Parametric links for glm?
At useR 2006 I mentioned that it would be nice to have a way to
specify binomial links
that involved free parameters and described some experience with a
Gosset link involving
a free degrees of freedom parameter, and a Tukey-lambda link with two
free parameters.
My implementation of this involved some rather kludgey modifications
of binomial,
make.link and glm that (essentially) added a
2012 Feb 24
Telling plot() the max y value to expect when plotting one distribution and then using lines() to add more distributions
I am plotting three Pearson Type IV distributions. It looks like I have to plot the distribution with the highest value of y and then use lines() to add the two distributions that are shorter / have lower max values of y. The following code figures out which distribution has the max y value, plots it first and then uses lines for the other two distributions with a series of three if statements.
2024 Jun 26
Ayuda para hacer una lista
Soy Leticia, quería hacer una consulta al grupo a ver si me podéis ayudar.
Tengo unos datos de proteínas, el data frame es: 5 columnas iniciales que
tienen información sobre las proteínas y después las columnas con las
intensidades, de las cuales no se cuantas condiciones tienen ni cuántas
réplicas por condición.
Estoy intentando hacer un cálculo del coeficiente de variación por grupo y
2003 Nov 06
some error messages using arm cpu with Debian
I have a small handheld pc having ARM process as a CPU. I installed debian and installed R using apt-get command. Everything worked great except for drawing even simple graphs
x <- 1:10
I got error messages
1: Nonfinite axis limits [GScale(nan,nan,1, .); log=0]
2: relative range of values = 9.0072e+15 * EPS, is small (axis 1).
3: Nonfinite axis limits