Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Interface R <--> Processing"
2009 May 29
locking fails
on one of my servers (freebsd 7.0-R , Jail) I have a very strange problem
I guess its something about LOCKing.
some programs have issued with locking:
saslauthd[38127] :main : could not lock pid lock file: /var/run/saslauthd/saslauthd.pid.lock
saslauthd[38127] :main : fcntl: Invalid argument
dovecot: 2009-05-29 03:45:50 Info: dovecot v1.1.15 starting up
2009 Jun 12
sending sip info messages
Hi all,
I`m searching for a special solution to send text messages inside Sip info packets, that are normally used for dtmf signalization. So far I?m able to exchange sip Info messages between two softphones which are connected directly together (only over a Switch).
By connecting both Softphones on the asterisk pbx, registration is ok and the voice interconnection is also fine.
During the call,
2009 May 30
dovecot with MYSQL on Synology NAS
hello list,
under my table I have a NAS station, the Synology DS-207+
there`s a linux with ipkg.
the dovocot fromo ipkg didnt have mysql support.
compiling seems to be also difficult, because of configure cant find libmysqlclient.
experts, what to do for getting mysql support in dovecot?
best regards
Nur bis 31.05.: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit DSL 6.000 Flatrate und
2009 Jun 15
coxph and robust variance estimation
I would like to compare two different models in the framework of Cox proportional hazards regression models.
On Rsitesearch and google I don't find a clear answer to my question.
My R-Code (R version 2.9.0)
coxph.fit0 <- coxph(y ~ z2_ + cluster(as.factor(keys))+ strata(stratvar_),
method="breslow" ,robust=T )
coxph.fit1 <- coxph(y ~ z_ +
2009 May 14
.spx documentation
I'm looking for a documentation of the .spx file type? I want/need to know how such a .spx file is built up.
I want to create a .wav to .spx converter. And additionally a .spx player.
I already searched the net and the speex site but I couldn't find anything useful. Maybe I'm missing something?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Neu: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit
2009 May 11
Fail2Ban and the Dovecot log
Is there any way to disable the "dovecot: " at the beginning of each
line of the log? Fail2Ban responds poorly to it. I know there are a
number of sites with "failregex" strings for Fail2Ban and Dovecot, but
I've tried them all, and they don't work, at least with the latest
Fail2ban and the latest Dovecot. The Fail2Ban wiki is pretty clear
about why there
2009 Jun 16
ai_family not supported
i`m trying to use rsync via inetd and having problems.
i`m getting
2009/06/15 18:25:29 [41082] name lookup failed for : ai_family not supported
2009/06/15 18:25:29 [41082] connect from UNKNOWN ()
when trying to write to rsync daemon via inetd.
reading works fine.
inetd.conf looks like this:
rsync stream tcp nowait root /path/rsync rsync --daemon --log-file=/tmp/rsync.log
2009 May 09
Another paper on CELT
For those interested in reading more on CELT, here's another paper that
just got accepted. That one focuses on the low-complexity mode and is
based on 0.5.1.
J.-M. Valin, T. B. Terriberry, G. Maxwell, A Full-Bandwidth Audio Codec
with Low Complexity and Very Low Delay, Accepted for EUSIPCO 2009.
2009 Feb 10
Problem installing MASS-Package
Dear R-Help-Team,
I tried to use isoMDS-Function of the MASS-Package:
Fehler: konnte Funktion "isoMDS" nicht finden
(error: could not find function "isoMDS")
so I tried to install the package MASS:
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
versuche URL 'http://cran.rakanu.com/bin/windows/contrib/2.8/VR_7.2-45.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 1598763
2011 Feb 10
Modifying a package name / Build from sources (rpart)
Dear List Members
Upfront: I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question even
after reading through the FAQ, so apologies if I should have directed the
question elsewhere.
My problem as follows: I need a modified version of some existing R package.
I am well able to make the modifications in the C code of the package and
can build it by R CMD. However, I would like to install
2009 Feb 04
Use Speex on embedded ARM-device...
