similar to: Background colour of axis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Background colour of axis"

2011 Nov 17
White lines on persp plots in pdf format
Hi, I am using the persp function to plot 3D surfaces, but the plots have "little white lines" when I print them to a pdf file (visible in Acrobat, Foxit, Evince, Xpdf and Gimp). This does not happen when I create png or tiff images. Here is some sample code: pdf("test.pdf") x <- seq(0,1,length=101) f <- dnorm(x, 0, 0.25) z <- c() for(i in 1:100) z <-
2010 Mar 24
shading an area of a graphic
Colleagues OS 10.5 R: 2.10.1 I have a simple x-y plot for which I would like to shade the lower (or upper) part of the interior region (i.e., the area bounded by the axes). If the delineation between top and bottom were linear, it would be use to use the polygon function. However, the delineation is a curve (which I can describe by an equation). In theory, I could divide the x-axis into a
2007 Aug 05
Selectively shading areas under two density curves
Dear Listers, I am drawing a plot of two density curves, for male and female incomes. I would like to shade/hatch/color (whatever) the areas under the curves which are distinctive for each gender. This is the code I have tried so far: m <- density(topmal.d$y, bw = "sj") f <- density(topfem.d$y, bw = "sj") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) plot(x = c(0,400), y = c(0,0.02), type =
2006 Oct 26
Adding shading to background of Time series plot
Hello All, Thank you in advance. I have looked up and down in the archives to see if I could find some help on moving the polygons to the background of a ts.plot. I've tried panel.first in the gpars(...) arguments and trellis.focus, but I get errors. Am I missing something easy here? Here is my script: ts.plot(tsdjia, tstenyield, gpars = list(xlab = " ", ylab = " ",
2008 Jul 08
shading an area in a edf
Hi, I've got the following edf: *** x = c(1.6,1.8,2.4,2.7,2.9,3.3,3.4,3.4,4,5.2) F2.5 <- ecdf(x) plot(F2.5, verticals= TRUE, do.p = TRUE, lwd=3, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = c(1,5.5)) abline(h= (0:5)*0.2) #mean abline(v=mean(x), lwd=2) mtext(text=expression(bar(x) == 3.07), side=1, adj=0.462, padj=3, cex=1) *** Now I would like to
2011 Jan 20
adding text to y-axis per row of panels (lattice)
Dear all, Being a newbie to R, I've trawled through many old posts on this list looking for a solution to my problem, but unfortunately couldn't quite figure it out myself. I'd be very grateful if someone here on this list could perhaps help me out. I have a lattice plot with several panels and would like to add some text next to the y-axis on the right hand side of each row of
2010 Mar 09
Shade area under curve
I want to shade the area under the curve of the standard normal density. Specifically color to the left of -2 and on. How might i go about doing this? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Thanks for the question. Here is a sample of the code for my plot: Top = c(34, 39, 42, 45, 46, 41, 41, 40, 43, 38, 33, 33) Bottom = c(24, 29, 32, 36, 32, 34, 32,41, 40, 39, 29, 24) plot(1,1, col = "white", xlim = c(1.3,11.7), ylim = c(0,80), axis = FALSE, xaxt = "n") axis(1, at = c(1:12)) polygon(c(c(1:12),c(12:1)), c(top, bottom), col =
2024 May 15
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
About the decisions: Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only of data, but also of row and column names, and dataedituser modifies the colour of all the borders, I think dataeditbg should modify the background of all the window, at least that "inside" those borders. Otherwise, any other option for the background colour on row and column headers would allow
2008 Dec 04
How can I create transparant colour
Hi list, Does any one know how I can make the red colour transparant? ######################### par() #Set up blank plot to remove plot border type lty="n" xvalue1<- c(1,2,2,1) xvalue2<- c(1,3,3,1) yvalue1<- c(0,0,22,22) yvalue2<- c(0,0,44,44)
2008 Sep 13
QCC - Change Background Color and Remove X Axis Text
Hi, I am working with QCC and would like help with the following: a) Change the color of the background. I tried bg="#FFFFFF" in par and also in qcc and it did not work. b) I want to remove the X Axis Text (i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... n) -- but xaxt="n" does not work in qcc. Thanks -- View this message in context:
2011 Jan 27
How to xyplot without borders
Hello I have the following data.frame and xyplot. I need this plot without the borders. Does anybody know how to get this xyplot without borders o with white borders? Thank's in advance Juan Hernández my.label <- data.frame(quantil=rep(20,8), my.factor=factor(c('FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FG','FH','FI'))) library(lattice)
2004 Nov 19
I have recently converted from S-Plus (Dec Alpha) to R (Mandrake 10.0). The differences are subtle but in some cases not easily converted. My Splus Command plotting deck was over 1200 lines and R has simplified this down to 900 lines so far. I do a lot of mapping with polygons and I am trying to figure out how to increase the default size of the fill boxes in the legend call. Splus had a
2017 Aug 18
Inconsistency in map index
Hello, The following errors are constantly popping up for 2 accounts. I can't get it fixed, I did doveadm backup to another account, the same happens in the new account. I did doveadm force-resync, the problem persists. I'm using dovecot 2.2. 2017-08-18T11:46:12.472821881Z Aug 18 11:46:12 lmtp(ramon.lacerda at Warning: mdbox
2007 Jan 29
countour and poygon shading
Hi, I have a contour plot and I want to shade a polygon (the area below a line) but the polygon shading wipes out the contour lines. Does anybody know how to shade the polygon and still see the contour lines? Thanks. Jeff
2007 Mar 22
Labelling a second y-axis
Hi, I am using the following code as an example function to create multiple y-axes on one plot. I have it working fine however, I can't seem to add a label on the second (right) axis. I have tried adding ylab="y2" in the axis call but, that didn't work; any ideas? Thanks, Jesse Code: function() { par(las=1,xaxs="r",mai=c(1,0.75,1,1)) x<-1:10 y1<-x
2007 Oct 30
Polygon shading line colors
Hi there, I'm having trouble working out how to change the colors of polygon shading lines. If I plot a polygon with polygon(poly,density=30,borders=gray(0.5)) I get gray borders but black shading lines; I have tried adding col=gray(0.5), bg=gray(0.5) and fg=gray(0.5), but no luck. How can I change the colors of the shading? The help file doesn't seem to detail this, so any
2004 Nov 05
I: a coloured band within each panel of a lattice bwplot
Hi all, I would like to add to each panel of a bwplot a coloured central band, centered on the mean of the values, being its width +- 2% of the mean itself. I know how to add lines, i.e. something like bwplot(X ~ Y|FACTOR data=my.df, panel= function(x, y){ panel.bwplot(x, y) panel.abline(v = mean(x, na.rm = T) - mean(x, na.rm = T) * 0.02 panel.abline(v =
2024 May 15
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
A criticism of your suggestion is that it is not backwards compatible. Does that matter? I don't know, but probably not. The X11 version of the viewer does what you suggest. Duncan Murdoch On 2024-05-15 2:20 a.m., Iago Gin? V?zquez wrote: > About the decisions: > > Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only > of data, but also of row and column
2009 Apr 23
how to control significant digits(?) on axis labels
Dear R mailing list I would like some help on how to get R to display the same number of significant digits (?) for *all* tick marks on axis labels (yet be flexible enough to handle different data sets that vary by 10-1000X). Consider this simple example: #---------------------------# x <- seq(0,2,by=0.5) xlim <- range(pretty(x,n=5)) ylim <- xlim