similar to: ggplot2 - boxplot of variables / columns

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "ggplot2 - boxplot of variables / columns"

2010 Feb 14
Problems with boxplot in ggplot2:qplot
Dataframe closed contains balances of closed accounts: each row has month of closure (Date-type column month) and latest balance. I would like to plot by-month distributions of balances. A qplot call below produces several warnings and no output. Can anyone help? Thank you. PS. A really basic task, very similar to the examples on p. 71 of the ggplot2 book, apart from a Date grouping column; I
2009 May 05
problem with ggplot2 boxplot, groups and facets
I have a following problem: The call qplot(wg, v.realtime,$gv1, colour=sp, geom="boxplot") works nice: for each value of the wg factor I get two box-plots (two levels in the sp factor) in different colours, side-by-side, centered at the wg x-axis. However, I want to separate the data belonging to different levels of the n factor, so I add the facets option:
2008 Oct 21
GGPLOT/QPLOT Boxplot with summary
I'd like to generate a boxplot that has BOTH the overall distribution of a continuous variable (say age), and then a boxplot for each level of a stratifying variable (e.g. site). Does anyone have prototype code for this? Thanks, -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Feb 26
ggplot2: labels points with different colors or idnumbers
Dear list,   Using ggplot2 I could produce both boxplot and points in the same plot but instead of points I would like to label the different subjects with different colors or their idnumbers. Is there away to do it? Also how can I put three plots on the same graph with ggplot2? mfrow=c(3,1) did not do the job.   > dat    group time   id  freq 1      1   00 0018  5.21 2      1   00 3026  3.13
2010 Jun 18
ggplot2 boxplot: horizontal, univariate
In ggplot2, I would like to make a boxplot that has the following properties: (1) Contrary to default, the meaningful axis should be the horizontal axis. Lattice does this, for instance, by library(lattice);bwplot(~mtcars$mpg) (2) It is *univariate*, i.e., of a single vector, say mtcars$mpg. I do not wish to make separate plots for the different values of mtcars$cyl. (3) Nothing on the
2011 Jun 08
How to suppress factor labels
I am using ggplot2 to make a boxplot that overlays a scatterplot: pp = qplot(time, error, data=times, size=I(1), geom="jitter", main=title, ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10), color=times$runway, ylim=c(-30,40)) pp2 = pp + with(times, facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2)) print(pp2 + geom_boxplot(alpha=.5,
2009 Sep 29
ggplot2 box plot notches
Dear List, I just googled to find out if notched box plots are possible with ggplot2, but couldn't find a answer to it. boxplot() has the option: notch = TRUE, e.g.: boxplot(mpg$hwy, notch=TRUE) My example code (taken from the net) is: require(ggplot2) qplot(class, hwy, fill=factor(year), data=mpg, geom="boxplot", position="dodge")+theme_bw() Thank you for you help!
