similar to: Paste Strings as logical for functions?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Paste Strings as logical for functions?"

2009 May 21
index to select rows of a large matrix
Dear R Users, I have created a 1500 x 20000 data frame - DataSeq. Each of the 1500 rows represents a data sequence. I have another data frame iData that stores the information of these 1500 data sequences in the same order, for example, condition, gender, etc. If I use "subset" to select certain groups within iData according to some criteria that I have set, e.g. condition, gender Then
2008 Dec 08
Transforming a string to a variable's name? help me newbie...
Dear all, I'm a newbie in R. I have a 45x2x2x8 design. A dataframe stores the metadata of trials. And each trial has its own data file: I used "read.table" to import every trial into R as a dataframe (variable). Now I dynamically ask R to retrieve trials that fit certain selection criteria, so I use "subset", e.g. tmptrialinfo <- subset(trialinfo, (Subject==24 &
2009 Apr 22
read.table or read.csv without row index?
Hello all, Probably my concepts about the data.frame and matrix and array in R are not clear, I need some clarification to help me understand them better. >M <- read.table("test1.csv",sep=",",row.names=NULL,header=T) gives me: M as M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 1 9 11 14 15 18 20 20 20 20 20 2 3 4 8 9 11 12 14 15 15 15 3 4 5 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4
2009 May 20
Too large a data set to be handled by R?
Dear R users, I have been using a dynamic data extraction from raw files strategy at the moment, but it takes a long long time. In order to save time, I am planning to generate a data set of size 1500 x 20000 with each data point a 9-digit decimal number, in order to save my time. I know R is limited to 2^31-1 and that my data set is not going to exceed this limit. But my laptop only has 2 Gb and
2009 May 19
Replace / swap values of subset of a data.frame
Dear R users, I have 1 data.frame of 1500x80 - data1. I found out that there are a few cells of data that I have misplace, and I need to fix the ordering of them. In an attempt trying to swap column 22 & 23 of the Subject with misplaced data, I did the following: > data2 <- data1 > subset(data1,(Subject==25 & Session==1))[,22] <- subset(data2,(Subject==25 &
2009 Jun 01
Within Subject ANOVA question
Dear R users, I have copied for following table from an article on "Using confidence intervals in within-subject designs": Subject 1sec 2sec 5sec 1 10 13 13 12.00 2 6 8 8 7.33 3 11 14 14 13.00 4 22 23 25 23.33 5 16 18 20 18.00 6 15 17 17 16.33 7 1 1 4 2.00 8 12 15 17 14.67 9 9 12 12 11.00 10 8 9 12 9.67 I rearranged the data this way:
2008 Dec 11
Resampling physiological data using R?
Dear all R users, I am going to use R to process some of my physiological data about eye. The problem is the recording machine does not sample in a reliably constant rate: the time intervals between data sampled can vary from 9msec to ~120msec, while most around in the 15-30msec range. The below is a fraction of a single data file of a trial: Time CursorX CursorY Pupilsize 1811543 -1 -1 -1
2009 Oct 26
R CMD check: Error in .C
Function/file names are hypothetical. Say I have written myfunction.R, which calls myfunction.c via .C("myfunction", ...). I've compiled successfully myfunction.c via R CMD SHLIB myfunction.c in the terminal. Then, in the R console: dyn.load("") source("myfunction.R") test <- myfunction() # works fine So everything is in order, myfunction works
2008 Dec 15
cannot allocate vector of size... restructuring suggestion please...
