Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Problem using strptime"
2002 Apr 08
Problem(?) in strptime()
I think the following examples illustrate the crux of the matter
(version and OS info are below).
The problem has to do with the transition from standard time to
daylight savings time. My timezone, US/Pacific, has two parts:
standard time (PST) 8 hours behind GMT and daylight savings time
(PDT) 7 hours behind GMT. The transition takes place this year on 7
April at 02:00, when 02:00 is
2007 Jan 08
Does strptime(...,tz="GMT") do anything?
Hi All
In trying to correlate some tide gauge data I need to deal with varying
timezones. From the documentation on strptime, it seemed that the tz
variable might have some effect on the conversion, but I'm not seeing an
> strptime("20061201 1:02 PST",format="%Y%m%d %H:%M",tz="PST")+0
[1] "2006-12-01 01:02:00 EST"
2004 Aug 18
Fwd: strptime() problem? - Resolved
Hi Gabor and everybody;
Thanks Gabor, with the alternative step you've told me the problem is
resolved. Comparing the two procedures:
Extract from the source 'character' data:
> rain$ts[2039:2046]
[1] "25/03/2000 22:00:00 UTC" "25/03/2000 23:00:00 UTC"
[3] "26/03/2000 00:00:00 UTC" "26/03/2000 01:00:00 UTC"
[5] "26/03/2000 02:00:00
2006 Mar 07
Applying strptime() to a data set or array
I'm sure this is just the result of a basic misunderstanding of the
syntax of R, but I am stumped.
A <-
A now consists of thousands of rows, but A$date is a string...
3183 2006-02-28 12:00:00 548.470
3184 2006-02-28 12:30:00 515.240
3185 2006-02-28 13:00:00
2004 Aug 17
Fwd: strptime() problem?
Hi all;
I've already send a similar e-mail to the list and Prof. Brian Ripley
answered me but my doubts remain unresolved. Thanks for the clarification,
but perhaps I wasn't clear enough in posting my questions.
I've got a postgres database which I read into R. The first column is
Timestamp with timezone, and my data are already in UTC format. An 'printed'
extract of R
2003 May 29
Odd behavior of strptime
The example from the help page for strptime has the following oddity:
> dates <- c("02/27/92", "02/27/92", "01/14/92",
+ "02/28/92", "02/01/92")
> times <- c("23:03:20", "22:29:56", "01:03:30",
+ "18:21:03", "16:56:26")
> x <-
2002 Apr 08
Problem(?) in strptime() -- short version
I decided my earlier email on this topic was rather long and wordy;
here's a condensed version.
I am sitting at a Solaris computer in the US/Pacific timezone.
I have a file of data having times that includes the following three values
2002-4-7 1:30:00 GMT
2002-4-7 2:30:00 GMT
2002-4-7 3:30:00 GMT
I have not been able to find a way to correctly convert these to
either of the POSIX
2009 Nov 11
Convert to time from epoch
Hello R users,
Is anyone familiar with an R function that converts a time expression (
POSIx for example ) to time (seconds/minutes) from epoch?
I was unable to find any
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Nov 30
Unable to understand strptime() behaviour
R V2.0.1 on Windows XP.
I have read the help pages on strptime() over and over, but can't
understand why strptime() is producing the following results.
> v <- format("2002-11-31", format="%Y-%m-%d")
> v
[1] "2002-11-31"
> factor(v, levels=v)
[1] 2002-11-31
Levels: 2002-11-31
> x <- strptime("2002-11-31",
2007 Apr 19
Error with strptime
Dear All,
I am trying to convert to POSIXct after pasting a date and a time in
character format with strptime.
It is probably obvious but I don't understand why I get an error message
bsamp$spltime<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M")
whereas I can get what I want if I do it in 2 steps and rbinding ?
Thanks and best regards, Jean-Louis
This is the R console output
2016 Feb 04
Fwd: [musl] strptime() question
There is incompatibility between R strptime and musl libc. I posted
about it on their mailing list, but they need more information I can't
provide, so I'm forwarding the message here in hope R developers can
help. Thanks.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rich Felker <dalias at libc.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [musl] strptime() question
To: Alba
2007 Aug 29
Strage result with an append/strptime combination
I keep on trying to write some small scripts in order to learn R but even
with basic scripts I have problems ...
I start with the name of a file which is in fact the time the file has been
generated (I cannot change the format). Then I convert namefile with
strptime. The problem occurs when I add another time from another file with
append. It displays some informations I don't want.
2008 Jan 12
Problem with strptime
Dear R-list,
I'm experiencing some problems while using "strptime", which I don't understand.
> str(natver)
'data.frame': 154 obs. of 8 variables:
$ ID : Factor w/ 14 levels "AC","ALS","FA",..: 10 11 9 1 4 8 13 3 14 12 ...
$ CdBMin : int 22 22 26 26 28 23 27 23 25 26 ...
$ CdBMax : int 22 24 27 26 32 26 29 30 29 28 ...
2008 Mar 20
Problem with diff(strptime(...
Hi all,
I have been chipping away at a problem I encountered in calculating
rates per year from a moderately large data file (46412 rows). When I
ran the following command, I got obviously wrong output:
The values in MEAS_DATE looked like this:
[1] 1/5/1962 1/5/1963
2001 Oct 31
strptime bug (PR#1155)
## rw1031 Version 1.3.1 (2001-08-31)
## > version
## _
## platform i386-pc-mingw32
## arch x86
## os Win32
## system x86, Win32
## status
## major 1
## minor 3.1
## year 2001
## month 08
## day 31
## language R
## The
2004 Aug 17
strptime() bug? And additional problem in package "tseries"
Hi all, I've got some problems with irts objects, one of which could be a bug:
1) Read a table with several columns from Postgres and the first column is
Timestamp with timezone (this is OK). An extract is:
[2039] "25/03/2000 22:00:00 UTC" "25/03/2000 23:00:00 UTC"
[2041] "26/03/2000 00:00:00 UTC" "26/03/2000 01:00:00 UTC"
2012 Nov 28
hhmm time format, strptime and %k
I am having trouble with the conversion specifications as described in
the strptime help page.
> head(dat)
Date Time Open High Low Close Up Down Volume
1 11/19/2012 935 137.89 138.06 137.82 138.05 3202541 3013215 0
2 11/19/2012 940 138.04 138.40 138.02 138.38 2549660 2107595 4657255
3 11/19/2012 945 138.38 138.40 138.18 138.19 1627379 1856318 3483697
2010 Oct 29
strftime vs strptime ??
Could anyone explain me the difference between strftime vs strptime, please
I've read the help but it's a little bit cionfusing for me.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/strftime-vs-strptime-tp3018865p3018865.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Jul 19
transform(_data,...) using strptime gives an error
I have timstamped data like this:
> sd[1:10,]
Tstamp Density Mesh50 Mesh70 Mesh100 Mesh150 Mesh200
2 2009/02/27 07:00 30.5 0.7 10.7 21.4 32.8 41.6
3 2009/02/27 08:00 32.2 1.6 12.4 23.3 34.5 43.0
4 2009/02/27 09:00 32.7 4.8 13.0 24.0 35.1 43.5
5 2009/02/27 10:00 26.7 0.3 6.5 17.6 28.1 36.9
6 2009/02/27 11:00
2008 Mar 27
strptime and plot(),lines()
Im reading Data out of a Database.
rs <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * ... )
There ist a colum I convert into "Time".
> zeit<-strptime(datum,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
> class(zeit)
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXlt"
A plot(zeit,money) plots the Data.
All i see on the x-achis are the Days.
I would like to see the