2011 Nov 16
boxplot strange behavior
Hello, I generate box plots from my data like this: qplot(x=xxx,y=column,data=data,geom="boxplot") + xlab("xxx") + ylab(ylabel) + theme_bw() + scale_y_log10() + geom_jitter(alpha=I(1/10)) The problem is that I see lot of points above the maximum at the same level as some outliers. It looks very weird as I expected the outliers to be "few" and specially not see any
2011 Jun 10
Double x grid in ggplot2
I am trying to overlay raw data with a boxplot as follows: pp = qplot(factor(time, levels=0:60, ordered=TRUE), error, data=dfsub, size=I(1), main =" title", ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10), ylim=c(-30,40), geom="jitter") + facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2) +
2009 Sep 11
bar chart with means - using ggplot
Like this? # example using qplot library(ggplot2) meanprice <- tapply(diamonds$price, diamonds$cut, mean);meanprice cut <- factor(levels(diamonds$cut), levels = levels(diamonds$cut)) qplot(cut, meanprice, geom="bar", stat="identity", fill = I("grey50")) # create a new graph to compare with qplot # Example using ggplot ggdata <-
2010 Mar 23
Creating pdfs using qplot in qqplot2
I am trying to create plots within a for loop and output them to a pdf. Here is a working example using plot: gg <- data.frame(datadate=1:4, spread=5:8) pdf() for (i in 1:3) { plot(gg$datadate, gg$spread, main=i) } I am trying to learn more about ggplot2 so I try a slight modification and it doesn't work. Anyone
2008 Aug 25
ggplot boxplot - how to order categories
I am interested in creating a boxplot using ggplot or qplot where I can specify the order of the categories being plotted on the x-axis. For example, the following command plots the categories (diamond color) in alphabetic order (D, E, ..., J): qplot(color, price/carat, data=diamonds, geom="boxplot") I want to know how I can modify this command so that the categories are plotted in a
2012 Aug 04
ggplot2 boxplot help
Hello, I have a data set that looks like this: name G-ID test_id g-id g 1 00077464 C_068131 C_068131 OC_068131 - 2 00051728 C_044461 C_044461 OC_044461 - 3 00058738 C_050343 C_050343 OC_050343 - 4 00059239 C_050649 C_050649 OC_050649 - 5 00001761 C_000909 C_000909 OC_000909 - 6 00005119 C_002752 C_002752 OC_002752 - locs
2009 Jan 11
connecting boxplots
Hii, I created some boxplots with this commands: x <-read.table(file="test.txt") x$group <- rep(1:8, each=5) boxplot(V3~gruppe, data=x) Now, I will connect the boxplots to each other to the min, max and median values. Can anybody help me how to do it ? greetings, J -- View this message in context: Sent from
2009 Apr 26
Bumps chart in R
Hi there, I would like to make a 'bumps chart' like the ones described e.g. here: Purpose: I'd like to plot the proportion of people in select countries living for less then one USD pr day in 1994 and 2004 respectively. I have already constructed a barplot - but I think a bumps chart would be better # The barplot and data
2009 Feb 03
Boxplots by variable
Dear R users, I have a matrix "final" which looks like this: final oSO4 oNO3 mSO4 mNO3 [1,] 3.3728 0.2110 1.9517421 1.01883602 [2,] 0.8249 0.0697 1.5970292 0.11368781 [3,] 0.2636 0.1004 0.6012445 0.24356332 [4,] 8.0072 0.3443 6.1016998 3.63207149 [5,] 13.5079 0.6593 12.4011068 1.55323386 [6,] 6.1293 0.1989 5.7620926 0.12884845 [7,] 0.6004 0.0661
2008 May 12
Converting qqplot2 qplot() to grammar?
Hello all, I've been using the following qplot command: qplot(pixX,pixY, data=som, geom="tile", fill=rgb) + scale_fill_identity() + opts(aspect.ratio = .75) + facet_grid(unitX ~ unitY) Now I would like to convert it into the explicit ggplot grammar, so I can remove the extras: axes, labels, background, borders, facet labels, and extra white-space around the plot. (If anyone has
2009 Mar 02
ways to put multiple graphs on single page (using ggplot2)
Hi, Here are three plots: library(ggplot2) data(diamonds) randind <- sample(nrow(diamonds),1000,replace=FALSE) dsmall <- diamonds[randind,] qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.01) What are ways to put these three plots on a single
2010 Jun 16
Hello, I am a new r-user, and after a great effort I have made this fantastic figure with qplot: qplot(ROI, CBF, fill=factor(Carrier), data=combinedboxplot_dataset_se_1_CBF, geom="boxplot", position="dodge",xlab=NULL,ylab=("CBF,white matter-normalized"),main=("Differences between carriers and non-carriers on baseline"))+theme_bw() Can anyone help me
2011 Jan 14
bug in qplot (library ggplot2)
Hello, this following code give a nice png: /library(ggplot2) i <- 1 png(file=paste('test ',i,'.png',sep='')) qplot(carat, data=diamonds, fill=color,geom='histogram')+scale_y_continuous(i) / I would like to get more files, but the following code doesn't make any file: /library(ggplot2) for (i in 1:2) { png(file=paste('test