Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Discriminant Analysis Ellipse"
2012 Jul 03
integral with error:non-finite function value
Hi guys,
I'm trying to use the the integral function to estimate the area under a
PDF and a crossing curve. first I stated the function with several vectors
in it:
c <- (mu+(alpha*(1-(1-F)^xi)/xi))
tmp <- (1 + (xi * (x - mu))/alpha)
((as.numeric(tmp > 0) * (tmp^(-1/xi - 1) *
2008 Apr 08
plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system
I've been testing plotmath. But I'm getting some funny output one one
computer. The problem is that characters are 'jumbled' and overstrike
when symbols are introduced.
Sample code:
mu <- 440.0
sigma <- 12.5
myx <- seq( mu - 4*sigma, mu+ 4*sigma, length.out=500)
myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mu,sd=sigma)
# Here's one way to retrieve the values of mu and sigma and
2009 Sep 18
Sum according observation
Hi listers,
I have a simple doubt...
I need to manipulate the data base as:
var1 var2
7 0.1
7 0.1
8 0.12
10 0.15
12 0.18
20 0.31
I would like to aggregate the equal cases as var1 making the sum of var2...
I would get...
var1 var2
7 0.2
8 0.12
10 0.15
12 0.18
20 0.31
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
2009 Jun 11
Count observation
Hi listers,
I have the following code...
So, I need to count the number of times each observation was selected at the
sample with replacement...
Suppose I sampled...
4 5 1 3 7 5 1 4 7
So, I would count...
x count
1 2
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 2
6 0
7 2
8 0
9 0
10 0
2003 Jan 22
negative multinomial regression models
I''ve spent a lot of time during the past month trying to get negative
multinomial regression models for clustered event counts as described in
(Guang Guo. 1996. "Negative Multinomial Regression Models For Clustered
Event Counts." Sociological Methodology 26: 113-132., abstract at
http://depts.washington.edu/socmeth2/4abst96.htm) implemented in R. A
FORTRAN version of the
2002 Aug 10
?subexpressions, D, deriv
Hi all,
I am not used to using the computer to do calculus and have up to
now done my differentiation "by hand" , calling on skills I learned
many years ago and some standard cheat sheets.
My interest at present is in getting the second derivative of a
gaussian, which I did by hand and results in a somewhat messy
result involving terms in sigma^5 .. I have done some spot checks
2009 Jun 12
Order data frame
Hi listers,
I have a data frame with 5 variables... And I want reorder the data frame
according a specific variable X...
I checked the sort and order functions... In my case I think that the ORDER
function is applicable... But I did not understand at all... The idea is
simple... Data order by X...
I know that this is very simple... Anyways... How I would do that...
Thanks in advance,
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
Here's another example of my plotmath whipping boy, the Normal distribution.
A colleague asks for a Normal plotted above a series of axes that
represent various other distributions (T, etc).
I want to use vectors of equations in plotmath to do this, but have
run into trouble. Now I've isolated the problem down to a relatively
small piece of working example code (below). If you would
2004 Aug 23
Two factor ANOVA with lm()
The following is a data frame
> "jjd" <- structure(list(Observations = c(6.8, 6.6, 5.3, 6.1,
7.5, 7.4, 7.2, 6.5, 7.8, 9.1, 8.8, 9.1), LevelA = structure(c(1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), .Label = c("A1", "A2",
"A3"), class = "factor"), LevelB = structure(c(1, 1, 2, 2,
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2), .Label =
2009 Mar 26
Data manipulation - multiplicate cases
Hi listers,
I am trying to arrange my data and I didn't find any information how to do
I have a data with 3 variables: X Y Z
1-I would like to multiplicate de information of X according to the number I
have for my Y variable...
2-Then I want to identify with a dicotomic variable by the number according
my variable Z from X...
I can do the first part by...
But I don't
2012 Jan 06
lme model specification problem (Error in MEEM...)
Dear all,
In lme, models in which a factor is fully "contained" in another lead to
an error. This is not the case when using lm/aov.
I understand that these factors are aliased, but believe that such
models make sense when the factors are fitted sequentially. For example,
I sometimes fit a factor first as linear term (continuous variable with
discrete levels, e.g. 1,2,4,6), and
2009 Jun 03
Would like to add this to example for plotmath. Can you help?
I would like comments on this example and after fixing it up, I need
help from someone who has access to insert this in R's help page for
I uploaded a drawing
that is created by the following code
This will be a good addition to the plotmath help page/example.
2009 Aug 18
Simulation function
Hi listers,
I've been looking for a procedure, but I am not succeding...
I have a function that give multiple results...
Then, I would like to simulate this function n times, so I need to save/keep
the n multiple results, in order to calculate my desired statistics...
I have already tried with the RETURN and LIST FUNCTION, but I am not getting
it right...
An example of what I am looking for
2009 Aug 14
Simulation Function - Save results
Hi listers,
I am working on a simulation... But I am having some troubles...
Suppose I have a function A which produces two results (mean and
Then I would like to simulate this function A with a function B many times
using the results from function A
For example:
#Function A
Then I would
2011 Sep 27
Adding axis to an ellipse: "ellipse" package
Dear list members,
This might be a silly question but I just can't figure it out. I am using
the "ellipse" package on covariance matrices. I would simply like to plot my
ellipses WITH its two axis ploted as well. These axis represents the 2 eigen
vectors of my matrix and it is important that I can graphically show them.
Is there an easy way to do so?
Many thanks,
2009 Nov 24
Graphic Device - View/get all graphics
Hi Listers,
I am producing some graphics that the commands are in a FUNCTION...
The problem is that I end up viewing just last graphic and in my FUNCTION
there are 4 graphics with the PAR command function... Like those below...
How do I view/get the other 3 graphics? Any help?
Thanks in advance...
hist(rw_mean_app,main='Bootstrap Method
2007 Nov 12
MASS library rob.cov ellipse
I figured this out so I wanted to post a response to my own question. Thanks to Brian Ripley for his hint, which got me looking in the right direction. The plot I had seen before that I wanted was automatic output to the cor.plot command in the mvoutlier library. A similar tolerance ellipse can be obtained from the covPlot command in the robustbase library, using which="tolEllipsePlot"
2006 Nov 21
Update (was: FreeBSD 6.1, MGE Ellipse ASR600USBS,)
back for 4 days, the baby and the mother are now at home, and the
father is... hem, well not so fresh ;-)
For those interested in some pictures: http://benjamin.quette.free.fr/
2006/11/16, Peter Selinger <selinger@mathstat.dal.ca>:
> ...
> Arnaud: could you please amend the instructions on the NUT download
> website http://www.networkupstools.org/source.html (Development
2006 Oct 09
Add ellipse to plot
Is there a way to plot elliptical shapes? symbols() only provides circles...
2006 Feb 09
Fwd: Re: Problems suse 9.3, ellipse premium 500
I have used /etc/init.d/rclevel.d/S12ups script renaming it with S22ups and
adding at the top:
chown root:nobody /proc/bus/usb/002/002
chmod 660 /proc/bus/usb/002/002
It's a patch but works.
Best regards.
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