Hi Jean-Marc,
I have just discovered the post of Vit Kanevsky and I have
already sent him a message.
I'm currently evaluating the work of stripping stuff on
the win32 platform(nicer workflow ;-) and noticed that
I could not just leave out the exc_*_table.c files without
getting compiler/linker warning, but possibly I made a
mistake there.
Is my assumption correct that I just need the
2009 Feb 05
optimal control, maximization with several variables?
Dear all,
I would like to solve the following problem, which can be done with optimal control theory or dynamic programming:
max(x,y) a*u1+b*u2+c*f1(u2) s.t. 0<u1<x, 0<u2<f2(x,u2), x'=f3(u1,u2,x)
which can be rewritten if optimal control theory should be applied as
H=a*u1+b*u2+c*f1(u2)+lambda*(x') s.t. 0<u1<x, 0<u2<f2(x,u2)
The maximum principle
2009 Feb 10
Problem with retrieving updated variables after attach()
suppose I have a data frame:
> mat
id age
Then I attach the data frame:
> attach(mat)
I assign some new values...
> id <<- sample(100,5)
> age <<- rnorm(5,mean=30)
Then I want to create a new data frame from the variables id and age which still are attached to position 2 of the R environment...
> new_mat <-
2009 Feb 06
Linear model: contrasts
I am modelling a linear regression Y=X*B+E. To compute the effect of ?group? the B-values of the regressors/columns that code the interaction effects (col. 5-8 and col. 11-14, see below) have to be weighted with non-zero elements within the contrast "Group 1" minus "Group 2" (see below). My first understanding was that the interaction effects add up to zero in each group.
2009 Jan 31
Strange behaviour with rsync and mounted truecrypt volume
when i mount a truecrpyt volume with truecrypt 5.1a and
synchronize data locally with rsync (version 2.6.9 protocol version 29) like this way:
$ truecrypt myvolume.tc
$ rsync -av /home/oliver/myfolder /media/truecrypt
The myfolder is copied to /media/truecrypt like it should.
But when i dismount the truecrypt volume
and mount it again:
$ truecrypt -d /media/truecrypt
$ truecrypt
2009 Feb 04
Use Speex on embedded ARM-device...
Hi everyone,
I'm currently looking into using speex in an embedded project
using an ST ARM-device (STR9 family) just with internal
memory (96kbyte) and no O/S.
Does anyone know if the optimizations included in the code
for ARMv4 and ARMv5e are appliable to this device?
I would also need to strip down libspeex pretty hard to fit
into the available memory.
I just want to use a fixed bitrate
2009 Dec 11
some problems with ram usage and warnings
i am new to the R-project but until now i have found solutions for every problem in toturials, R Wikis and this mailing list, but now i have some problems which I can't solve with this knowledge.
I have some data like this:
# sample data
head1 = "a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;i;k;l;m;n;o"
data1 = "1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1"
data2 = "2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2"
data3 =
2009 Jan 05
adding a curve with xaxs="i"
I want the curve to touch the y axis like the curve touches the upper boundary.
How can I eliminate the margin between axis and curve on the left side?
x1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
x2 <- c(2,4,6,8,10)
mod <- lm (x2~x1)
hm <- function (x) (mod$coe[1]+x*mod$coe[2])
# ...
curve (hm,lty=1,add=T,xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
(R 2.8.1)
Sensationsangebot verl?ngert: GMX
2008 Dec 29
Merge or combine data frames with missing columns
Hi R-experts,
suppose I have a list with containing data frame elements:
(Intercept) y1 y2 y3 y4
-6.64 0.761 0.383 0.775 0.163
(Intercept) y2 y3
-3.858 0.854 0.834
Now I want to put them into ONE dataframe like this:
(Intercept) y1
2009 Mar 11
bandwidth issue
I have a question concerning the performance of rsync beteen two sites, one in India one in Germany.
File exchange between 2 Linux-machines is done using rsync-3.0.5 (typical file size 1.5 GB).
Destination machine is: Linux machine1 2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Sep 25 02:16:15 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Source machine is: Linux machine2 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Wed Oct 10