similar to: 3 questions regarding matrix copy/shuffle/compares

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "3 questions regarding matrix copy/shuffle/compares"

2010 Mar 11
Comparing matrices
Hello all, I have two matrices, pop and pop2, each the same number of rows and columns that I want to compare for equality. I am concerned about efficiency in this operation. I've tried a few things without success so far. Doing something simple like: if (pop==pop2) { cat('equal') } else { cat('NOT equal') } results in the warning: 1: In if (pop == pop2) { : the
2011 Dec 13
Generating input population for microsimulation
Hi all, I've been struggling with some code and was wondering if you all could help. I am trying to generate a theoretical population of P people who are housed within X different units. Each unit follows the same structure- 10 people per unit, 8 of whom are junior and two of whom are senior. I'd like to create a unit ID and a unique identifier for each person (person ID, PID) in the
2010 May 20
Geneland error on unix: Error in MCMC(........ :, unused argument(s) (ploidy = 2, genotypes = geno)
I am receiving the above error ( full r session output below) the script runs OK in windows. and "genotypes" and "ploidy" are both correct arguments any suggestions would be most welcome Nevil Amos MERG/ACB Monash University School of Biological Sciences > library(Geneland) Loading required package: RandomFields Loading required package: fields Loading required
2007 Nov 15
Ancova doesn't return test statistics
Dear all, I'm quite sure that this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. I want to perform an ANCOVA with two continuous factors and three categorical factors. Plant population growth rate (GR) = dependent variable Seed reduction due to herbivory (SR) = continuous explanatory variable Herbivore species (HS, 2 levels) = categorical explanatory variable Population (Pop, 24 levels) =
2010 Jan 17
For loops in R
Hello. I've just started using R and am trying to figure out if the two codes snippets below have the same output gBest<-floor(runif(popsize,min=1,max=top)) velocity[i,j]<<-.4* velocity[i,j] + 1 * runif(1) * (pbestsVar[i,j] - popVar[i,j]) + 1 * runif(1) * (archiveVar[gBest,j] - popVar[i,j]) and for (i in 1:popsize) { for (j in 1:maxvar) { gBest<-sample(top,size=1)
2011 Oct 12
How to transfer the variable into function in this code?
as shown in the code, four variables input: diff_expr,diff_coex, klist, Pop_size, are included in the function. However, within the function, another variable "vector" is utilized in some subfunction. How they get its value? thx get_quantiles <-function(diff_expr,diff_coex,klist,pop_size){ ##### The function to get the "node_score_term" and "edge_score_term" of
2004 Jun 20
Sweave and echoing R comments
Is there any way to echo comments from an R source file into an SWeave->LaTeX document? Example: # Npop is population total # Npoph0..Npoph2 are stratum totals # Npoph is vector of stratum totals Npop<-sum(to2000) Npoph0<-sum(to2000[bg==0]) Npoph1<-sum(to2000[bg==1]) Npoph2<-sum(to2000[bg==2]) Npoph<-c(Npoph0,Npoph1,Npoph2) In the final LaTeX document, I'd like the
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages: library(Geneland) set.seed(1) data <- simdata(nindiv=200, coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) , number.nuclei=5 , allele.numbers=rep(10,20), IBD=FALSE, npop=2, give.tess.grid=FALSE) geno <- data$genotypes coord <- t(data$coord.indiv) path.mcmc <-
2011 Dec 02
Error in Genetic Matching
Dear R Users, I am a novice learner of R software. I am working with Genetic Matching - GenMatch(), but I am getting an Error message as follows:  Error in GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X.binarynp, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix.binarynp,  :    GenMatch(): input includes NAs Could you please suggest me correcting the above problem? My GenMatch command is, > gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X =
2019 Jan 16
optimizacion costos
Estimado Jesús Para Fernández En teoría es ese material, lo vi muy rápido y en la parte genética tiene cosas que biológicamente no son así, hay un libro de Falconer, Introducción a la genética cuantitativa, que tiene escrita la parte matemática, hay un abismo entre la biología y los ingenieros que se inspiran en la biología. Yo pensaba en la resolución de un problema real, aunque relativamente
2009 Feb 18
how to randomly eliminate half the entries in a vector?
