Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "tapply changing order of factor levels?"
2011 Apr 07
Assigning a larger number of levels to a factor that has fewer levels
I have larger and a smaller data frame with 1 factor in each - it's
the same factor:
myfactor has 10 levels in large.frame and 5 levels in small.frame. All
2011 Nov 04
Efficiency of factor objects
R factors are the natural way to represent factors -- and should be
efficient since they use small integers. But in fact, for many (but
not all) operations, R factors are considerably slower than integers,
or even character strings. This appears to be because whenever a
factor vector is subsetted, the entire levels vector is copied. For
> i1 <- sample(1e4,1e6,replace=T)
> c1
2012 Mar 28
discrepancy between paired t test and glht on lme models
Hi folks,
I am working with repeated measures data and I ran into issues where the
paired t-test results did not match those obtained by employing glht()
contrasts on a lme model. While the lme model itself appears to be fine,
there seems to be some discrepancy with using glht() on the lme model
(unless I am missing something here). I was wondering if someone could
help identify the issue. On
2012 Jan 18
drop rare factors
I have a data frame with some factor columns.
I want to drop the rows with rare factor values
(and remove the factor values from the factors).
E.g., frame$MyFactor takes values
A 1,000 times,
B 2,000 times,
C 30 times and
D 4 times.
I want to remove all rows which assume rare values (<1%), i.e., C and D.
frame <- frame[[! (frame$MyFactor %in% c("A","B"))]]
2010 Jul 05
repeated measures with missing data
Dear R help group, I am teaching myself linear mixed models with missing data since I would like to analyze a stats design with these kind of models. The textbook example is for the procedure "proc MIXED" in SAS, but I would like to know if there is an equivalent in R. This example only includes two time-measurements across subjects (a t-test "with missing values"), but I
2012 Nov 24
Adding a new variable to each element of a list
I have a list of data with multiple elements, and each element in the list
has multiple variables in it. Here's an example:
### Make the fake data
dv <- c(1,3,4,2,2,3,2,5,6,3,4,4,3,5,6)
subject <- factor(c("s1","s1","s1","s2","s2","s2","s3","s3","s3",
2003 Oct 02
indexing a vector
Dear All:
I'd like to know how to sort and then index a vector of floats by several
levels in R.
For example
> MyLevels<-quantile(x,probs=c(0,.5,1))
> MyLevels
0% 50% 100%
-2.11978442 -0.03770613 2.00186397
next i want to replace each x[i] in x by 1,2,3 or 4 depending on which
quantile that x[i] falls. How do I do that in a
2009 May 05
Can't build termstrc package from source
I'm trying to build the termstrc 1.1 package from its source on R 2.7.2 on
Windows XP. However instead of building the package it just zips the entire
source into a .tar.gz file.
This is the first time I'm trying to build an R package from source. I
installed the R toolset for Windows and set RTools as well as Perl & MinGW
directories in the path.
Anybody tried this out? Any file
2017 Sep 08
quote()/eval() question
Dear list,
For a reason it would take me long to explain, I need to do something along
the lines of what's shown below -- i.e., create an object from
dplyr::summarise, and then evaluate it on a data frame.
I know I could directly do:
df %>% dplyr::summarise(x1_mean = mean(x1))
but this is not what I'm looking for.
df <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 =
2006 Apr 29
splitting and saving a large dataframe
I searched for this in the mailing list, but found no results.
I have a large dataframe ( dim(mydata)= 1297059 16, object.size(mydata=
145280576) ) , and I want to perform some calculations which can be done by
a factor's levels, say, mydata$myfactor. So what I want is to split this
dataframe into nlevels(mydata$myfactor) = 80 levels. But I must do this
efficiently, that is, I
2011 Mar 30
summing values by week - based on daily dates - but with some dates missing
Dear everybody,
I have the following challenge. I have a data set with 2 subgroups,
dates (days), and corresponding values (see example code below).
Within each subgroup: I need to aggregate (sum) the values by week -
for weeks that start on a Monday (for example, 2008-12-29 was a
I find it difficult because I have missing dates in my data - so that
sometimes I don't even have the
2012 Feb 22
xtable prcomp
Hi, I need to export to LaTex the summary of a PCA. So:
myPCA <- prcomp(myDF)
mySummary <- summary(myPCA)
How can I export to LaTeX not all the summary but only the first nPCs??
2009 Mar 03
repeated measures anova, sphericity, epsilon, etc
I have 3 questions (below).
Background: I am teaching an introductory statistics course in which we are
covering (among other things) repeated measures anova. This time around
teaching it, we are using R for all of our computations. We are starting by
covering the univariate approach to repeated measures anova.
Doing a basic repeated measures anova (univariate approach) using aov()
2007 Jun 08
How to make a table of a desired dimension
Hi ComRades,
I want to make a matrix of frequencies from vectors of a continuous
variable spanning different values. For example this code
will give me three tables that start and end at
2015 Jul 21
glm com etiquetas en las variables
Si aún hay alguien que no está de vacaciones, igual me pueden ayudar.
Quiero ajustar unos modelos:
REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ X, family = "binomial", data = DATOS)
data(birthwt, package="MASS")
birthwt$low <- factor(birthwt$low)
birthwt$race <- factor(birthwt$smoke)
REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ smoke, family =
2003 Jun 04
convert factor to numeric
Hi R-experts!
Every once in a while I need to convert a factor to a vector of numeric
values. as.numeric(myfactor) of course returns a nice numeric vector of
the indexes of the levels which is usually not what I had in mind:
> v <- c(25, 3.78, 16.5, 37, 109)
> f <- factor(v)
> f
[1] 25 3.78 16.5 37 109
Levels: 3.78 16.5 25 37 109
> as.numeric(f)
[1] 3 1 2 4 5
What I
2009 Mar 20
How to use termstrc functions?
I'm trying to use the package termstrc. However I cannot figure out
how to invoke helper functions like create_cashflows_matrix &
create_maturities_matrix. Even when I try to invoke those with the
data supplied with the package (say, corpbonds), it throws error
saying "Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid 'mode' argument". Can
anybody provide some working example
2006 Jun 07
o2cb_ctl: internal logic failure while creating node
I am getting following tyoe of error while trying to configure node using ocfs2
o2cb_ctl: internal logic failure while creating node
My Kernel version is 2.6.9-22.ELsmp
Rpm which i use are
after that I gave command
Select Cluster ? Configure Nodes
Click on Add and enter the Name
2006 Jul 08
Summary Statistics for data.frame
I apologize for my constant questions but I am new to R and trying to
gain an appreciation for its capabilities. The following task is easy
in Excel and I was hoping somebody could give me a quick explanation
for how it can be acheived in R so I can avoid having to switch
between the two applications.
How do I find the Summary Statistics in one Vector of the dataframe by
levels in another of the
2006 Jul 11
Stop updated_at from auto updating?
Is there any way to temporarily stop the updated_at field from being
updated when a record is modified with ActiveRecord?
I have a date field which is keeping track of when the record data was
last checked by my application and my app manually updates it, of course
when I do this the updated_at field is also touched making it fairly
useless for finding out when the actual data was changed