similar to: Compiling Fortran Subroutines as R Shared Objects on Mac OS-X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Compiling Fortran Subroutines as R Shared Objects on Mac OS-X"

2008 Mar 12
bug with R CMP SHLIB (PR#10945)
Hello, I'm working with R, I try to call C from R. When I try to compile my file.c to make, with the command : R CMD SHLIB foo.c return the message : gcc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -std=gnu99 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-macosx_version_min -Wl,10.4 -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -multiply_defined
2005 Apr 18
UnauthorizedAccessException in R(D)COM
Dear friends, I am trying to create a web application to produce some statistical result using R. In order to avoid high CPU usage of web server caused by R, I have to create an ASP.NET web service in another server to involve R. But I am facing the unauthorizedAccessException when I call the web service, even I have assigned access and launch permission to everyone using
2009 Jun 26
bug in Rf_PrintValue ?
I'm very green with R, so maybe this is not a bug, but it looks like one to me. The following program segfaults at the second call to Rf_PrintValue(). To failure depends on the value of the y-string. E.g., if I change it from "coverage" to, say, "COVERAGE", the segfault does not occur. /* bug.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include
1998 Dec 01
help files for libraries that aren't in the defaults library tree
Hello, I created a library for a bunch of functions that I use frequently so that I dont have to carry duplicate copies around to wherever I fire up an R sesssion. However, I have problems locating the help files for those functions. Here are some details. I created the library "myR" and installed this in /home/royle/R using: R INSTALL -l /home/royle/R /home/royle/Rpackages/myR
1998 Dec 01
help files for libraries that aren't in the defaults library tree
Hello, I created a library for a bunch of functions that I use frequently so that I dont have to carry duplicate copies around to wherever I fire up an R sesssion. However, I have problems locating the help files for those functions. Here are some details. I created the library "myR" and installed this in /home/royle/R using: R INSTALL -l /home/royle/R /home/royle/Rpackages/myR
2010 Jul 13
Building a custom Windows installer
Dear r-devel list members, It's been several years since I last built a custom Windows installer for R, and despite my notes and the instructions in Sections 3.1.7 and D.4 of the R Installation and Administration Manual, I've run into a problem, receiving the following error message: ----------- snip ----------- C:\R\src\R-2.11.1\src\gnuwin32\installer>make myR
2012 Sep 27
[LLVMdev] CLang/LLVM SVN for today no longer works on OS X 10.7.4
Here you go: (from the jpeg library...) jccolor.o: Mach header magic cputype cpusubtype caps filetype ncmds sizeofcmds flags MH_MAGIC_64 X86_64 ALL 0x00 OBJECT 4 432 SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS Load command 0 cmd LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize 312 segname vmaddr 0x0000000000000000 vmsize 0x0000000000000900
2012 Jan 01
Compiling 64-bit libFLAC/libFLAC++ on OS X Lion, anyone successful?
