Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "MEXVAL"
2007 Feb 04
Download stock prices
Is there any way to download a (or a sample of a) crossection of stock market prices? Or is it possible to use get.hist.quote with a *wild card*?
Mihai Nica
170 East Griffith St. G5
Jackson, MS 39201
8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
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2006 Oct 26
Header of dataframe
I am fairly new to R and I would appreciate some help to hopefully a
trivial problem.
I created a function:
summary.aggregate <- function(y, ...)
temp.mean <- aggregate(y, FUN=mean, ...)
temp.sd <- aggregate(y, FUN=sd, ...)
temp.length <- aggregate(y, FUN=length, ...)
temp <- data.frame(cbind(mean=temp.mean$x,stdev=temp.sd$x,n=temp.length$x))
this outputs e.g.:
2006 Oct 12
Cross two dataframe
Dear r-users!
I would like to cross two data frame which have the same row number but
different in the number of column. Can anybody help me for this case ?
Thanks a lot in advance
Majid Iravani
PhD Student
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Research Group of Vegetation Ecology
Z?rcherstrasse 111
2006 Oct 07
merge and polylist
I would like to kindly ask for a little help. The rough code is:
dat=data.frame(read.delim(file="all.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
quote="\"", dec=".",na.strings = "NA"))
nc=read.shape("astae.shp", dbf.data=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
2013 Apr 22
subset dataframe
I can't understand what is happening. This is the code and results:
> agoa <- read.table(file = "C:/Users/HTPC/Documents/_Documents/Research/WithDidia/AGOAUSImports.txt", header = T, sep = "\t", dec = ".", na.strings = "NA", stringsAsFactors = T)#
> str(agoa); names(agoa)
'data.frame':109 obs. of 19 variables:
$ X : Factor w/ 39
2004 Oct 17
Descriptive statistics table
I would like to make a table with descriptive statistics for a data.frame. I guess the question is how can I put together, in a table, the results from, say:
apply(df, 2, mean, na.rm =T)
apply(df, 2, median, na.rm =T)
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
155 B Parkhurst Dr.
Jackson, MS 39202
601 969 5423
601 914 0361
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2004 Aug 23
Reading GAL file
I am trying to work with spdep (everything is "brand new" downloaded this morning). OS = Windows 2000 (also up to date). The code I am using follows:
gal.county=read.geoda("lnpilnd.GAL", row.names=NULL, skip=0)
Error in summary.nb(gal.county) : Not a neighbours list
The gal file works just fine in GeoDa (also up to date).
2004 Mar 11
saving a data.frame to "\t" files
Windows 2000, updated R and packages.
could somebody pleaseeeeeeeee help with saving a data.frame with column
names into "\t" text files for later importing in other programs? It seems an easy task, yet... it beats me.
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
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2005 Jun 15
Multiple line plots
I would like to plot three lines on the same figure, and I am lost. There is
an answer to a similar thread… but I tried matplot and it is beyond me. An
example of the data follows:
1983 9.1 16.8 -7.7
1984 12.0 18.0 -6.0
1985 13.6 19.1 -5.5
1986 12.4 17.3 -4.9
1987 14.6 20.3 -5.7
1988 20.6 23.3 -2.6
1989 25.0 27.2 -2.2
1990 28.4 30.2 -1.8
1991 33.3 31.2 2.1
1992 40.6
2007 Mar 25
plot of computed vector
I apologize for the non-programming language. I found what seems to be a
strange behavior of plot(). The code follows:
N=3030; gn=.04; tn=1:100
plot(N) #strange plot
N=rep(3030, 100)
plot(N) #behaves as expected
Windows XP, R 2.4.0. or 2.4.1
2007 Sep 21
Likelihood ration test on glm
I would like to try a likelihood ratio test in place of waldtest.
Ideally I'd like to provide two glm models, the second a submodel of the
first, in the style of lrt
(http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~hrust/tools/farismahelp/lrt.html). [lrt
takes farimsa objects]
Does anyone know of such a likelihood ratio test?
Chris Elsaesser, PhD
Principal Scientist, Machine Learning
2006 May 23
after identify labels dissapear XP
Using 'identify' to label points on a plot works just fine. However, when
saving under 'metafile' or using the clipboard the labels dissapear. I
believe it's an SDI issue. I am running last R with last Tinn-r under XP up
to date. Anything I can do besides going back to MDI :-)?
Mihai Nica, ABD
Jackson State University
ITT Tech Instructor
170 East Griffith
2004 Nov 26
Coplot Given text
I am unsuccessful in suppressing "Given : myvariable" from a coplot. There was such a question in the past but the thread breaks down. I am sure this is a "for dummies" question :-). I tried:
coplot(myvar~myvar | myvar, show.given=FALSE, xlab="....", ylab="...", main=" ")
and some other variations (including without main=" ")
2005 Jul 15
nlme and spatially correlated errors
Dear R users,
I am using lme and nlme to account for spatially correlated errors as
random effects. My basic question is about being able to correct F, p, R2
and parameters of models that do not take into account the nature of such
errors using gls, glm or nlm and replace them for new F, p, R2 and
parameters using lme and nlme as random effects.
I am studying distribution patterns of 50 tree
2006 Nov 25
hausman Test
Does anyone know how to do an Hausman test?
I?ve estimate a modell (some alternatives) with clogit an wanted to test the
IIA test (Independence of Irrelevant
Alternatives) after estimating a multinomial logit model?
Thank you
2010 Aug 17
AIC in MuMIn
I am using package MuMIn to calculate AIC for a full model with 10
explanatory variables.
Thanks in advance in sharing your experience.
In the AIC list of all models, each model is differentiated by model number.
Please kindly advise if it is possible to
find the corresponding explanatory variable(s) for the model number.
Q2 error message
I tried to display sub-model with only
2004 Apr 12
Panel Data Analysis
I am trying to find a package/solution for panel (longitudinal) data analysis. Unfortunately it seems I don't know where to start. Could somebody offer a hint?
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
155 B Parkhurst Dr.
Jackson, MS 39202
"No good deed will ever remain unpunished"
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2004 Apr 24
Colour coding and point types in a plot
R 1.8.1, Windows 2000.
I am trying to find the "legend" for color coding and point types in a plot, which probably are standard for everybody but myself. Thanks for the tip!
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
"No good deed will ever remain unpunished"
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2006 Jul 13
ols/gls or systemfit (OLS, WLS, SUR) give identical results
I might be sorry for asking this question :-)
I have two equations and I tried to estimate them individually with "lm" and "gls", and then in a system (using systemfit) with "OLS", "WLS" and "SUR". Quite surprisingly (for myself at least) the results are identical to the last digit.
Could someone (please!) give a hint as to what am I
2002 May 06
A logit question?
Hello dear r-gurus!
I have a question about the logit-model. I think I have misunderstood
something and I'm trying to find a bug from my code or even better from my
head. Any help is appreciated.
The question is shortly: why I'm not having same coefficients from the
logit-regression when using a link-function and an explicite transformation
of the dependent. Below some details.