Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "apply fn to many dataframes"
2000 Sep 26
subset() wish: allow "select" for non-dataframes
{Mainly to the author of the subset() function,
but RFC to all "R-develers": }
Wouldn't it be worth redefining subset.default() such
that `anything reasonable' would allow a select argument?
Currently, only subset.data.frame() allows a select argument,
and hence we can have
> (x <- c(a=1, b=3, d= 7:10))
a b d1 d2 d3 d4
1 3 7 8 9 10
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
For certain reason, the content was not visible in the last mail, so posting it again.
Dear Members,
I have two different dataframes with a different number of rows. I need to apply a set of functions to each possible combination of rows with one row coming from 1st dataframe and other from 2nd dataframe. Though I am able to perform this task using for loops, I feel that there must be a more
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
The obvious way would be to preallocate the resulting data.frame, to
expand an empty one on each iteration being a time expensive operation.
n <- nrow(expand.grid(1:nrow(D1), 1:nrow(D2)))
D4 <- data.frame(distance=integer(n),difference=integer(n))
k <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(D1)){
for (j in 1:nrow(D2)) {
k <- k + 1
D4[k, ] <-
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
Another way would be
n <- nrow(expand.grid(1:nrow(D1), 1:nrow(D2)))
D5 <- data.frame(distance=integer(n),difference=integer(n))
D5[] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(D1)), function(i)
t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(D2)), function(j){
identical(D3, D5)
In my first answer I forgot to say that
2008 Jun 03
How to solve a non-linear system of equations using R
Dear R-list members,
I've had a hard time trying to solve a non-linear system (nls) of equations
which structure for the equation i, i=1,...,4, is as follows:
f_i(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)-k_i(l,m,s) = 0 (1)
In the expression above, both f_i and k_i are known functions and l, m and s
are known constants. I would like to estimate the vector d=(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)
which is solution
2009 Feb 22
how to recover a list structure
I am experiencing some problems at working with lists at high level.
In the following "coef" contains the original DWT coefficients organized in a list.
Thorugh applying the following two commands:
coef.abs <- lapply(unlist(coef,recursive=FALSE,use.names =TRUE),abs)
coef.abs.sorted <- sort(unlist(coef.abs),decreasing=TRUE)
I get vector "coef.abs.sorted" containing
2010 Sep 14
extracting objects from lists
If you have 5 data frames and you append them to a list, how do you access
the first data frame, not the first value of the first data frame while
iterating in a for loop?
list = c(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5) where d1..d5 are dataframes.
for(i in 1: length(list)){
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/extracting-objects-from-lists-tp2539412p2539412.html
Sent from
2011 Jan 15
Rounding variables in a data frame
Hi All
I am trying to use the round function on some columns of a dataframe while
leaving others unchanged. I wish to specify those columns to leave
My attempt is below - here, I would like the column d3 to be left but
columns d1, d2 and d4 to be rounded to 0 decimal places. I would welcome any
suggestions for a nicer way of doing this.
d1= rnorm(10,10)
d2= rnorm(10,6)
2011 Apr 21
Help with matching rows
Dear Sir,
Please excuse my akwardness as I a new to R and computers, but would kindly
appreciate help.
a <- sample (1:10,100,replace=T )
b <-sample(10:20,100,replace=T)
c <- sample(20:30,100,replace=T)
d <- sample(30:40,100,replace=T)
e <- sample(40:50,100,replace=T)
d1 <- a
d2 <- b
d3 <-c
d4 <- d
d5 <- e
dd <-
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow:
testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b",
"b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
2010 Jun 14
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
Hi R help,
Hi R help,
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
Sincerely, Andrea Bernasconi DG
I consider the latin squares example described at page 157 of the book:
Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery by George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter.
This example use
2009 Feb 09
How to plot multiple graphs each with multiple y variables
I am new to R and have a problem that I haven't been able to find the answer to in the guides or online.
I have multiple datasets, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 and D8, and I would like to produce two plots side by side using mfrow. The first plot should contain data from D1-D4, the second should contain D5-D8.
I can plot these separately using the code,
2011 May 17
Minimum value by ID
I have a longitudinal dataset where each individual has a different number
of entries. Thus, it is of the following structure:
x <- runif(12)
id.var <- factor(c(rep("D1",4),rep("D2",2),rep("D3",3),rep("D4",3)))
dat <- as.data.frame(x)
dat$id.var <- id.var
> dat
x id.var
1 0.9611269 D1
2 0.6738606 D1
2012 Nov 22
Data Extraction - benchmark()
Hi Berend,
I see you are one of the contributors to the rbecnhmark package.
I am sorry that I am bothering you again. I have tried to run your code (slightly tweaked) involving the benchmark function, and I am getting the following error message. What am I doing wrong?
Error in benchmark(d1 <- s1(df), d2 <- s2(df), d3 <- s3(df), d4 <- s4(df), :
could not find function
2007 Aug 29
Plot command drops part of the plot for large plots in multiple figure environment
I have run into some surprising behaviour when plotting data in a 3x2
random parts of the data on my graphs aren't rendered. Not on screen,
not on file,
and not when I send the plot to a printer. I don't get any error
messages either.
When I do the individual plots (not in a grid) they are each rendered
My questions are:
- Has anyone encountered something like this,
2010 Jul 19
invalid type error
>myDF =
> myDF
id d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8
1 A10 0.3 0.4 -0.2 -0.3 0.5 0.6 -0.9 -0.8
2 A20 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.2
2018 Jul 10
[PATCH 0/7] PowerPC64 performance improvements
The following series adds initial vector support for PowerPC64.
On POWER9, flac --best is about 3.3x faster.
Amitay Isaacs (2):
Add m4 macro to check for C __attribute__ features
Check if compiler supports target attribute on ppc64
Anton Blanchard (5):
configure.ac: Remove SPE detection code
configure.ac: Add VSX enable/disable
configure.ac: Fix FLAC__CPU_PPC on little endian, and add
2009 Jul 20
Regression function lm() not giving proper results
Hi ,
Can anyone help me please with this problem?*
all_raw_data_NAomitted is my data frame.It has columns with names i1 ,i2,
i3,i4…, till i15.It has 291 rows actually ,couldn’t show here.
The data frame looks like this:--
i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2
3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2010 Jul 05
nested for loops
Dear Admin,
I will appreciate if you advise me an effective way to write the following R
code including nested for loops. I cannot do it by using expand.grid
function because it results with memory allocation problems.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
for(d1 in 0:n){
for(d2 in 0:n){
for(d3 in 0:n){
for(d4 in 0:n){
for(d5 in 0:n){
for(d6 in 0:n){
for(d7 in 0:n){
for(d8 in 0:n){
for(d9 in
2011 Jan 29
[PATCH] Re: klibc barfs on m68k syscall interface
tag 334917 = patch
I?ve fixed the m68k syscall of klibc and made it able to use
six-argument syscalls like mmap2. However, I could not yet
fully test it (only mostly; opendir() specifically fails) due
to: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47533
@m68k porters: Please have a look at the gcc bug as well.
@klibc: Please apply the patch, it?s better than what we have,