I have also asked this question on stackoverflow (, which you can answer if you're interested in reputation points. I am very unfamiliar with compiling C/C++ source of this size, and I'm having trouble debugging the issue. Basically, in the root folder of the FLAC bundle, even if I use the flags
2009 Jun 06
Qs on calling R from C
Consider the following simple C program: /*** hello_r.c ***/ #include <Rinternals.h> SEXP hello() { return mkString("Hello, world!\n"); } int main(void) { SEXP x = hello(); return x == NULL; /* i.e. 0 on success */ } This program segfaults: % myR/bin/R CMD LINK gcc -I./R-2.9.0/src/include -L./myR/lib64/R/lib -lR hello_r.c -o hello_r > /dev/null % hello_r zsh:
1999 Apr 07
I also have several packages in my RW0633 in Windoze and I would like to keep them in one place when I update the R system. Brian say to modify Rprofile to ..lib.loc <- c("c:/MyR/library",.Library) now Rprofile has a line like .lib.loc <- unique(c(unlist(strsplit(getenv("RLIBS"),":")),.Library) Sorry to be dense but where should I put the
2012 Apr 10
Building customized R for Windows installer using 'make myR'
I am attempting to build a customized R installer on Windows, using the Inno Setup installer. I am following the instructions in Section 3.1.8 of the R Installation and Administration Manual ("Building the Inno Setup installer"), which includes the following passage: An alternative way to customize the installer starting with a binary distribution is to first make a full
2008 Mar 30
tests Rin Rout
Hi the list, Some rumour (!) say that is it possible to prepare some tests for checking our code using .Rin and .Rout. It seems to be a very good practice, but I did not manage to find information on it. So does someone know how it works ? What are we suppose to write in Rin ? More precisely : - I have a package myPack.r in directories ~/myR/myPack/R/ - I create the directory
2013 Sep 25
[LLVMdev] arm64 / iOS support
Attached is a working patch set for llvm to be able to emit arm64 (currently as triple aarch64-apple-ios) mach-o object files, in case someone is interested. I'm not sure if the llvm maintainers want the patch given the previous message that there's going to be an official patch set from apple to support this, but here is mine. What works (tested on an iPhone 5S): * objc strings,
2023 Aug 22
Is r2u at 3.4.1? [branch about handling package collisions under Ubuntu/Debian]
This is definitely tangential to the list: I'm on Ubuntu (22.04.2 LTS) not Debian and I'm sure this is about issues in the Ubuntu package management on my machine, R is only revealing them. The original subject line came from me wondering if my going over to the r2u repository would solve the problem.? However, as I think Dirk said, that's only really likely to be answered by trying
2001 Nov 28
Problem with printer driver sharing Win2k klients.
Hi... I got this new server at work that I have to get 100% up and running by tomorrow. It's running Samba 2.2.1a on SuSE 7.3 Pro It's supposed to be VPN - File and Printer Server The printers are: One OCE 700C / CS90 color copier and One OCE 3165 And there is only one problem left. I can install the printer drivers for Win9x & NT on the samba server. But I can't figure out how to
2012 Jan 14
Converting .Rout file to pdf via Sweave automatically
The R documentation mentions to create a PDF or DVI file from an Rnw template, the Sweave command can be used used. However, is there any way to go from a .Rout file straight to pdf with an Rnw template ? What I'm trying to avoid is adding the Sweave markup to the .tex file manually. What I think I'm missing is the exact arguments to the Sweave command. I tried numerous forms of:
2010 Feb 23
patch about compile R with clang
clang is compiler, it is fast and better c compiler then gcc, yesterday i use clang and gfortran compile R. The only two change in source code is : 1. the configure file (in confiure when test include wctype.h,gcc can compile but clang need include both wchar.h wctype.h),so this is patch --- /r/configure +++ /myr/configure @@ -39172,6 +39172,7 @@ cat
2009 Jun 08
How to explore R internals through gdb?
Hi everyone. I'm trying to learn my way around the R internals. I've gone pretty much as far as I can go with the information given in Writing R Extensions and R Internals, but I still have a lot of questions, too many in fact to post them to the r-devel list. But I think I could answer many of these if I could just step through R's execution during some basic operations. What
2003 Aug 14
Simple C-R interface, SEXP and other declarations
I am trying to integrate OpenOffice Calc (OO) with R. One of the steps I am taking is to create a very simple command line C program with the R shared lib embedded in it. It would simply pass an R/S expression to R, print the result, and catch errors. I know this is "overkill," but it is a step toward something larger. Has anyone done this before? If so, I would love to check out
2006 Apr 13
assignment to a symbol created by paste
Hello, I am creating a number of objects that I wish to have a common name with an index such as x1, x2, x3, ... I would like to do everyting in a loop to make the code compact and minimize the probability of an error by typo. A test problem may look like for (j in 1:10){ as.symbol(paste("x",j,sep="")) <- j; } which ideally would produce x1 = 1, ... x10 = 10. However,