Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "NLMINB() produces NaN!"
2007 Dec 21
NaN as a parameter in NLMINB optimization
I am trying to optimize a likelihood function using NLMINB. After running without a problem for quite a few iterations (enough that my intermediate output extends further than I can scroll back), it tries a vector of parameter values NaN. This has happened with multiple Monte Carlo datasets, and a few different (but very similar) likelihood functions. (They are complicated, but I can send them
2007 Oct 01
Disentagling formulas
I am writing a program in which I would like to take in a formula, change the response (Y) variable into something else, and then pass the formula, with the new Y variable to another function. That is, I am starting with
formula <- Y~X1+X2+X3
and I'd like to do something like
Y <- formula$Y
newY <- f(Y)
So far, it seems that my
2009 Jun 25
Problems with subsets in NLME
I am trying to estimate models with subsets using the NLME package. However, I am getting an error in the case below (among others):
> subset <- c(rep(TRUE, 107), FALSE)
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1, subset=subset)
Error in xj[i] : invalid subscript type 'closure'
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1,
2008 Jun 14
"False convergence" in LME
I tried to use LME (on a fairly large dataset, so I am not including it), and I got this error message:
Error in lme.formula(formula(paste(c(toString(TargetName), "as.factor(nodeInd)"), :
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
message = false convergence (8)
Is there any way to get more information or to get the potentially wrong estimates from LME?
(Also, the page in the
2009 May 13
Checking a (new) package - examples require other package functions
I am creating an R package. I ran R CMD check on the package, and everything passed until it tried to run the examples. Then, the result was:
* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in REEMtree-Ex.R failed.
The error most likely occurred in:
> ### * AutoCorrelationLRtest
> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
> ### Name: AutoCorrelationLRtest
> ### Title: Test for
2009 Jul 08
\dQuote in packages
I am in the process of submitting a package to CRAN. R CMD check ran successfully on the package on my local computer, using R version 2.1.1. However, on the computers for CRAN (with version 2.10.0), the following errors occurred:
Warning in parse_Rd("./man/predict.Rd", encoding = "unknown") :
./man/predict.Rd:28: unknown macro '\dquote'
*** error on file
2008 Jun 07
Predicting a single observatio using LME
When I use a model fit with LME, I get an error if I try to use "predict" with a dataset consisting of a single line.
For example, using this data:
> simpledata
Y t D ID
1 -1.464740870 1 0 1
2 1.222911373 2 0 1
3 -0.605996798 3 0 1
4 0.155692707 4 0 1
5 3.849619772 1 0 2
6 4.289213902 2 0 2
7 2.369407737 3 0 2
8 2.249052533 4 0 2
9 0.920044316 1
2014 Aug 05
[LLVMdev] Prevent clang from replacing code with library calls
Hi Jim,
I have tried "-fno-builtin" but it didn't help.
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Jim Grosbach <grosbach at apple.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> "-fno-builtin” is probably what you want.
> -Jim
> On Aug 4, 2014, at 2:19 AM, David Sela <sela.david at gmail.com> wrote:
> Clang optimizes code by replacing some parts
2014 Sep 04
[LLVMdev] Conditions that cause Clang refuse inlining a function
Hi Anton,
Thanks for the answer.
The link you provided doesn't answer the question. It lists the ways to
overcome the linking error if the inline was not successful.
The only condition that is found there to make the compiler not inline is "when
compiling without optimization".
I asked the question in the forum because I think that this info is not
documented and most chances that
2009 Aug 09
Linking in R package documentation
I have two straightforward questions about linking in the man pages for R packages:
First, is it possible to link from within parts of the documentation that are not the \seealso section? For example, I would like to have something like:
\item{correlation}{an optional \code{corStruct} object describing the within-group correlation structure; the available classes are given in
2009 May 27
"Error: package/namespace load failed"
I am writing my first R package, and I have been getting the following series of errors when I run R CMD check:
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'REEMtree'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf("package/namespace load failed for '%s'", libraryPkgName(package)),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
1: library(package,
2012 Jul 04
About nlminb function
I want to use the nlminb function but I have the objective function like
characters. I can summarize the problem using the first example in the
nlminb documentation.
x <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
hdev <- function(par) -sum(dnbinom(x, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log =
nlminb(c(9, 12), objective=hdev)
With the last instructions we obtain appropriate results. If I have
2009 Jun 03
No CHM file
I just built a package in R (version 2.1.1 on a Linux machine) and then moved it to my computer (R version 2.8.1 on a Windows machine). When I loaded the package and tried to open help for one of the commands, I got the following warning:
Warning message:
In print.help_files_with_topic("F:/R/R-2.8.1/library/REEMtree/chm/RMSE") :
No CHM help for 'RMSE' in package
2012 Sep 26
non-differentiable evaluation points in nlminb(), follow-up of PR#15052
This is a follow-up question for PR#15052
There is another thing I would like to discuss wrt how nlminb() should
proceed with NAs. The question is: What would be a successful way to
deal with an evaluation point of the objective function where the
gradient and the hessian are not well defined?
If the gradient and the hessian both
2006 Jul 23
How to pass eval.max from lme() to nlminb?
Dear R community,
I'm fitting a complex mixed-effects model that requires numerous
iterations and function evaluations. I note that nlminb accepts a
list of control parameters, including eval.max. Is there a way to
change the default eval.max value for nlminb when it is being called
from lme?
Thanks for any thoughts,
Andrew Robinson
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
2008 Dec 03
nlminb: names of parameter vector not passed to objective function
Dear R developers,
I tried to use nlminb instead of optim for a current problem (fitting
parameters of a differential equation model). The PORT algorithm
converged much better than any of optim's methods and the identified
parameters are plausible. However, it took me a while before spotting
the reason of a technical problem that nlminb, in contrast to optim,
does not pass names of the
2010 Jul 10
Not nice behaviour of nlminb (windows 32 bit, version, 2.11.1)
I won't add to the quite long discussion about the vagaries of nlminb, but will note that
over a long period of software work in this optimization area I've found a number of
programs and packages that do strange things when the objective is a function of a single
parameter. Some methods quite explicitly throw an error when n<2. It seems nlminb does
not, but that does not mean that
2008 Jun 11
difference between nlm and nlminb
I was wondering if someone could give a brief, big picture overview of the difference between the two optimization functions nlm and nlminb. I'm not familiar with PORT routines, so I was hoping someone could give an explanation.
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2012 Oct 10
"optim" and "nlminb"
#optim package
estimate<-optim(init.par,Linn,hessian=TRUE, method=c("L-BFGS-B"),control =
#nlminb package
estimate<-nlminb(init.par,Linn,gr=NULL,hessian=TRUE,control =
2005 May 27
nlminb to optmin
I want to convert S-Plus 6.2 code to R 2.1.0. Instead of the function nlminb I use the function optmin
optmin(start,fn,gr,method="L-BFGS-B", lower, upper, hess,...)
But then I get the Error in optmin ...: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of fn
Then I used optmin(start,fn,gr,method="BFGS", hess, ...)
But then I get the Error in optmin ...: initial value in vmmin is not