Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "Asymmetric t-copula code?"
2009 May 17
Asymmetric t - copula code in R
Hi R-users,
Where can I find the code for asymmetric t-copula in R?
Thank you for any help given.
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2009 May 18
asymmetric t-copula in R
Hi R-users,
Where can I find the code for asymmetric t-copula in R?
Thank you for any help given.
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2009 Apr 22
Copula package
Hi R-users,
I would like to use the copula package.? I? the package plus the mvtnorm and try to run the example given, but I got the following message:
norm.cop <- normalCopula(c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7), dim = 3, dispstr = "un")
t.cop <- tCopula(c(0.5, 0.3), dim = 3, dispstr = "toep",
df = 2, df.fixed =
2010 Jun 10
error message in fitting tcopula
Hi r-users,
I really need help in fitting the t-copula. I try to reproduce the
example given by Jun Yan in "Enjoy the joy of copula" but I'm not sure
how to correct the error based on the error message. I tried so many
ways but still could not get it working.
loglik.marg <- function(b, x) sum(dgamma(x, shape = b[1], scale = b[2],
log = TRUE))
ctrl <- list(fnscale
2011 Dec 09
Goodness of Fit for Copula
Dear All,
I'm now working on Archimedean copulas and try to test the goodness of fit.
Which packages I should use?
I have Clayton copula with parameter (5.35) and Frank (19.5).
I found this build function wrote by Yan and Ivan via R Packages, but I'm
not sure the matrix for x? Please advice.
Thank you
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2010 Jun 09
fitting t copula
Hi r-users,
I try to fit the t copula using the gamma marginals. But I got error message which I don't really understand.
Thank you for any help given.
myCop.t <- ellipCopula(family = "t", dim = 2, dispstr = "toep", param = 0.5, df = 8)
myMvd <- mvdc(copula = myCop.t, margins = c("gamma", "gamma"), paramMargins = list(list(mean = 0, sd
2011 Aug 07
Fitting t copula
I'm a new user of R and a novice user in copula R package.
I want to fit 3-dimensional t copula for my trivariate data. So I used the
t.cop <- tCopula(c(0.785,0.283,0.613),dim=3,dispstr="un",df=6,df.fixed =
where c(0.785,0.283,0.613) is the correlation pattern of my data with 0.785
pearson correlation between variable 1-2, 0.283 correlation between 1-3 and
2011 Aug 09
testing goodness of fit for t copula
I'm a new user of R. I'm using package copula implemented in R. I want
to know how to test goodness of fit of student's t copula for 3
dimensional cases using real world data. In manual gof test has been
performed on the copula families generated from rcopula function that
i understood as random data generated from copula? How to perform the
test with real/observed data matrix.
2007 Jul 26
Fit t Copula
Hi, I am trying to fit t copula to some data, and I am using the following
function in the library(QRMlib).
Udatac <- apply(datac, 2, edf,adjust=1)
tcopulac <- fit.tcopula.rank(Udatac)
But the error message come out "Error in fit.tcopula.rank(Udatac) : Non
p.s.d. covariance matrix"
Could anyone give me some advice? In fact, I am not sure what the "adjust=1"
is used for.
2007 Mar 01
Fit Student Copula
Hello everybody,
I have a big problem that I do not manage to solve !
I will be very grateful if you can solve this !
I want to fit a t Copula with the copula package :
> student.cop <- ellipCopula("t", param = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7), dim = 3, dispstr = "un",df=5)
> x<-rcopula(student.cop,1000)
> fit <- fitCopula(x, student.cop, c(0.5,0.5,0.5,5))
And there is an
2009 Sep 23
Maximum Likelihood Est. regarding the degree of freedom of a multivariate skew-t copula
I have a bigger problem in calculating the Maximum Likelihood Estimator regarding the degree of freedom of a multivariate skew-t copula.
First of all I would like to describe what this is all about, so that you can understand my problem:
I have 2 time series with more than 3000 entries each. I would like to calculate a multivariate skew-t Copula that fits this time series.
2010 Jun 10
error message fitting tcopula
Hi r-users,
I really need help in fitting the t-copula. I try to reproduce the example given by Jun Yan in “Enjoy the joy of copula” but I’m not sure how to correct the error based on the error message. I tried so many ways but still could not get it working.
loglik.marg <- function(b, x) sum(dgamma(x, shape = b[1], scale = b[2], log = TRUE))
ctrl <- list(fnscale = -1)
#dat <-
2012 May 16
fitting t copula with fixed dof
I need to fit a t copula with fixed degree of freedom let's say 4. I
do not want to estimate the dof together with correlation matrix
optimally. Instead fix the dof to 4 and only estimate the correlation
matrix in the optimization routine. Is anyone aware of such estimation
method in R.
The packages and functions that I know of can't do this estimation. I
searched online but
2006 Apr 24
the 'copula' package
Is anybody using the Copula package in R? The particular problem I'm
facing is that R is not acknowledging the fitCopula command/function
when I load the package and (try to) run something very simple:
fit1 <- fitCopula(x1 = list(u11,u12,u13,u14,u15,u16,u17,u18), tCopula,
optim.control = list(NULL), method = "BFGS")
Anybody also using it, successfully or unsuccessfully?
2011 Aug 08
GOF of Student's t copula
Hi all,
I need to test gof of 3-dimensional t copula for my trivariate observed
data set. So I used the command
t.cop <- tCopula(c(0.785,0.283,0.613),dim=3,dispstr="un",df=6,df.fixed =
where c(0.785,0.283,0.613) is the correlation pattern of my data with 0.785
pearson correlation between variable 1-2, 0.283 correlation between 1-3 and
0.613 is the correlation between variable
2010 Mar 03
empirical copula code
Hi all,
I have this data set:
## Empirical copula
## dt1 = ranking
## dt2 = observed uniform data associated with the ranking
Sample data,
> dt1
S_i R_i
[1,] 7.0 10.0
[2,] 232.5 440.5
[3,] 143.0 141.5
[4,] 272.5 222.0
[5,] 46.0 34.0
[6,] 527.0 483.0
[7,] 420.5 563.5
[8,] 23.5 16.5
[9,] 56.5 68.5
[10,] 341.5 382.5
> dt2
unisk1 unisk2
[1,] 0.008 0.010
2011 Nov 25
Copula Fitting Using R
Is anybody using Copula package for fitting copulas to own data?
I have two marginals Log Normal with (parameters 1.17 and 0.76) and Gamma (
2.7 and 1.05)
Which package I should use to fit Gumbel and Clayton Copulas?
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2018 Apr 21
Error : 'start' contains NA values when fitting frank copula
>>>>> Soumen Banerjee <soumen08 at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Sat, 21 Apr 2018 17:22:56 +0800 writes:
> Hello! I am trying to fit a copula to some data in R and
> I get the error mentioned above. This is the code for a
> reproducible example -
(not really reproducible: You did not set the random seed, so
the data is different every time;
2008 Mar 29
how to fit a copula using real data?
Dear all,
I just came to R a few days ago. Now I have a problem that I have two
correlated variables and want to first fit a Gaussian copula, then sample
it to generate simulated variables. I have spent last two days looking at R
archive and copula help file but couldn't find what I need. If my
understanding is correct, all examples I saw work in this way: a man-made
copula -> simulated
2013 Jun 20
how to run copula-based quantile regression
I want to run a quantile regression (Y=a+bX+e) using normal and t copula for
my dissertation.
I 've read the documentation of "copula" and "copBasic". However, I still
have difficulty to deal with my data.
Details are as following:
I've already loaded xls data into r using "XLConnect" package.