Dear R Users, I was running some data analysis scripts and ran into this error: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 27.6 Mb Doing a "memory.size(max=TRUE)" will give me: [1] 1506.812 The current situation is: I'm working on a Windows Vista 32bit laptop with 4GB RAM (effectively 3GB I assume...) I have a data file of 450Mb loaded into R and have around 1500 data.frames floating
2012 Nov 23
Adding a function with default parameters into the Rcmdr menu
Hi everyone, I made some tests with Rcmdr, to add a function with default parameters : For example (very simple): myfunction<-function(var="314"){ print("hello") print(var) } if I run myfunction() directly i see : > myfunction() [1] "hello" [1] "314" it's ok. But if i edit de Rcmdr-menu.txt (in
2009 Jun 03
Using constrOptim() function
I have a function myFunction(beta,x) where beta is a vector of coefficients and x is a data frame (think of it as a matrix). I want to optimize the function myFunction() by ONLY changing beta, i.e. x stays constant, with 4 constraints. I have the following code (with a separate source file for the function): rm(list=ls()) source('mySourceFile')
2012 Mar 13
beginner's loop issue
Dear All, I hope you don't mind helping me with this small issue. I haven't been using R in years and I'm trying to fill in a matrix with the output of a function (I'm probably using the Matlab logic here and it's not working). Here is my code: for (i in 1:length(input)){ out[i,1:3] <- MyFunction(input[i,1],input[i,2], input[i,3]) out[i,4:6] <-
2006 May 16
multiple plots in a function()
Dear all, I have the following problem: I have written a function genereating to plots, eg myfunction <- (data, some.parameters) { #some calculations etc . par (mfrow=c(1,2)) plot1(......) plot2(.....) } which works fine. But for analysing several variants, I tried a slope, eg: par (mfrow=c(5,5)) for ( i in 1:10) { myfunction(data, i) } Off
2010 Oct 13
Pasting function arguments and strings
Dear R community, I am struggling a bit with a probably fairly simple task. I need to use some already existing functions as argument for a new function that I am going to create. 'dataset' is an argument, and it comprises objects named 'mean_test', 'sd_test', 'kurt_test' and so on. 'arg1' tells what object I want (mean, sd, kurt) while 'arg2' tells
2011 Jun 10
running R commands asynchronously
I am interested in running R commands asynchronously. My first choice is in the same R session that I am currently in. Here, the goal would be to run something like RunAsynchSameSession(myfunction(), "outputname.rda") Once RunAsynchSameSession had started myfunction(), RunAsynchSameSession would complete immediately. myfunction would keep going. It is OK if execution of the
2006 Jun 28
hopefully my last question on lapply
Marc and many other people ( whose names escape me ) have been very helpful in explaining the use of lapply to me. In his last response, Marc explained that if tradevectors is a list of vectors of different lengths ( excuse my terminology ) then lapply(tradevectors,function(x) G[x]*B[x] ) will go through each component of the list as if it was a vector and apply the element by element
2011 Oct 28
program never enters browser mode when I add browser()
Dear All I have a program that breaks at the following lines of code: bigfunction = { ... object1 = myfunction(x) object2 = strsplit(object1, ",")[[1]] ... } where myfunction is defined elsewhere outside of bigfunction. The error I get is "error in strsplit() -- object1 not found". However, when I insert browser() into my code so that the above reads, bigfunction = {
2008 Jul 21
Howto Restart A Function with Try-Error Catch
Hi all, I have a function - let's call it "myfunction". This function is based on some random number generator. Now, once in a while the function will break/crash depending on the random number it generate inside the function. To avoid the problem, what I intend to do is the following: 1. Catch the try-error using class. 2. Redo the function if it returns "try-error" 3.
2007 Jun 30
Determining whether a function's return value is assigned
Dear all, Does R offer a means by which a function can determine whether its return value is assigned? I am using R 2.4.1 for Windows. Suppose what I am looking for is called "return.value.assigned". Then one might use it like this myfunction <- function () { # Create bigobject here if (return.value.assigned()) { bigobject } else {
2017 Jul 12
A strange problem about type i64 for LLVM
Hello, everyone, I encounter a strange problem about llvm type i64 and C++ type int64_t. I instrumented a program to call the function 'myFunction' in the C++ shared library. 'myFunction' is something like this: int64_t myFunction() { int64_t retValue; ... std::cout << "retValue: " << retValue << "\n"; return retValue; }