(sorry if this is a duplicate-problems with posting at my end) ---- Hello all, I need some help with a nice R-idiomatic and efficient solution to a small problem. Essentially, I am trying to eliminate randomly half of the entries in a vector that contains index values into some other vectors. More details: I am working with two strings/vectors of 0s and 1s. These will contain about 200
2007 Oct 01
saving and loading complex objects
Dear Sir: When I try to save large and very complex recursive objects with some components containing models (such as the output from arima or lm ), the resulting file sizes increase by 4 meg per save. example directory: amex 8 meg argentina 12 meg australia 16 meg ... Moreover, I am unable to read these file objects back into R. I note that readBin and writeBin
2010 Dec 15
Problems with the borders (High difficulty)
Dear r-help members, Could any of you help me with this model, please? This model gives error when some value touch whatever border and I do not know how to correct it. The 80% of the seeds produced by a plant will fell into the parent cell, the 15% in the first ring according to the king movement (in chess), and a 5% in the second ring defined by the queen2 matrix. Someone said me the functions
2015 Sep 09
0 algorithms
I was experiencing a strange pattern of slowdowns when using, where sampling from a one population would sometimes take 1000x longer than taking the same number of samples from a slightly larger population. For my application, this resulted in a runtime of several hours rather than a few seconds. Looking into it, I saw that is hardcoded to switch algorithms when the
2009 Sep 09
Matrix multiplication and random numbers
Dear All I new to using R and am struggling with some matrix multiplication. I have two matrices, one containing random numbers, these are multiplied together to get another matrix which is different each time. When I put in another for loop to repeat this process a multiple times the matrices are all the same. I?m sure there is a way to keep the randomness of the different matrices but I think
2005 Feb 18
Is this a bug or by design? Workaround?
Hi, I need to use the trailing 5 digits of a callerid. callerid may be anything from a length of 4 to 10 digits in this case. Using this: ----------- SubString,cid=${CALLERIDNUM}|-5|5 Works great, BUT shows this message: "The use of Substring application is deprecated. Please use ${variable:a:b} instead" So, I try --------- SetVar(cid=${CALLERIDNUM:-5:5}) The result is a empty
2005 Feb 21
bug? Unterminated comment detected beginning on line 0
Hi, Using latest cvs. A comment-line begins with semicolon ; However - if the line contains ;-- or like this ; -- blabla bla -- You get this error and * stops reading that file: Feb 21 13:47:12 WARNING[17393]: config.c:664 config_text_file_load: Unterminated comment detected beginning on line 0 Shouldn't Asterisk skip any line beginning with a semicolon? Or should a comment now be
2008 Sep 12
Fw: Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Ahoussou Sylvie" <sylvie.ahoussou at> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:48 AM To: "Thomas Lumley" <tlumley at> Subject: Re: [R] Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package > Thanks for your answer > > I think I made a mistake when I recopied the 5 first rows of
2011 Dec 02
Error message in Genetic Matching
Dear R Users, I am a novice learner of R software. I am working with Genetic Matching - GenMatch(), but I am getting an Error message as follows:  Error in GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X.binarynp, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix.binarynp,  :    GenMatch(): input includes NAs Could you please suggest me correcting the above problem? My GenMatch command is, > gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X =
2010 Mar 14
Segfault Problem c++ R interface (detailed)
Hello R Community, I've been working on a project that uses pre-made C++ libraries (using STL) in R and build a package. However, I've been getting an unusual segfault that I'm unable to trace its origin. After many attempts of debugging using gdb, commenting out parts (or all of my code) and valgrind, I'm unable to make heads or tails about what I'm doing wrong. In fact, when